chapter 21

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Finally, this day has come

Everyone, even the heroes gathered at UA for this year's Sports Festival with an extremely lively atmosphere. Even those watching on TV at home are excited!... That right

Everyone will watch this Sports Festival
At the waiting room of class 1-A

Everyone has a different mood like anxiety, excitement, etc....
Each person finds a place for himself to mentally prepare, some people talk to each other to relieve stress. And in the first group

Currently Air is sitting in the corner of the room to avoid noise. He sits in a footrest position, one hand holds it to support his face, breathing evenly. Anyone who saw could tell that he is sleeping nicely

Mineta: "Tsk, that guy is sleeping again, did he not worry at all?"
Izuku: "Ahaha"(• ▽ •;)

Kirishima: "It seems that Airbro is the only person who is comfortable at this time. Are you two really friend?"
Bakugou: "Do you want to die shitty-hair!!!!"(‡▼益▼)

And a few minutes later.....

"Everyone! The first round is about to begin"
Iida announced to the class

Air nodded once before sitting up, he looked up to see Shoto talking to Izuku
'Don't know what he said but looking at the other's faces, it must be serious.... Eh, not my problem'

Seeing his brother finally speak to someone in class for the first time, Air very kindly went behind Iida (still in shock) and left the room...oh and closed the door also. It all happened quietly and no one noticed

Air walked alone in the hallway and stopped when he was near the door
'Just listen to the screaming out there, so loud'

He stepped back a little with the intention of leaving but seemed to think of something, he stopped and leaned against the wall
"Oh well, guess I'll wait for them"

And then about 5 seconds later, hurried footsteps appeared from behind, along with the sound of splashing

"It's all your fault Deku!"(ʘ言ʘ╬)
"Eh!!!! Sorry"
"And you too, Icyhot!"(‡▼益▼)
"Even though you're my brother's friend, I don't think we're that close"

"Guys be quite! We're late!"
"Look! Its Air"

Seeing his classmates panting, even though Air didn't show anything, he felt a little funny inside. He pointed to the outside and said, "You guys came just in time, they're about to introduce our class"

As expected, Air had just finished speaking when Present Mic's voice was resounding throughout the stadium

"Aah! Everyone line up, hurry!"

"CLASS 1-A!!!!!!!!!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the members of class 1-A stepped out in front of everyone, the cheers that were already loud became even louder, mixed with the sound of clapping and the camera sound in succession

From there, an invisible gravity is created for students in class 1-A
"It's natural to feel nervous", Uraraka said while looking around

"Air-kun doesn't look so worried at all"
Izuku said while looking at Air walking behind him
Air-who was used to this (too much) before- said: "If you feel uncomfortable then just pretend they don't exist"

"It's easy for you to say"(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

It's not a lie, in the my world, young master was one of the heroes of the galaxy so he was often cheered and thanked in different ways by different people (including aliens). Including the times when he didn't fuse in time...hmm, maybe that's why I'm used to these things. Even though it's 10 times louder here but I can stand it...probably

Air looks up at the sky, the sun shines on his face and thanks to his hat, Air doesn't get the rays of light in his eyes

It is often said that direct sunlight is not good for your eyes but Air doesn't care, he is an element himself, this body is just like a vessel made up of only his elemental power, thanks to that his eyes won't hurt even if it's hit by a ray of light

He lamented: "What a beautiful sunny day, very suitable for sleeping"

Class 1-A: !!!!!!

"Don't sleep Air! This is not the right place to sleep"
"You can sleep after we get back so don't sleep!!!"
"Someone knows how to keep him awake!?!"

Todoroki: "Just go to sleep Air, I'll help you in the first round"
Class 1-A: "... Don't spoil him!!!!!"

Other classes: "Are they looking down on us!!!!"(ʘ言ʘ╬)

"Keep silent!"
A voice resounding on the stage caught everyone's attention
R18 Hero, Midnight with a sexy *ehem* body appeared with a whip in her hand and pointed at class 1-A and said: "And now, representing the contestants, Bakugou Katsuki!"

Hearing that, Air resisted the urge to sleep and watched Bakugou step onto the stage
"That's right, Katsuki is at the top of the entrance exam, isn't it?"
'But with his personality, he properly wouldn't say anything sound normally'

As expected, according to Air's expectations, Bakugou stood in front of all the first-year students with everyone's eyes and said, "I promise, I will be number one"

And this sentence successfully made the other classes even more angry
"Hey! Don't look down on us"
"Wait to be defeated 1-A!!!"

Class 1-A:
"I knew it"
"Now the other classes hate us!"
"Thanks alot Bakugou!"╬

'Now that's Katsuki's style'
Air thought and looked at Izuku's expression
'Seems like you've noticed, Izuku-kun. Katsuki is being serious'

"Your students are really interesting,Eraser Head"
Present Mic talking to his friend with a smile on his face
Aizawa heard that and sighed and said: "Stop talking"
'What are these kids thinking anyway?'

Being refused to talk to his friend, Present Mic didn't care . He still happily watched Midnight introduce the first round rules
"The number of contestants is odd this year, it seems that it will be difficult to split the team in the second round if the number is still odd"

In response to his friend, Aizawa said: "Then if that's the case, then Principal Nezu has a way to temporarily reduce that number for the second round"

"Oh right, the secret gift box! I wonder which lucky contestant will find it"
Present Mic said as he rested his head on his hand on the table and looked down at the field

"Ah! Round one is about to begin! Let's get ready Aizawa!"

Aizawa didn't say anything, his eyes were still practicing his class and especially the one with blue dinosaur hat


"*yawn* how did you get my number?"

[Principal Nezu give me your number so I can tell you something]

Rubbing his forehead, Aizawa said: "At 2 AM?"

[No, I was going to call you earlier but I fell asleep]

Aizawa: ...
"Haiz, so is it"

[... I will join the Sports Festival]

"Hm? Are you sure? What did the principal say to you?"

[Oh? So you know he'll find me]

"...That right"

[Aha, don't worry sensei, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary to me... It's just a promise]

"Hm? A promise?"

[Yes, but he told me not to tell anyone before the Sports Festival is over so I can't tell you yet]

"I see. *Haiz* Fine, I'll settle this"

[Thank you sensei, have a goodnight sleep]

Beep beep

".....What a trouble kid"

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