chapter 23

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Listening to Midnight explain the rules of the game, Air's face couldn't help but wrinkle a little
'Then wouldn't there be a surplus, and this game just doesn't suit me at all'
While thinking about whether to quit the competition now, Izuku's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Air-kun, what's the box you're holding?"

"Oh, this? I found it in the minefield"
Air said as he held it in front of his face

Meanwhile, after Midnight liked the rules, the contestants started talking among themselves
"Dividing points like this is sound reasonable"

"So the points of each team will be based on the total points of the team members?"

"If I remember correctly, we have 43 people, so that means there will be a team with more than one person"

Seeing that no one noticed her anymore, Midnight started raising her voice to get the attention
"Hey! Don't interrupt me!"
At the same time, Air raised an arm and said, "Um, Midnight-sen-"

Air: ....
Other contestants:...
Realizing she had made a slight mistake, Midnight cleared her throat and spoke in the calmest voice possible
"*ehem* Sorry about that, do you have any questions?"

Realizing that she is talking to him, Air raised the box high and said, "I found this box in the minefield. I wonder if it has any use in this round?"

After listening to Air's words, Midnight put on a smile and turned to tell everyone
"Looks like we've found our Principal Nezu's mysterious box"

Hearing Midnight say that, everyone was excited
"A mysterious box? Why don't we know anything about it"

"Don't know if there's any surprises inside"

"I'm sure there's something useful inside for this round"

"You're so lucky Air" Izuku stood beside Air with excited eyes
"Haha, thanks" Without looking at his friend, Air focused on the box suspiciously
'I don't know if this is luck or bad luck, but my hunch says it won't be bad so it should be fine'

Feeling the atmosphere begin to stir, Midnight continued: "This box is a surprise from the Principal, even I don't know what's inside but I know it won't affect this round"

Pointing the whip at Air, she said: "Then why don't we see what in it!!! Can anyone give it to me?"

Air was very kind that gave the person in front. Just like that, everyone switched hands until the box was brought before Midnight. She also very spontaneously went to the contestant holding the box, took it, she winked and said: "Thank you"

This made the contestant blush, Midnight just smiled and returned to her original position. She opened the box and look at what was inside before grinning and looking at Air as if to say: You're such a lucky guy
She said, "Now why don't we see what's inside! Can someone film what's in the box for me!!"

A cameraman volunteered to film, his camera hooked up to the monitor's wire and headed to Midnight's place. What's inside has been shown on the big screen of the sports festival, it's just a piece of paper but what's remarkable is what's written on it

[This paper is not really important for this sports festival but if anyone finds it, congratulations!!!! You have been privileged to not have to participate in the next round, this paper is only valid for this second round so hopefully this surprise finder will enjoy this free respite
I wish the others well! Your Principal, Nezu]
At the end of the paragraph there is also a drawing of Principal Nezu smiling while giving a thumbs up




"What! This is so unfair!!"

"Why didn't I pay attention to my surroundings!!!!"

"What a lucky guy"

All kinds of discussions surfaced, there were grievances, there were regrets, and the Air was very happy
'Hm, the Principal is so generous, guess I have to enjoy this reward on my own then'
He thought while not noticing that Izuku was looking at him with wide eyes
'So Air-kun won't have to take this round! He's so lucky'

"That's enough, everyone!" Midnight's call caught everyone's attention. Realizing that no one else spoke, she said:
"Instead of standing there and talking, why don't you choose a teammate for you, time waits for no one!
By the way, the first person in the first round will get 1 million points so I think you guys know what to do. Good luck!!!!!!"

After saying that, everyone turned to look at Izuku as if they were looking at some delicious food, Izuku was a bit panicked when he suddenly became the target. Air looked at his friend, sighed, and put his hand on Izuku's shoulder. Just when Izuku thought Air would cheer him up, he said, "Suck to be you man"
Izuku: 'Air-kun!!!!!!!!'

Looking at Izuku who looked like he was about to cry, Air decided to give some comfort
"Listen, I can't be with you all the time so this time you have to rely on yourself. Although I've never played this game before but I think you should choose someone who is really helpful and who you trust. You can do it"

Izuku feels much better
'Air is also right, I can't rely on him forever. I can do it!! I won't let All Might down either"

Seeing Izuku in high spirits, Air felt relieved
"Then I'll go, don't get so nervous Izuku, this is just a game so don't act like you're going to fight okay?"

"Eh?! Am I too excited?"
"Ehe, just kidding. I'll be cheering for everyone so just play hard"
After saying that, Air turned and slowly walked off the field. Of course, he could feel some people's eyes but he didn't notice and decided to go to the bathroom. Who knows how long he've been holding on

'The sports festival of a hero training school, what would it be like?'


Thank you everyone for following the story until now, I apologize if you guys found this chapter boring after the last update or wouldn't like my decision to leave Air out for round two.
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea for the second round, nor do I know how I should let Air participate in this round

But I can absolutely tell everyone in advance for everyone that in the duel round, Air's first fight will be a threevs match instead of a 1vs1 and Air's last match will be: Todoroki Air vs Todoroki Shotou

I would also like to say that I am quite busy with my studies at the moment so I may not be posting new chapters as often, it may take longer than usual.
AND, i wanted to share a little bit that i just read an undertale aus fanfic so in addition to this story i will likely post a new story with my Skeleton!OC
Man, my head never stop imagine a new story huh?:,))))))

Edit: u know what, i gonna start writting my second story abt undertale aus fanfic from now on, 2 stories to write? I can do this>:,)👍

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