chapter 6

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Another day begins, since Air found out about Izuku's "secret" training, the two become closer than ever

Air looked at his friend, although Izuku still looked the same, he felt like he was getting more muscular, and somehow it kinda reminded him of All Might

"..."( ¬_¬)

Feeling Air's gazes on him all this time, Izuku couldn't help but ask, " something wrong?"

Although Air's hat covered most of his face, Izuku had a feeling that if Air's eyes were a laser, he would already have two holes on his body

Looking at the broccoli-haired boy, Air didn't say anything, but turned away and continued to clean up the trash and said, "No. Nothing at all"

"I'm back"

"Ah! Welcome home, your breakfast is on the table"

"Thanks" Air said as he entered and saw that Shoto had finished eating. He sat at the table and realized

"Where's Natsuo-nii?"

"He already finished and left" said Shoto, answering his brother's question

And the morning of the Todoroki family just like that, continued in silence

Skip time 'cause school is bored and nothing special happen

Right now, Air was standing in front of the room that Shoto was using to practice for the UA period. Why don't you two practice together? Simply because Shoto is practicing with ice quirk regularly and it is very strong (and I guess yall know why:>). Since Air is using water as his (current) power, Shoto's quirk is easy to freeze his water. Of course the two can practice scrims together but no one thinks a room is big enough for two people to fight each other so they'll split up(and choose a bigger place to battle). And now Air has been waiting outside for 5 minutes
(Ah yes, another unlogic reason that been create by me😔🤚)

When Air was about to doze off, the door opened. Shoto stepped out with a cold breath covering his right side. Air said, "Done?"

After saying that, Shoto left without looking back. He seems to have something in mind, while Air looks at his 'brother' back until it disappears and then he goes inside

In another dimension

"How's it going, have you found any clues yet?"


"Calm down Blaze" Fang said while trying to stop his fire friend from disturbing the other two girls

"What?! But-" Blaze turned around with an irritated look on his face, but before he could finish his world, the girl with glasses interrupted him

"Listen, I know you're nervous but can you let me and Yaya do our thing?"ಠ_ಠ


Yaya also stopped and turned to try to calm the air
"Blaze, why don't you take a look at the others and see if they can find anything?"

Blaze said nothing, he looked at Yaya and Ying, looking very tired. He went around Fang go away

After Blaze went away, Fang sighed and said, "We can't blame him, it has been more than a week. With his personality, he hasn't burned anything yet it is a miracle"
. . .
In a certain room, there are two boys who look alike but can be easily distinguished by eye color, one is blue, the other is green. Right now, both of them are staring at the DataBot with the loading screen

Then, unable to wait any longer, the person in green started to get bored and lay down on the ground saying, "Why isn't DataBot done yet!? It's been 4 days"( ;'Д`)

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