chapter 13

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Location: High School UA
Time: Afternoon

Air is in the school hallway going back to class. As he walked, he looked at the sky, which is now orange. He think:
'Wow, I just went to the toilet for a while and it's already sunset'

"But everything is so quiet. The other classes must have already finished"

After saying that, Air stopped walking when he saw a familiar head on the stairs not far away
'Huh?That head...'
After thinking that, Air quickly ran to the stairs and saw Bakugou walking down the stairs


Hearing someone calling him, Bakugou stopped and turned his head with his hands in his pockets. He said with a growling voice as if to say that he is very uncomfortable:
"Tch. What the fuck do you want half-face"

Responding to Bakugou's "threatening" statement, Air spoke with a languid, lazy tone as usual
"Language, Katsuki. I just saw a familiar durian-head few second ago so I came to see"


"...Yeah yeah. You're uncomfortable, I can see that"┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

"Hah! That's not your business half-face"(╬◣д◢)凸

Air's eyes close a bit and smile
"Oh really, I remember that every time you're like that, I'm always the one to listen to your story about it"

"What did you say!!!!"

Seeing that Bakugou was about to be angered by him, Air quickly raised his hands in the air and laughed:
"Okay, sorry. I won't say more"
'Ah, even though I'm lazy, I still can't get rid of this personality. It master's after all'( ̄▽ ̄)

Seeing that Air didn't seem to be teasing him anymore, Bakugou ignored it and turned around to show that he's going home.... At least until Air asked a question that made him stop (again)
"It seems Izuku is still in the infirmary right now. Would you like to visit him with me?"



"Hah! That nerd? Who cares, especially after he dared to humiliate me in the battle"
Although it took a few seconds to reply, it seemed like Bakugou didn't want to at all

Hearing that, Air frowned slightly, but before he could say anything, Bakugou turned his head to look at him with red, "murderous" eyes
"Don't try to explain, you know what I'm talking about"

Air didn't say anything, neither did Bakugou. If someone were to pass by here then that person would definitely feel a tense silence in their atmosphere. Air looks into his friend's eyes to try to read
'That look is definitely saying he's angry but...there's something else that I can't be sure'

'Of course, I know what he's talking about'

Air lowered his head slightly so that from Bakugou's point of view, who could see Air's face, now he could only see half of his face with his eyes hidden.

"You and I both know Izuku very well Katsuki. He would never hide something from us unless it was extremely important. I'm sure he has a reason to hide it"

Bakugou didn't say anything but I wonder if he understood when he said something
"Hah! I don't fucking care what that Deku gonna do! But I'll definitely be Number 1!!!

After saying that, Bakugou went straight down the stairs, leaving Air there with a sigh
"Man, should I be sad or thankful"

Of course, there was no way Air would chase Bakugou (because he was lazy) so he walked straight to class and saw everyone gathering in groups to talk about today's practice match, especially about Izuku and Bakugou's fight

"I still can't believe Midoriya can defeat Bakugou!"

"I know right! Two of them are so manly!"

Although it was nice to hear positive comments from his classmates about his two friends (mostly it all about Izuku). Air walked past everyone and walked to his seat, Shoto's also waiting for him while looking at his phone

Air went to his place and put his things away, he also looked up at his brother and asked: "What are you watching?"

"Some news"
Finished, he put away his phone and picked up his briefcase then looked at Air and said: "Let's go"

"Okay, let me finish packing"

Meanwhile, the classroom door opened to a bandaged Izuku, attracting everyone's attention. Air also saw him and when he about to call the name, everyone in the class walked up to him. Even though Air couldn't hear what they're saying because his seat was near the back of the class but Air could make some guesses

He smiled and walked out of the classroom with Shoto. However, when the two walked out of the classroom not long ago, Izuku spontaneously ran out of the classroom and ran past the two in a hurry. Of course, Shoto didn't care and continued walking but Air held him back

Turning his head to look at his brother, Shoto was about to ask a question when Air replied, "Let...wait here for a moment"

At the same time, Izuku ran all the way down the stairs hoping to catch up with his friend. While running, he thought about what Bakugou said earlier

"Oi! You lied to me right?!"
"Does fooling me this long make you happy?!!!...Not only me, but also him.
Don't you have a powerful quirk? Come and fight me!!!"


Chasing after Bakugou, Izuku called out his name when he saw him

Of course, when he heard Izuku's call, Bakugou looked back and turned his head to look at him with a deadly eye
It was it that made Izuku stop and hesitate for a moment. The atmosphere became awkward like that, until Izuku decided to speak first
"Kacchan I-...I inherited my quirk from someone"

That's how the conversation began. However, both of them didn't know that there are 2 people standing in the hall watching them through the window

'Oh! Seem like Izuku start first'
Air thought while watching and drinking the iced cocoa in his hand. As for Shoto, he didn't care, he just watched with Air even though he didn't understand what is happening down there. He also holds a cup of iced cocoa that Air gave him even though he doesn't know where he got it
'Don't know why we have to wait, but never mind'

Continuing to watch the zero-volume conversation of his two best friends, Air closely watched Bakugou's face to guess what Izuku would say since he couldn't see his face
'Let's see, if it's Izuku then he's definitely trying to explain what happened in the practice battle.... Bakugou is still nothing out of the ordinary so it should be fine. Well done Izuku' 👍

Air thinks this conversation will go well.. At least when Bakugou starts acting
'Oh, Katsuki is starting to scowl. God, Izuku can you take a look at his expression for a moment!'ಠ_ಠ

'Ui! Katsuki turned around. I won't be able to get down in time. Izuku, I wish you luck'(ー_ー゛)



"Tch. Borrowed quirk?"
Bakugou said as he stood facing Izuku, looking him straight in the eyes
"You think I'm an idiot?"

"Hah, so what are you trying to say. I lost to you today. And...that's all"

Bakugou lowered his face as he recalled the Todoroki family's battle
"When I see that half-faced's brother
I thought: how can I defeat him !!!"

His body trembled as Bakugou raised his head and covered his face with his hand
"I even agree with that girl's words!

"Listen here Deku! I'm just starting!!!"



'Hmm, picture of Bakugou about to cry. I have one more thing to blackmail him'(─‿‿─)✨

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