chapter 1

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from now on the story will mainly revolve around Air's point of view
Normal: acbd
Telling from Air's point of view: acbd
4 years later

It's been 4 years since I was brought into this world by my 'beloved' brother. I've gradually adjusted to this situation even though I still can't get rid of the old habit

"Air,wakeup , it's almost noon"( ; 'Д`) A small girl with white hair with some red spots and gray eyes (according to the anime) is trying to wake up her little brother who is sleeping peacefully on the water ball. Of course it was none other than Todoroki Fuyumi - the only girl in the Todoroki family

It's been four years since the family welcomed two new members, she's very happy but why should she be the only girl when her other siblings are boys?! So lonely😩. And now she has to wake up this sloth worm, it's only 4 years old, why does he sleep so much!?HE HAVE BEEN SLEEP FROM LAST NIGHT 'TILL NOW!!!!!

'*sigh*, there's no other way', "Shoto!!!"
When she called, another boy with half white and half red hair came into the room and asked, "Do you need something nee-san?"
"Shoto, can you wake up Air?" Fuyumi asked her brother with a confident expression(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
"Ok!" The boy smile and hug the water ball and somehow it didn't break though

"Air wakeup!" Seeing that there was no movement above, he added: "If you don't wake up, I'll make it evaporate."
"Haiz, yeah yeah I'm waking up" the response to that statement began with a sigh, followed by a languid, lazy voice

And then, that ball slowly lowered and disappeared (somehow magically), a boy with brown hair with a single strand of white hair, he have a watch on the right hand, with brown eyes lazily looking at his siblings, stood there, even though he looked at him about to fall asleep and said, "Is there no other way to wake me up other than just threatening my water ball?"
"Well, can you wake up on your own?" the older sister asked with a doubtful expression even though it sounded more like an affirmation🤨

Air looked at her with a half-eyed expression and said, "Whatever"

Then from the kitchen, Rei's voice, the mother of the house, said, "Everyone, it's time for lunch."
"Coming!" The voices of Rei, Shoto and another kid in the yard responded and ran to her mother while Air just watched and followed them slowly

4 years living under this roof as an adopted child. I'm also quite surprised that in this world I still keep my old name Air, even though it's my name in first form, it's still better. Although it feels a bit strange when come to this world to become a baby, so it feels a bit magical✨✨✨

It's not that I hate it but I remember back in the old world when I was awakened by my master Boboiboy, he was already a young hero and went to school, not to mention what I mostly being called when there a fight, so now I have to go through this and live a life that isn't always fighting with aliens(or something) feels a little bit unfamiliar,'Thanks alot Blaze(٥↼_↼)'
At first I thought I was sent to another planet but I never expected it to be Earth from another dimension, I was tired of speaking Japanese but at least I was able to do it so that's a good thing pretty. The rules of this world are equally tiring, here 80% of the population has a power or it is called a quirk, and the remaining 20% ​​are normal people or people call them quirkless

And from that 80% it has created a career called hero, of course it can't be easy to be a hero, even my world is not so easy but here we are. You have to go to a hero training school when you reach high school and have a hero's certificate to be called a hero. 'And it's like studying for a job'
And of course people who use quirks without it will get caught and reminded or worse, people'll see those people as villains, I don't know if it's true or not but that sounds pretty ridiculous to me.

"Is Air sleeping again today?" Natsuo, the family's second son, said with a rather lackluster expression
"Yeah, I have to call Shoto in to wake him up" Fuyumi said with an irritated face and also looked helpless as she couldn't figure out how to wake her brother up by herself.
The woman looked at it and smiled, she looked at the boy who was eating slowly and said: "Air, why don't you try going out and playing with the other instead of sleeping? You will easily get fat when you grow up you know"

When he heard his 'mum' talk about being fat, Air stopped eating for a moment and then looked at her with a determined look that was about to say something very important, "I won't"

Hearing that, she also felt quite funny. It's been 4 years since she decided to adopted the child, and the boy hasn't given anyone any trouble, so her husband doesn't care much. When he and Shoto are taken to the doctor to awaken their quirk, she is relieved that they both have quirks, Air has the ability to control water when Shoto inherits the quirk from her and her husband. But she was still very worried, with Shoto's ability, Enji certainly wouldn't give up so easily. He will be ready to 'train' the boy at any time. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but feel bad that she couldn't be stronger

Through her own observation experience in her free time in the previous world, Air felt that his 'mother' was upset about something when the others were busy eating or talking to each other. Of course, he don't blame them because at this age they're still children after all.
"Mama, are you upset about something?" Air asked in the calm tone he always use like when he fight with his enemies even though it made them feel like he was looking down on them but it wasn't, he just lazy

"Oh no, it's nothing, you just eat" Rei said in a rather panicky way, even though she had suppressed her voice to make it sound normal.
"...Is that so" replied Air even though he still didn't believe it much
After eating, Air's two older siblings went to the playground, and he and Shoto watched TV because he had promised his brother of the same age that they would watch movies together, so it couldn't be helped.

Currently Air and Shoto are watching TV about an attack and the person who rescued the people there. Of course, it's none other than the No. 1 hero All Might, who is also Shoto's favorite hero even though Air doesn't feel too bad because he doesn't really care about certain heroes.
'Luckily he's not here, but if he knew that his son was a hero's fan of someone he always wanted to pass through when he is now the No. 2 hero he would have burned the TV'

Air felt tired just thinking about it. Even though those two heroes story is something that everybody known, it's definitely going to be murky

'I still don't understand how muscles can be like that. Man, when he greets his fans he must be very restrained, cause with those muscles, I can't think that normal people can't stand being pressured like that, dunno know how many doors he broke when he opened it with his hands'
Air thought as he tried to explain his question to the body structure of this world, 'God, I'm starting to feel like Solar'

Luckily, Shoto didn't know what Air was thinking or else with his childish curiosity(cause he's a child now), he would probably think about it every time he saw All Might
Thank you for reading this chapter, im so sorry if this one is shorter than the first one😔🤚
I just wanna say that this fanfic is take place after BBB movie 2
See yall

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