chapter 19

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To make it short for what happened next
The school gave the students a day off

For those who don't like to study (like me) it will be very happy but I still need to visit Izuku, I couldn't call him yesterday so I need to check
It's fortunate that he looks fine, I wanted to check if he was really okay. Until he said that Recovery Girl had cured him of his wounds, I stop

What? I didn't want to do that but unfortunately that I have a friend who that you just needs to ignore for one second and he'll break his arm with his quirk (which I just found out) every time!!!! He's going to give me a heart attack if this continue!( )

The two of us also talked happily, as if no one nearly died yesterday
At least until....

Air handed a sealed food container to Izuku and said, "Even though I know you're fine, just take it. This soup is good for your current condition, I spent all morning making it"

Izuku smiled shyly and accepted it. Realizing this was the right time, he said
"Thank you Air-kun. By the way, All Might asked me to thank you for yesterday"

Air's eyes widened a bit, since his hat was on Izuku's desk, it's easy to see that it was quite unexpected
"...ooooooh, that. It's okay, tell All Might that he don't have to thanks me"

"Eeeeh!? But Air-kun was amazing that time! Even I wouldn't dare to do something like that"

Feeling that this topic can have no end, Air quickly switches the subject faster than flipping the paper

"Well then, did you know...I saw that conversation you had with Katsuki"

"You saw it!"

"That's right, and there are a few people in our class. We just looked out of the window so we don't know what you two are talking about"

"Umm, about...that"
Izuku tried to find a explanation but when he looked at Air's "bullet" eyes, the idea was extinguished
'...That's right, I haven't talked to Air about this yet. Isn't this the right time!?'

So he took a deep breath and said, "My Quirk...not really mine"

Air blinked before he could figure out what Izuku was talking about, he opened his mouth

"I was given it by a person but I won't say who it was so don't ask!!"
Izuku said before Air could say anything

"...and I just received it not long ago before the entrance exam so I still haven't mastered it very well"
Izuku looked down, avoiding facing Air like he was waiting for him to say something

This time Air didn't say it right away but put his hand on his chin, thinking about what Izuku just said

Given by someone else, like power sphera in my world? But I thought quirks could only appear based on the parent's DNA and quirks or something like that

Looks like I still don't understand this world well after all these years here. But if quirk is decided based on parent's quirks then doesn't mean Izuku get this quirk by...

Waiting for a long time with no reply, Izuku started to get nervous
'Why hasn't Air said anything yet? Shouldn't I tell him???'(;ŏ﹏ŏ)

Then Izuku heard a heavy sigh
"If you just want to let me know, that's fine, I won't ask. Did that person told you to keep this as a secret?"

Izuku: *nodding rapidly*

"Well then, I appreciate you being willing to tell me this beside Katsuki. If you hadn't told me, I'd have thought you've kept this since we were kids"

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