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This chapter can be considered as chapter 24, but since it doesn't affect the main plot, I'll consider it a side story:)))))
"I have to admit that that student of yours is really strangely lucky Aizawa"
Present Mic said as his eyes looked at Air's figure before it disappeared

"That kid is just lazy, he didn't care about this Sports Festival in the first place"
Aizawa commented with no mercy

"Oh? So how do you know?"
After that, Present Mic put his hand to his mouth as if he understood something and suddenly laughed
Looking at his friend who suddenly laughed for no reason, Aizawa looked at Present Mic with eyes as if to say: Are you crazy?

It took a few seconds for Present Mic to calm down and say: "Oh, you two really are the same"
Aizawa: huh?

While the 2 Pro Heroes were talking to each other, another hero -Endeavor- looked down at the field, no one knew who he was looking at or what he was thinking then suddenly he turn around and go somewhere

Meanwhile, at the WC
Air is washing his hands, his face looked very satisfied as if he had just relieved some burden
"Phew, I'm so lucky, or else I would so doomed"

He took a tissue and threw it in the trash, walked out of the bathroom with his hands behind his head and thought
'Sigh, I have nothing to do now. At least until this round ends, also can't sleep because I promised Izuku that I would cheer for them'
"It's so hard to keep a promise"ಠ╭╮ಠ
Air grumbled again

A footsteps echoed in the hallway. Of course that's normal so Air still closed his eyes to think. Well, at least until he felt the heat
'Hm. Something isn't right'

He opened his eyes and wow, in front of him is Endeavor walking this way. His fiery face can really make others discreet or a little scared, but Air is completely unaffected by it (and we all know why). The two kept walking until Endeavor stopped in front of Air, so Air had to stop and step back a bit so he wouldn't have to tilt his head too high

He waved his hand and greeted: "Hello father"

Endeavor didn't respond to his greeting (which wasn't surprising at all), he just looked at him as if he wanted to see through him and said: "It looks like you're enjoying this surprise very much"
Air smiled: "Well, people say: 'When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade' "

"Anyway, round two is about to begin. I thought you'd be outside watching nii-san from start to finish"
Air said as he looked at his watch and then looked up at Endeavor

Hearing this, Endeavor frowned about 1cm and said: "Hm, even if I'm not there, he'll still do well. I didn't train him to have a weakness of relying on others unlike you"

'That's not what I meant old man'
Air thought, feeling helpless against the overthinking of adults of this world

Air shrugged and said: "Well, that's too bad because the second round is a team game"
Having finished speaking, Air walked past Endeavor and said: "Now I have to go cheer for my class and nii-san. Hurry up father or it will end before you know it"

Endeavor did not turn back to look at Air, he continued walking to the bathroom and their conversation ended just like that. How fast they were looking into each other's eyes all that time, it seemed like time passed faster than they thought
Meanwhile (again), in another dimension

"Finally, you're willing to say it?"
Captain Kaizo said, looking at BoraRa with cold eyes. Next to him, KokoCi was sweating looking at BoraRa's uhhh painful appearance

It's difficult to describe in detail, but in short, because BoraRa was too stubborn and refused to reveal anything so Kaizo had to use a "special" way to make him surrender

BoraRa breathed heavily, looked at Kaizo and said: "I *huff* I will"

Kaizo still observed BoraRa carefully before turning to nod at KokoCi. Noticing the signal, KokoCi turned towards BoraRa and began asking
"So what was your plan in launching DimensionBot? Where did you take our TAPOPS member?"

Hearing that, BoraRa gave a mocking smile and replied: "I don't know."
Hearing this answer, Kaizo's voice lowered: "That's not the answer"

He shrugged: "I'll be honest, I'm not the mastermind, just the transporter"

"What?" KokoCi said

"That's right, my only job *huff* is to take Boboiboy to a place, or rather *huff* another dimension where you will never be able to reach. The mastermind is also in that world. And there, Boboiboy *huff* will be alone to face him, and when that moment comes, you won't have ANYONE *huff* to save him"

Hearing this, KokoCi and Kaizo looked at each other. Even though KokoCi is wearing glasses, Kaizo could understand what it was saying: It seemed like he didn't know that only Boboiboy Ice was taken away
Kaizo narrowed his eyes and replied: This is a good thing, it would be better if he didn't know that

Seeing the two look at each other without saying anything, BoraRa thought he had successfully scared them. KokoCi turned around and continued asking: "So do you know who the mastermind is?"

"And why-"
BoraRa's sentence was interrupted when he felt Kaizo's bullet eyes. Swallowing saliva, he said
"To be honest, I don't like to follow *huff* other people's orders so hehe, I'll tell

His name is.......

To be continue:)))))))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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