Expect the unexpected.

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I opened my eyes. "Am I dead?" I said aloud. "No, but you have it your best shot!" Snotlout said laughing as I sat up. "How-?" "We caught you on Barf and Belch." Ruff and Tuff said together. "Thanks." All of a sudden it all flooded back. I quickly stood up? "How long was I out for?!" I yelled looking around. "Only a few seconds don't worry! But you did give us quite a scare." Snotlout said from behind me. I looked at the huge dead dragon in front of me. "I did it...?" "You did." Snotlout smiled at me.

"Where's Gobber?" I asked, looking around. "He's gone inside to find Stoick and-" Snotlout began before cutting himself off. The memories of what happened before flooded my head and my eyes flooded my face. "No...NO NO NO NO!!" I began to yell. "Y/n we're so sorry...." Said Ruffnut. "HE ISN'T DEAD! HE CAN'T BE!" Snotlout ran to me and gave me a hug. We fell to the floor together.

I screamed as Snotlout hugged my head comfortingly.

All of a sudden I heard Stoick coming outside and running towards me. He pulled me into a huge hug as I was still crying. "What's the matter?! You did it!" He boomed, smiling at me.

Oh god, does he not know...

"He's gone!!!" I cried into his chest. "Who?" I couldn't speak I was crying too much. "Y/n, who's gone?!" "Hiccup!" I screamed in tears.

"What?" He said giving me a confused smile.
I just told him his son died. He didn't seem to be bothered. I was confused but too sad to use logic.

Gobber walked out of the castle and saw me on the floor. "Y/n..." I looked up at him. "You're gonna want to see this..."

Toothless was next to him walking towards me. Oh my god. Toothless! This made me cry harder. Toothless purred as if to be getting my attention. He smiled at me and stood to the side. I saw that Gobber was smiling too.

As I looked up I saw that everyone around me had massive grins on their faces. I immediately stood up. "What?!" I said shocked. Snotlout smiled at me and then moved to the side so I could see ahead of me.

My heart stopped. I felt my breathing become unsteady as confusion came over my body.

Hiccup POV: (back in time)
I sat there in the cell. There was nothing I could do other than just sit there. My dad was in the cell opposite. He was asleep. I watched him until he woke up. "Hiccup you should get some sleep. You're going to need all of your energy if we are going to escape."

I laid down onto the floor and closed my eyes.

"Hiccup!" I sat up and saw Gobber running toward me. "Gobber?!" I yelled as he hugged me. "You're alive!"

"What?" I asked confused. "Drago said you were dead!" Gobber said wiping his tears on his shirt.
"Doesn't surprise me!" My dad said from behind Gobber. "He would do anything to hurt people."

"Y/n!" Gobber said shocked. "Is she okay?!" I yelled. "She's fine! Well, as fine as she can be. She defeated the dragon! Unfortunately she fell off of Hookfang but she's okay! I think she broke her leg but she probably didn't even notice." "Wait what?!" I said flabbergasted. "She rode a dragon?! She defeated the other dragon?!" "Yes! She is quite the dragon tamer." Gobber replied smiling. I was so proud of her.

"Hiccup, you need to go outside!" Gobber said realising. "Y/n is having a breakdown! She thinks you're dead!" He said, slightly panicked. "Shit!" I said before running through the corridors and up the stairs to leave the castle.

Y/n POV: (current time)
He- he's alive! My breathing sped up as he smiled at me, standing at the entrance to the castle. My hand flew over my mouth. The next thing I know my legs took over. I ran towards him as quick as my legs could take me. Tears were still pouring from my eyes as he ran towards me.

"I love you too!" I yelled crying as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. He started crying, holding me tighter as we fell to the floor on our knees.

I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and cried into his neck. I knew everyone was staring at us but I didn't care. Eventually we pulled away slightly and we kissed each other intensely.

When we pulled away from the kiss he placed his hand on my face and his forehead onto mine.

"Hiccup!" I heard the group yell from behind me. We stood up and turned around as Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs ran towards us. I smiled. He was okay. It was okay. They took turns hugging him and Gobber hugged me.

"I'm sorry dad..." I said crying slightly and hugging him back tightly. "It's okay lassie." I knew I called him dad but I didn't care. He had cared for me like one my whole life. In my eyes, he was my dad.

"You did it!" He said pulling away with his hands still on my shoulders. I smiled back at him and giggled a little. "Yeah...I did."

"Cute." I heard a voice come from behind me. Drago.

I turned and ran towards him. Anger in my eyes. Hiccup jumped forward and grabbed me. "It's okay Y/n!" He said holding my hand. "Get off Hiccup!" I said pulling my hand out of his and kept running towards him. Smack! I punched him dead in the nose and it began to bleed. When he was on the floor I grabbed him by the collar. "WHY DID YOU TELL ME HE WAS DEAD!" I yelled in his face.

"It was the only way I could get you to give up. Unfortunately for me, it made you more determined." He gave me an evil smile again. "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I screamed punching him again.

Hiccup jumped forward and pulled me off of him, restraining me into a hug. "Y/n, it's okay. It's over." He said and hugged my head into his chest. I was crying again.

"Get him on the boat!" Stoick yelled from behind me. "We will figure out what to do with him when we get back!" And with that he was being restrained away by some vikings from our village.

I closed my eyes and took in Hiccup's smell. It calmed me. "Ah!" I yelled falling to the floor. Hiccup caught me. "I think you broke your leg..." he said looking at me concerned. "I'm fine." I said trying to stand up again before I fell to the ground again. He caught me for the second time.

He placed his arm around my waist and began helping me back to the ships. "Thank you..." I said as we limped slowly back to the boats.

A/n - You didn't really think I'd kill off Hiccup did you? Lol I know, I'm evil, sorry. This story still isn't over as we have the Astrid situation to deal with and Y/n's fear of dragons. There will still be a few more chapters. I am planning to make either a sequel to this book for another Hiccup x reader fanfic so keep your eye out for that when I've finished this one. :) x

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