The pit.

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I'd been hanging out with the group for a few weeks now and it actually started to feel as if I belong. Astrid still hadn't warmed up to me yet but I listened to Hiccup and was giving her time.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Hiccup exclaimed as I answered the door to whoever had knocked. I was still in my sleep clothes and my hair was a mess. "What are you doing here Hic?!" I moaned. "It's far too early!" "It's eight in the morning." He said giving me a a stern look with his usual smile. "Exactly." I replied, staring at him. He rolled his eyes and said, "We're going into the forest for the day, come on!" He gestured for me to come outside with him. "Can I at least get dressed first?!" I said, realising what I was wearing. He must have realised it too because his face went as red as the rising sun behind him. "Sorry!" He said, immediately looking away from me, standing there in my bra. "We'll be at the entrance to the woods!" He shouted back as he was jogging to the others.

I giggled as I shut my door but was also slightly embarrassed from what he had just witnessed. I quickly got ready for the day, pulled my boots on, being careful not to fall over as I hopped on one foot, and made my way out of the door.

The sunlight wasn't as harsh as it usually was. It was actually quite pleasant feeling the warmth of the orange glow against my skin. I quickly met the others, said our hellos and then made our way into the forest.

We spent the morning wondering around, laughing and joking. In the afternoon we found a stunning clearing to rest in and we sat down for a while. I was talking to Snotlout when I remembered I wanted to ask Hiccup if he could make me some more arrows for my bow as I only had a few left. After finishing talking to Snotlout, I made my way over to Hiccup and sat down beside him.

"Hello ma'dam." "Hello, good sir." I replied as I crossed my legs on the soft grass. "So, I was wondering..." I began looking slightly guilty. "Would you be able to make me some more arrows?" "Have you lost them all ALREADY?!" He asked rolling his eyes, laughing. "I know, I know I'm clumsy and need to keep better track of them but it wasn't my fault." I replied. "You said that last time, and the time before that, and the time before that." He said smiling. "I know! I just keep loosing them in the woods." I said giving him a pleading smile. "Okay fineeee." He said caving to my puppy dog eyes. "Thank you Hic!" I said hugging him slightly.

Astrid POV:                                                                                                                                                                                 Who the hell does she think she is?! Hic?! She can't call him that. I saw her hug him and that was the last straw. I had to do something about this.

"Y/n," I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Can we have a chat?" "Why?..." She replied hesitating. "We haven't talked much and I wanted to get to know you some more if we are going to be friends!" I said back through gritted teeth and forcing a false smile. "Sure!" She said smiling.

I led her into the forest until we were out of ear shot. "So, what do you want to talk about?" She said smiling at me. I faced her and began, "This group was fine before you came along." "Wha-" She tried to say but I cut her off. "Hiccup is mine! Stay away from him!" I yelled. That's when I noticed it. A large pit. I carried on talking and walking closer to her, causing her to walk backwards. "You think I don't know why we haven't been able to fly anywhere or even have our dragons around?" I said intimidating her. "It's you! You're scared of them!" "I'm not scared!" She replied, stepping back even further. "Yes you are!" I said smiling maliciously. As I was staring at her, I saw a dragon in the pit out of the corner of my eye. We were at the edge of the pit. Now was my chance. To finally get rid of her. "Time to face your fears!" I exclaimed and shoved her backwards.

I watched as she fell backwards and hit the bottom of the pit with a thud. "What the hell Astrid?!" I heard her scream as I started making my way back to the others. "How am I supposed to get out of here?!" Her voice got more distant as I ran to the others.

When I made my way back to the clearing I pretended to be in shock. "Astrid, are you okay?!" Fishlegs said in alarm. With that everyone noticed what was going on and ran to me. "Astrid, what happened?!!!" Hiccup started yelling at me. It was as if he only cared about her in that moment.

"There was a dragon!" I said thinking on the spot. "What?!" Hiccup yelled again. "There was nothing I could do!" I yelled back and started to pretend to cry.

With that, Hiccup ran into the forest behind me.

"HICCUP!" I yelled, not wanting him to go after her, but he was gone. After that, every one followed him. Including me.

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