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This was the time when Izuku, Bakugou and Air were in their 2nd year of middle school

"Hold on, it won't end right away"

Air and Izuku are in the park, right now Air is dressing the wounds on his friend's face

"Sorry Air-kun, I have to let you worry again"
Izuku said while scratching his face sheepishly. Even though it's not the first time, he still feels embarrassed to let his friends take care of him like this

Air looked at Izuku before sighing and smirking
"You know, I have a feeling I'm going to be your second mom"( ¬_¬)


Air also smiled and shook his head. But then, his brow furrowed a little and said: "This Katsuki, where did he and his 'friends' go!"

Air had a headache thinking about it, putting a hand to his face when he thought of the other friend
'Ever since I was separated from them because I didn't go to the same school, Katsuki started following his 'friends'. And yet continue to bully Izuku! This young man!!!!!'

'...Looks like I have to discuss this with his mother again'

Izuku's call brought Air out of his thoughts.
"Huh-oh sorry... You must be tired, have this. I haven't drinked this yet"

He handed Izuku the iced cocoa that had been left behind him until now

Realizing the dilemma Air decided to change the subject
"Never mind just now, Izuku....ummm. You still want to be a hero in the future right?"

Izuku's hand stopped midway, but soon he got a cup of cocoa from Air and awkwardly said, "Ye-yes, y-you know it's my dream after all"

"So have you thought about how you will become a hero?"


Seeing his friend's confused face, Air sighed inwardly. He adjusted his sitting position to a comfortable position and began to delight his broccoli-headed friend
"Ehem, You know, the hero job is inherently difficult when it comes to confronting villains, as well as rescuing people. They need their quirk to work and protect others and themselves"

Then he suddenly looked at Izuku's face which startled the other
"But you're a different case Izuku-kun, he is quite smart so there are many things that he can do without quirk. So I want to know what you're going to do if you decided to become a hero and why"

After listening to Air's words, Izuku didn't answer immediately, but instead looked at the cool cocoa cup in his hand, like he was thinking about something. Air is also very patient and closes his eyes, waiting for an answer from his friend

About 10 minutes later, Izuku started to open his mouth
"I know my dream is pretty nonsense, Kacchan feels the same and gets annoyed every time I talk about it..."

His hand grips the cocoa cup tighter and says
"It's true that there's a lot I can do besides being a hero, but... I have a's very important to me"

"Besides, I also want to become like All Might. That way I'll be able to help people, and I won't let anyone worry about me"
At this point, Izuku turned to look at Air with excited, determined eyes

Air was speechless for a few minutes before facing Izuku's innocent, extremely excited eyes
"Besides, I can protect you with Kacchan too!"!(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Air:"..." (turns away)

"eh? Air-kun"

"Aaaaah, ehem! If that's the case, I'll give you my full support" Air quickly turned around and smiled at Izuku

Izuku's smile widened at that statement. But before he could say a thank you, Air put his right hand on his head and patted it lightly
"Then when you become a real hero, I'll definitely give you 2nd place on my 'Favorite Heroes' list"

Izuku felt warm when he heard it
'Air is so cool!!'

However, Izuku seemed to realize something
"Wait, 2nd place? Doesn't Air-kun have a favorite hero too!?"
"Of course, if you have All Might, I must have one too"

"Really! Who is that!"

"I won't tell you, you don't know that person anyway"
After saying that, he pulled his hat down and got up and left, leaving Izuku alone in the sunset

Yay, the first Side Story is here( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

Remember, the length of each Side Story depends on the scope of the story/plot, which can be short or long
Maybe it's brief moments, the past, or even a parallel dimension :)))))

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