chapter 18

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Because there were other people to help, Air also rest assured to relax, glad that everyone else is safe

Is Air going to help?
Of course yes but every time he was about to stand up, Todoroki would come in front of him and give him a cup of iced cocoa (not sure where it came from) and set him down.
Seeing his brother so determined, Air could only obey. Moreover, looking at All Might's shining blows made him feel like this battle didn't need his help anymore

Then when he saw Noumu "flying" thanks to All Might, Air couldn't help but feel pity
'Poor creature'
But then he remembered that horrifying scene and he shook his head again
'No. Best let it fall to the bottom of the ocean'

Skip because not thing too special happen

In short, after Shigaraki escaped, everyone was gathered to check their health, the most seriously injured were returned to the ambulance

Air hurriedly walked over to Izuku, who was being carried into the ambulance. He worried for his friend when he saw Izuku break his arm (again). But the policemen and teachers standing nearby wouldn't let him in
'Man. They look so serious, it's like a celebrity is there. Haiz, looks like I have to go back'

Before he was about to turn around, Aizawa had (attempted to) get in front of Air. Put your uninjured hand on his head and say, "Thanks for...saving me"

Air also took a few seconds to react
"Heh, how can you leave your teacher like that"

"But...that action of yours is very dangerous and thoughtless"( ಠ_ಠ )

"If I don't do that, who else will help you in time?"(⌒‿⌒)

"Very cleaver huh"

"Its natural"

"...Yeah right"

After a brief greeting, Aizawa was picked up by the medical staff to the ambulance. Air, of course, didn't want to delay his teacher's treatment in such a situation, so he quickly returned to class

When Air arrived, he saw other people gathered together talking, some looking excited, worried, unconcerned, calm. Generally expressions that can be seen often after their (first) fight
And he could see his brother facing away, avoiding contact with a pair of dangling gloves
'If I remember correctly, there was a person in class with an invisible quirk'

Seeing Air, Todoroki quickly walked towards him like a lifeline, seemingly using an excuse to be pinched by someone's excited gaze.
Air feels funny seeing that too
'Heh, oh well. Let's call it a day'
A few minutes later
At the infirmary...

After both of them heard the prompt from Recovery Girl. All Might spoke first
"Anyway, I was careless when I didn't pay attention to my time limit"

He then turned to look at Izuku, Izuku also looked back, attentively listening to what he was about to say
"But still, thank you for helping me at that time"

Izuku's eyes widened a bit
"All Might..."

"And thanks to you...sending my thanks to Young Air"



Turning to look at the ceiling, All Might continued
"It's hard to find the right words so I can only say, Young very brave"
Hearing that, Izuku also pondered as he recalled the scene where his friend ran out to save Aizawa-sensei alone

"If it weren't for him in distracting that villain, I don't think I would be able to hold out much longer"

"All Might... I will"

"Thanks Young Midoriya"

The silence was added just like least until the door was pulled open
"Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but are you two finished talking yet?"

Officer Tsukauchi entered, politely taking off his hat as he entered the room


Sorry if this chapter is so short, especially since I last posted chapter 17

First of all because I can't think of what to write in this part in anime. And two, I just had a holiday in my country so I want to enjoy it before going back to school :')

But don't worry because we will have a side story after this chapter

Psssst: Now I can finally play Genshin Impact since Wanderer was released
And I'm simping for our short bois( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

At first I really liked Kazuscara but now I am also Kazuhei (and even Kazuscarahei). And I want to write a fanfic about it

I'm reading 2 fanfics: one is about Heizou losing his Vision instead of Thoma and the second one is about Heizou becoming a member of Fatui. I want to combine the two together and it will be full of angst (I think)
Hehe( ̄▽ ̄)👌

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