chapter 12.5

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"It's so hot~"( ;'Д`)

"Stop said...this for the...10th time"

Now,team 1 has been teleported to Sandaru thanks to OchoBot's teleport portal. Although they had only been here for 30 minutes, Gopal had been complaining all the way so much that Ying had to stepped in

Hearing his friend say that, Gopal stopped complaining and turned his head to look at the person leading ahead
"Solar, are we there yet?"

Solar stopped, looked at her watch, and replied, "We're almost there. Just a few more ways"

"Hah?!" Hearing that, Gopal fell to the ground
"Oh, it's so hot! I can't stand it anymore!!!!!"

Hali who is standing next to Gopal seeing this and said: "Please, even I haven't said anything yet"

"Oh is that so, I see you're sweating like you're about to melt"
Solar, who is leading the way, still doesn't forget to tease his 'dear brother'

With a cross on her head, Hali of course didn't give up and said again
"Oh is that so, I feel like you want to evaporate in the sunlight"

"Hah?! Did you forget what my name is"

"What, I'm just telling the truth. Why don't you go meet your sibling up there huh!"

"They can really quarrel at any time huh" Fang sai

Seeing a pointless fight coming (again), Gempa stepped up and gave his 2 childr-I mean brothers a smack in the head

Of course, after being beaten one by one, both of them very obediently knelt down in front of the fearsome authority in front of them

After seeing that both of them in front of her didn't say anything, Gempa looked around and picked a big rock and told everyone
"Let's rest behind that rock. Its shadow is big enough for us"

Rest is something everyone wants so they didn't refuse and to go to that rock to avoid the sunlight

While everyone was resting to recover, Gempa, after hiding behind the rock, looked around for a bit before commenting.
"Although I knew it was a hot planet, I didn't think it would be this hot"

"It's too hot!!!!" Gopal commented

Even Ying didn't reject Gopal's comment
"That right, it's hotter than Gurunda"

While everyone was talking about the heat of the planet, Fang and Solar were looking back at the map from their watches.
"From the moment we walk, we haven't met anyone or even a living thing. Is it true that this planet really has dangerous creatures?"



Flashback ~

"We have OchoBot install the map of that planet on everyone's watch. All will be teleported to the place closest to the destination" KokoCi said

Hearing that, Vali was the first to ask the question
"Huh? Why can't we just go there right away?"

"That's because during the time the base was active, there were a lot of bad guys who wanted to find a way to get the power spheras, so the commanders of the base at that time would never reveal their location. By the time it was abandoned, we're afraid it was now covered in sand, the location we give you is the location of the base when it wax discovered and attacked" KokoCi explain

"Furthermore, when we probed that planet, we noticed a strange energy source operating near the base's location. It usually starts at night so you need to move while it's still day. We have also given everyone's power watch information about the creatures on that planet, they often sleep and hide in the sand so don't let your guard down"

"Roger!" everyone in team 1 speaks in the traditional TAPOPS salutation


Currently, the planet they were standing on was like an endless desert, during the past 30 minutes the group had not encountered any creatures or trees except for rocks of various sizes. Currently, the planet they were standing on was like an endless desert, during the past 30 minutes the group had not encountered any creatures or trees except for rocks of various sizes


It seems that due to fatigue, Gopal lay down and started to cry (not really)
"When will we finally reach the location of that base!!!"

"Huh! Low your voice Gopal! "

"Why? We didn't see anything on our way anyway"

Just as he said that, the ground started to shake slightly and under the sand behind them was sprouting

"What's happening!!"


"See Gopal! This is why I said low your voice! "

Then, everyone stopped when they saw a huge shadow appear behind them


And Gopal was the first to shout to break the atmosphere


Ok that's it, since this fanfic is originally about Ice/Air, maybe I'll write another story that just focuses on the BBB's world instead of MHA

I also wanna ask something, are you guys ok if I add a new elemental in the journey? Like the 8th elemental, I really want but also don't want to...AAAAHHHH I can't choose!!!!( ;∀;)
So I let you guys choose instead, im find with the new power for BBB but not sure🤔

Oh and u know, I'm watching a new anime and I can't stand this

I can't- I want this boi to travel to MHA to meet the durian-head and the other to see their reaction(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

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I can't- I want this boi to travel to MHA to meet the durian-head and the other to see their reaction(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

And it make me want to write a fanfic about this( ̄▽ ̄)

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