chapter 7

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"(Abcd)": whisper
Abc : dramatic line :)))))
The day has finally come and I will have to prepare really well for the UA entrance exam

“Are you sure you got everything needed?” Fuyumi asked her brother, she was really happy that he was finally turning a new page but also quite nervous about his test. She often hear Shoto say that sometime Air sleeps during class so she don’t know if he can do it(;ŏ﹏ŏ)

“You’re worry to much nee-san. I’ve to go, see you later” Air smiled and said goodbye to his sister, he didn’t forget to say goodbye to his ‘brother’ who was also preparing his things

“I’ll see you after the test done, ok”

Shoto looked at Air for a while and then said”…good luck”

“Hehe, you too” Air smile when he wiggles his thumb, he still can’t get rid of this wonderful habit
‘Seems like he’s still uncomfortable from yesterday’

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“huh? Let me say it again, I said that Air will enter UA with the normal exam, and Shoto, I will nominate him for UA”

Before anyone could say anything, Endeavor said: “I won’t raise a failure in this house for life, use it as a test of your worth”

“But-"When Shoto was about to talk back, a hand was placed on his shoulder

“It’s ok nii-sans, I would like to test my skills too” Air said while smiling hoping to lighten the mood when the older sister was trying to think something to change the subject

Seeing that Shoto are still remained uncompromising, he added, “Everything will be fine, don’t worry”

“Yea-yeah! You should believe in him Shoto, His quirk control is really good, isn’t it?”(・v・;)
.    .      .

‘It’s exhausting just thinking about it’(٥↼_↼)

When he arrived at the gate of UA, he exclaimed ‘Even though it’s not as big as TAPOPS, but it’s still very impressive for a school……huh?’

His thought was cut off when he saw a familiar green head and a sharp pointed head, he walked faster to the place and said loudly: “Hey guys!”

Those two heads heard the forgotten call and turned their heads
“Ah! Air-kun!”

Air also replied, "Izuku, Katsuki!"

However, Bakugou didn't seem to care about his friend's call so he turned around and entered the school
"Tch! Out of my way Deku!"


Air saw that and sighed
'The road is obviously so big, can't he just walk to the side'(ー_ー゛)

And when he was walking towards Izuku, he saw Izuku fell and a brown haired girl seemed to use her quirk to help him up

Seeing that, Air also smiled and walked past them. Give Izuku a chance to talk and make friends
'He never talked to a girl anyway. I'll let him get used to it'

When he step inside and take his seat. Air saw that it hadn't started yet as he saw that there was still plenty of chairs that still space left. He thought: 'Must have to wait for everyone to arrive before starting. Welp, in that case I'll sleep for a while...'




Awakened from his sleep, Air looked to his side uncomfortably to see who had called him and saw a familiar green hair
"Air! Finally "⊂( ̄▽ ̄)

"Izuku? Wha-" Air was about to ask a question when he noticed that everything was dark and only a single light was shining on the person speaking at the side. He looks very loudly

.        .       .
And the silence continued that sentence
'Wow, awkward silence'

"It's The Voice Hero. Present Mic! Wow!fgusdtubjgđxchh"

Air didn't say anything when he saw his friend started his fan boy-mode again. He just thought: 'Present Mic....I've heard of this hero'

Listen to the hero talk about the contest. He heard Izuku whispering to him
"(Ai-Air, what's your battle center)"

He looked at his card before answering, "(C. What's yours and Katsuki?)"

"(Mine is B and Kacchan is A)"

Air looked and saw that Izuku didn't say anything. Thought he was nervous so he tried to cheer him up
"(Don't worry. Even though we're not in the same battle center, I'm sure you'll make it)"

Izuku was happy to hear that too
'Air believes in me...I have to try my best too'(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Bakugou saw the scene beside him and didn't say anything
'I wanna crush this damn idiot so bad'(¬_¬╬)


Now, Air along with the other contestants are being transported to their battle center. Air dejectedly tried not to let himself fall asleep before arriving. He tried to look around to see if there was anything new but there was nothing
'Ugh, why am I trying to look around when there are only walls and people inside.Haiz, I'm too tired to analyze their strange body structure'(   ¬_¬)=3

But then he noticed something familiar. That person sat in the first seat diagonally with him (Air was in the third seat)

'His hair color..... Like Fang'

As if sensing someone was looking at him, the boy turned around. Air startled and quickly looked away
'That was close, I can't let people misunderstand me as a snooper, right'(´-﹏-';)
When it arrived, Air was quite surprised to see a small city simulated here

'A whole much did this school cost to build this! Even though this school is not as big as TAPOPS, but maybe they're even play bigger than TAPOPS'

When Air was still surprised, Present Mic's voice rang
"There are no countdowns in real fights!
Run, run!
The die has been cast, you know!"

Hearing that, all the contestants rushed into the battle center. Even so, Air still didn't move but just sighed

People in the observation room: 'Why hasn't he moved yet?'

They don't know what he's thinking as he stand there. Then suddenly they saw Air warming up his limbs
'It's already started, why is he warming up right now!?'
"It's been a while huh. Just because of the Pro Heroes out there, I haven't been able to exercise at all," Air said as he adjusted his hat before walking in

...The water has been calm for too long. It's time for it to make its first waves in this world

Entering the center, he was greeted by a robot preparing to attack. Air whistles while admiring it before inhaling and exhaling. He smiled and said
"Hehe, let warm up"

Ehe, thanks everyone for reading this chapter. I mean, getting here was a miracle for my laziness, and now I have to think about the battle scenes from now. And of course I'll have to come up with new attacks for Air

And I said I'm writing a new series. It probably won't be very good since I've never used first person so it's going to be pretty messy. I'm still going to continue writing it, it's just that the plot in the anime is pretty deep later on so I'll probably have to try to understand( ;∀;)

Thank yall for reading ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾❤

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