chapter 12

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As I thought, a disaster

In the monitoring room, Air is standing with the class and All Might, watching the match between the teams

The screen was showing the battle between Bakugou and Izuku, Iida and Uraraka. And it seems Izuku is saying something to Bakugou

"Wow! Two of them fight so intensely" Kiminari commented

Air: 'Agree'

Right now Air is standing next to All Might for a better view. Looking up at the teacher aka No.1 Hero, Air observed for a moment and then said: "You look worried"

All Might suddenly felt flustered
'This voice!'

Then he looked down and saw Air looking up at him although he couldn't see his eyes because of the hat but was definitely looking at him
"OH! Young A-I mean TODOROKI! What make you think that?"

'That was close!' (▼□▼;;; )

"Let see, maybe because your hands are little bit of sweating"

Hearing that, All Might looked back at his hand
'Hm, it's true that it's a bit wet'

All Might replied to Air with his usual confident voice: "...HAHAHA, YOU HAVE A SHARP EYES YOUNG TODOROKI!!!!"

"...Thank you, I guess" Air thought
'Too loud'(٥↼_↼)



Right now, Bakugou was about to pull the detonator in his hand (I forgot what it was called;_;). And when Air saw it, he's sure that his durian-head friend is going to do something crazy in the next second

And so be it, an explosion created from Bakugou's quirk was aimed directly at Izuku. Air's expression wrinkled a little and sighed in a tired way
'I knew it, no matter how many times I told that him not to fight or tease Izuku, he never listened'

'Have to report this to Aunt Mitsuki after school. No need to thank me Katsuki' (─_─ )👍

But now seeing Izuku arguing with Bakugou, Air dismisses it
'Meh, I'll let it go this time'

Now Air turned to the screen showing Uraraka and Iida's whereabouts. He wanted to see what that person (aka the first girl Izuku) talked to going to do
'Huh? Why is she hugging the pillar?'

While Air is wondering, Bakugou and Izuku's side are already starting to use their quirks on each least look at it that way

"...Both of you-"


On the screen right now, what everyone saw was Izuku launching an upward blow, receiving Bakugou's attack completely, a column of air just like that dig a hole through the building. Make it possible for Uraraka to distract Iida and touch the nuclear weapon......And help the Hero team win

It's fitting because time has just ended

To everyone's astonishment, Kiminari was the first to say, "Jesus... The losers are still intact...while the winners are injured"

Tokoyami: "They have lost the fight, but won the battle"

While everyone was talking and All Might was calling an ambulance, Air stood there and said nothing since the end of the match. At least until Todoroki noticed and came to him

When Todoroki was about to speak, Air said first: "I'm going to sleep for a bit, can you wake me up when it's our turn?"


". . .Thanks" And just like that, Air moved backwards until it reached the wall. He turned around and leaned his back on it and fell asleep


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