chapter 14

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Ah, another normal day at school.... At least...

The Todoroki brothers are currently standing in front of the school gate. The two of them should've entered the school by now if there were a bunch of journalists holding the mic asking regardless of the students entering the school

Air turned to look at Shoto, asking what they're going to do. Shoto didn't explain much when he saw it, just said, "Let's just go in"

Then step into the crowd. He was also questioned by several reporters but somehow managed to pass easily. Air- who was still standing there just looked and sighed before entering
'There's no other way. I'll sleep as soon as I enter class'

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the school gate, someone blocked the way and held the mic in front of him and said, "How does it feel to be taught by All Might?"

'Huh, so it's about All Might. Wow. Good job Number 1 Hero'(¬_¬)

"Can you express your feelings when the Symbol of Peace is a teacher?"

Seeing a few more people approaching him, he replied, "He's ok"

"Huh? What do you mean by 'ok'? Can you explain it?"

Hearing that, Air recalled yesterday's lesson and answer honestly:
"'s like, All Might's teaching isn't bad but it's not very good either. Probably because it's his first time as a teacher so he don't have any experience in teaching"

Look at the languid faces of the reporters in front of them. Air is confusing
'Bruh. Isn't that what they want?'

Then a hand placed on Air's shoulder. He turned around and saw his homeroom teacher-Aizawa with his familiar sleepy face
"Go to class, Present Mic and I will handle it"

"Oh, yes sensei"

Then he smoothly entered the school quickly. And Aizawa turned to look at the reporters holding their microphones looking at him. Both think:
'God, I want to sleep'

When entering the classroom, Air quickly sat down and slept right on his desk
Causing everyone in the class near him to see it and think: This is normal'

After sleeping for a while, Air felt that someone was shaking him, so he had to reluctantly wake up from his "beauty sleep". It's your brother- Shoto is looking down, holding a piece of paper in his hand
"The class is choosing the class president"


In the canteen

Now, Izuku, Uraraka and Iida were talking to each other with trays of food in hand. At least it's just the two of you because even now Izuku is still thinking about what Bakugou said

"Does fooling me this long make you happy?!!!...Not only me, but also him"

'Kacchan is right, because I was so focused on how to get use to my new quirk and the secrets of OFA that I didn't think about how to face both of them'

Uraraka and Iida both sat at their table and saw that Izuku is not sitting with them but standing there. They both looked at each other before Uraraka said: "Why is he standing there?"

'Now that I remember, ever since I enter into UA. I don't talk to Air as much as usual anymore. Could he not have doubted my quirk? '


"Hu-huh?! Oh, Iida!"

"Anh! Sorry Midoriya, I didn't to scare you but you seem off, is something on your mind?"

"What?! No, not at all"(• ▽ •;)

Izuku quickly sat at the table and put the food down. Iida found it strange but he didn't say anything and sat down. They're all talking about Izuku being the class rep earlier




' more seat. I don't even see Shinso anywhere'

Because Air fell asleep in class, the cafeteria was already full even though Air was able to get food but he couldn't find any seats

'Maybe I can go to the rooftop'
Then he remembered the size and height of UA and he thought again
'Nope. I don't even know if this school has an elevator or not'

. . .

"Air! Air!"
Izuku called and ran to Air, hoping his friend would hear him

As expected, Air heard him and turned around. He asked: "Izuku? Is something wrong?"

"It-it's not much!... But I wanted to we-"

Before Izuku finished his sentence, the alarm bell rang


[The level 3 protection barrier has been breached. Please evacuate all students urgently]

"What in the-"


"Eeeeeh! Iida-kun!"

While Izuku still didn't understand what happened, Iida and Uraraka walked up to him, took his hand and ran out after everyone
"Eeeeeeeh! W-wait! Aaaaaaair!!!!"

As a 'good student' Air would of course follow everyone to evacuate but when he turned his head to see the crowd crammed together like a piece of beef, he turned around and sat down in an empty seat and ate.
'Maybe I should bring food to school from tomorrow'

When Air was about to eat his curry, a familiar, grumpy voice appeared
"Oi! The fuck are you still doing here half-face!"


"Don't 'huh' with me!. Why don't you evacuate with the other students!!"

"Well if you want to go then go, and I don't want to be squeeze to death so I'll stay here"

It seems that Bakugou didn't think he would say that so it was a bit surprised
".... The fuck?"

"Beside, There's no point in panicking now"
After saying that, he also scooped up a teaspoon of curry and pointed it at Bakugou and said, "Want some?"( ◜‿◝ )

"..."( ◣_◢)

After the panic was over and every student knew it was the journalists, they all quickly calmed down and returned to their classrooms. And about Air and Bakugou

After I finished eating, I lay down to sleep, even though I could hear Katsuki waking me up, not letting me sleep but I ignored it
And when I opened my eyes, somehow I went back to class and Iida became the class president instead of Izuku. I'm not surprised because I was the one who voted for Iida after all

'Hmm, he must have bring me back to my seat. Where is he anyway?'
I think when I wiped my eyes with my hand and turned to the right just for an interesting scene

Bakugou was currently sitting on the table with his feet on the table like when he was talking to Iida, and Todoroki was looking at him standing across from Bakugou with his hands in his pockets. I don't know who started first, but the two of them are quite harsh to each other

Todoroki said first: "I want to thank you for bringing my brother to class but I hope next time you carry someone, be more gentle"

"Hah! Gentle, I'll carry anyone the way I want!"

"Yes but not with him, he is my brother"

"Like the hell I care!!!"

"You what"



Meanwhile, Air looked at them confused
'What are they talking about?

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