chapter 15

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UA High School-12:50PM

Hm, Aizawa-sensei looks pretty serious, we'll probably learn something different today

" In today's training, there will be me, All Might and one more person who will train all of you"

Sero raised his hand and said, "So what are we going to do sensei?"

In response to Sero's question, Aizawa took out a card from his pocket
"(Okay, I know what it is)"

Air lazily propped his chin, trying not to fall on the table, he looked around to see everyone talking about it (although some people weren't) then he sighed.
'It's really not my strong point to have lively conversations'
Step out with everyone in their costumes (except Izuku because everyone knows why). Looking at Iida who was so dedicated to guiding everyone onto the bus, Air thought
'He's really serious when become class president'


Then a hand on Air's shoulder caught his attention. As expected, Air turned his head and saw his many-armed classmate. Air raise his hand and said:
" Shouji, sup"

Shouji nodded to answer and said, "Hello Air, it been a short time since our first talk"

"...Ohhhh, right, it's been a while"

Then, the two talked for a while and then got on the bus with everyone. Air sat in the last seat by the window so he could rest his head and it while he slept. Totally disintereste in the above conversation

That's why Air ignored Izuku's frightened action when he heard Tsuyu comment about his quirk. But fortunately Kirishima stepped in and saved his life
"However, if we're talking about 'flashy' and 'strong', it's Bakugou and Todoroki, right?"

Bakugou, who was leaning on his chin, looked out when he heard his name and didn't react, just "tsk"

And then Tsuyu honestly told the truth
"If it's Bakugou, he won't be popular"
This time Bakugou had a reaction, he stood looking at Tsuyu

Kirishima: "See!"

Seems like everything is not enough, Kiminari decided to put fuel on the fire
"That's right, we already saw your personality from the start"┐('∇`)┌


Seeing everyone having a "fun" conversation, Mina decided to join in
"Hey, what do you think Small Todoroki's quirk will be? I mean he's Big Todoroki's little brother right?"

At this point, everyone in the group paused for a moment. It took Izuku a while to understand what Mina said
"Ah! You mean Air-kun"

"That right!"

Iida rubs his chin in confusion: "That's true, except for the first day, we haven't seen him use his quirk. But it's definitely related to water"

Hearing that, Izuku also hesitated for a moment and then replied
"I don't know, Air-kun rarely uses his quirk. I-I just often see him create a water ball to lie on"
He stuttered a bit at the last sentence when he saw everyone looking at him, including the people behind him

Todoroki doesn't care but when he heard the topic starting to related to his brother, he secretly listens(bruhಥ‿ಥ)

"Hmm, looks like you two know each other quite well, Midoriya, kero" said Tsuyu as she turned to look at Izuku
"Yeah! Just like Bakugou" Kiminari said

"We-well it's because we've known each other... since we were kids, heh"(•▽ •;)

This time everyone was surprised again Mina: "First is Bakugou and now is Small Todoroki?!"

"Hm, what a strange trio kero"

"Ah, haha"
'Air-kun, I'm sorry for letting them call you Small Todoroki!!!!!!'( ;∀;)

Getting off the bus, Air is trying to get out of his sleep since he still sleepy, so by the time the class almost entered U.S.J.... he had more than 50 steps to go
(And no one realized he was left behind)

40 more steps (Juusan start to talk to the students)

30 more steps

20 more steps

10 more steps (A strange gate appeared in front of the fountain)

0 step

Air stopped in front of the metal door that closed 2 seconds ago in front of him


"Does this world hate me or what?"

Air sighed tiredly, then he saw a blue butterfly perched on a flower beside the door. Watching its wings beat slowly and leisurely on the beautiful flower, Air also slowly approached and sat down to admire this peaceful scene...again


lida tried to tell everyone while everyone are panicking while being surrounded by Kurogiri

Class 1-A is now split up just like that
"The door is closed, so I need to find another way in"
Air crossed his arms and looked at the door in front of him, the blue butterfly just now had already flown away so he had no reason to sit there anymore

I went to the right of the door, following the surrounding walls. I walked while looked at the building. It was very easy to see that this wall is SUPER high and if I am not mistaken the roof is made of glass
"Yeah, I definitely won't break the glass just to get in"

I think it won't take long to find one. I mean every building has at least one exit door in the back. Even TAPOPS has it so it wouldn't be unreasonable for such a huge building to not have one, especially since it was intended for the training of future heroes...right?

Otherwise it would be very bad if an emergency dangerous situation happened

However, an unexpected thing was that if Air could wait a little longer, he might know what was going on inside because lida had difficulty opening the door and using the fastest speed to run back to school

'I feel like I just heard a motorcycle engine'

A wind that's not too strong comes, it's cool but Air has a different feeling
'My hunch says I need to go back'
Hello everyone, it's been a while

I'm glad we made it to the U.S.J event in the anime, Air was finally able to fight someone(>w<)

I know that some people will be confused when the Space Hero I call Juusan instead of Thirteen/13
Since the original (Japanese) is Juusan, translated into English as Thirteen so I took the original instead :)

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