chapter 2

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Attention, I will skip Shoto's childhood with Air in this chapter so I can get into the main story next time or after
Normal: acbd
Telling from Air's point of view: acbd(I won't say it again so remember it:D)
Shoto and Air: 3,5 years old

"Waaaa! Thank you so much"(≧▽≦)
"...Nothing" Air looked at the green head that was looking at him with sparkling eyes, he couldn't bear to look at it because it reminded him of Thorn's puppy eyes

'Now I understand Gempa when he in this situation a bit and I don't understand how he can stand it'( ̄_ ̄ ;;;)
As our two young friends were talking to each other, a woman's voice said, "Izuku! Are you done!"
"A-ah! Hai!"
" Looks like someone is calling for you."(  ̄▽ ̄)⊃
"Yeah! That's my mom, I have to go thank you !"
"Its fine, bye bye"=>👋
"Air, is something happen today?" Shoto asked
"Nah nothing much, I just met a boy few minutes ago, he must be the same age as us"
"Really! What's his name?!" Shoto asked excitedly knowing his lazy brother finally got a chance to make a new friend

"Ehhhh, so that boy help you find it huh?" Woman with green hair, asking her child excitedly telling his story

"So then do you know his name?"

When he heard his mother/'brother' say that, he stopped for a moment when he remembered
'Ah! I forgot to ask '(; °Д°)! / (ー_ー゛)
Shoto and Air: 5 years old

"Shoto! What happened to your face?!" Air said in panic when he saw his 'brother' being bundled all over his head(ʘ言ʘ!!!)

Really, this family really can't live in peace for one day? I only slept for a while (actually half a day) but something happened
'Man, I feel like Gempa for some reason'(▰˘︹˘▰)

"Is he the one who did this?" Air asked carefully, now he couldn't help but worry since that Mister fire started 'training' Shoto. Although he didn't have to because he was just adopted so Endeavor didn't care as long as he didn't cause any trouble, but this is too far for a child to be like this

"No, he's not the one who did this" Shoto said in a deep voice with his face perpendicular to the floor

Air didn't say anything because he had a feeling that Shoto had absolutely nothing to say about it right now, but then he noticed something else.

"Nii-san...where is mother?" Air asked and looked at the boy in front of him, then he looked down to see Shoto's hand clenched, shaking.
His brows lowered and he thought 'So mom is in this too'

"...*sigh* you stay here and get some sleep, I'll go talk to dad"

Just as Air stood up and was about to leave, a hand pulled him back, lowering his head to see a bandaged face with an angry eye
"I just talk back against him so he's in bad mode now, if you go out there and talk to him, he'll be even more angry and will probably hit you"

Air didn't say anything, he turned around again to face Shoto, silently signaling him to keep talking
"No matter what, I won't be like him, I'll never use my left again. I'll become stronger with mom's quirk" Shoto said in a tone that was firm and full of hatred, Air didn't know what to say to calm him down
Shoto and Air: 10 years old

"We're back!"
"Hm? Looks like everyone hasn't returned yet" Shoto said when no one answered him

Air didn't say anything, he went to his room, left his bag in a corner and turned on the fan
"Air, don't stand with the fan on your face," said Shoto as he entered the room only to see the boy in the blue hat opening his mouth to catch the wind.
"But it's very hot and it's uncomfortable" said Air again as he felt sticky with his sweat
'I wish I could transform to my second-tier. Then I wouldn't have to be afraid of the heat'(●'⌓'●)
' can I forgot '

And then, Air came up with a good idea. He looked over at Shoto, who was working on his homework. Noticing someone's gaze, Shoto looked back to see his 'younger' brother looking at him with sparkling eyes
"I'm back. Sorry for being late, I have some business-..." Fuyumi stopped talking when she noticed that no one answered.
'Strange, no one home yet?' She thought she was about to go to the kitchen when she heard the fan running

'Are~?I thought...' Fuyumi looked into the room where the voice came from and saw her two brothers sitting in front of a small ice tank and in front of it is a running fan, their faces looked very satisfied

"Pffffff" Fuyumi tried not to make any noise to break the moment. She secretly took out her phone, made sure it was muted, she took a picture and secretly sent it to her brother.
'Natsuo will love it'( ◜‿◝ )♡
Shoto and Air: 14 years old

"Bullying and scaring people isn't something a hero should do. Didn't you say you'll become one?"
"Y-you half-face"

" Now, instead of going on like this all day, why don't we go have a hot cocoa" Air asked his two friends while pushing them forward
"WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY!!!" A red cross appears clearly on the head of the pointed friend (ʘ 言 ʘ╬)
" That's called give-and-take, don't you understand. I let you two eat, you're the one paying in return 'cause you're the only one who bring money" Air said with an obvious face

"Come on, is that really hard to understand "( ↼_↼)

'Air so cool'✨✨😮
Shoto just reached the door when he saw Air coming from the opposite direction
"You're back"
"Going with friends? "
. . .
"I bought soba"
"Thank you "
' Shoto replied with his usual cold voice and face but I swear I could see the pink color behind his back'(٥↼_↼)

Hey guys, sorry if this one is short

In this chapter I'm mainly focusing on the childhood and past part so it won't be much, it's mostly just walking through
Anyway, thank you so much for reading it🥺❤❤

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