chapter 5

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Ever since that day Air acted as calm as if he didn't know anything but there's something else
"I'm sorry Air but I've been busy lately so I'm afraid I won't be able to go with you"(• ▽ •;)

"It's okay Izuku, 10 months the UA exam is going to start so you're probably preparing for it, right?"(─‿‿─)


"Hehe, ok. Good luck and remember to take care of yourself understand"( ̄▽ ̄)👍

"Oh ok! Don't worry Air, of course I'll take good care of myself "(ㆁωㆁ)

"Rrrrrrrrrrright(¬_¬)ノ, see you again I guess"

"Ok, bye Air"
Ending the call, Air put his phone in the bag and followed Shoto home
"Who did you call just now?"

"Oh, that just my friend Izuku. It seem like he busy"

"I see"

And the conversation ended like that between two quiet people

'Ok this is awkward'( ;¬_¬)Air thought as he felt the conversation between the two become less and less

This was a normal least since that 'accident' happened. Even though there are 10 months left but time goes by very fast, the UA exam will come soon. Shoto has become much less talkative, the two are still very close, but not as close as before as Shoto always focuses on training to be able to become stronger without his left side

No matter how Air tries to talk to Shoto, the conversation always ends very quickly with Shoto becoming less and less talkative and in the end Air can only sigh and ignore it
At the same time...
"Hm? Who is that young Midoriya? Your friend?"

"Ah All Might! Oh yes that is my friend!"

That's right, the person Izuku called was none other than the #1 Hero All Might

"Looks like you and your friend are very close, I can feel you're happy from your voice" All Might said while raising his thumb
Izuku also just smiled and said, "Yes, Air is a amazing friend. He's the one who helps and even encourages me to follow my dreams even though he know I don't have a quirk"

Hearing that, All Might's smile grew wider
'In that case, young Midoriya's friend is a very fair and kind person( ̄▽ ̄)'

Then he slapped his hand on Izuku's shoulder and said with a smile, "Hahahahahha. If your friends believe in you that much then you need to work harder young Midoriya. Let's continue!"


'...Hmm...Air, where have I heard that name'
The next day
5AM in the morning at the beach
"*Phew* finally, let do this"

The boy in the blue hat said as he started to collect the trash on the beach (we all know who it is so I won't say more:>)

You must be wondering why our main character (in this fanfic) is taking out the trash. Long story short
"Izuku, is this beach always this dirty?" 10-year-old Air said as he looked at the beach, which is now filled with trash. This was the first time he went to Izuku's house to play so he was surprised to see such a beach near a residential area that no one noticed

"Not really, it use to be very pretty but I heard that the amount of trash swimming in from the outside and people littering here is why it's like that" Izuku frowned when he heard about it

"...I see" Air finished talking while looking at the beach

The next day...
Fuyumi woke up to the sound of rattling outside the room. She opened the door and saw her youngest brother crept out of the room, when Air known he was discovered, he just looked at Fuyumi and didn't say anything
. . .
"...mmmm, Air where are you going?"

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