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As Jungkook lays in his bed after taking a hot shower, he can't help but think of only the positives at this moment.

He is bathed and smells of something other than rest stop hand soap. He is laying in something other than a beaten up old tent with a pillow that isn't made of his dirty laundry stuffed inside a garbage bag.

He's apprehensive about not being able to leave the compound, but where would he go? Back to his favorite spot in the woods that even the animals had started to avoid, aside from a random stray dog or raccoon?

He has nowhere else to go; he has no one to go to.

He has done a lot of things to survive in this world without his parents, and this is just another stepping stone that will help him get to his ultimate goal in his life.

He just wants to be happy.


"Fucking stupid game," the night guard mumbles as he walks around the room. After sitting in the office for a few hours, he needs to stretch. "They cheated. How did the other three simultaneously pick paper while I picked rock?"

He groans as he sticks his hands in his pockets and continues along the circular path around the office. The four night guards on duty tonight played a game of "rock, paper, scissors" to determine who would be the unlucky person who had to stay behind while the others got to have their lunch break first.

"Of course it was me," he says to himself. "Fuckers have been ganging up on me for the last three weeks. And why is it always me, alone? Sorry sons of bitches."

The guard stops in front of each door as he passes it, checking on the prisoners to make sure they're not doing something they're not supposed to be. Normally, the night guards don't see too much action since the prisoners are sleeping, but there have been a few isolated incidents.

As the guard reaches Kennedy's door, he immediately pulls his tranquilizer gun out and loads it with Kennedy's dose when he sees that she's not in her room.

"Bitch must've snuck out when I was on the other side," he nearly growls as he begins to look around for the missing prisoner. "It's always me. But maybe I'll finally get to teach the little slut a lesson. Show those assholes who the real man in charge is. Maybe even get a medal for putting a boot in her face," he mumbles, almost incoherently, under his breath.

"Come out, psycho," he calls out as he stays on guard, his finger on the trigger of his gun. "I can take you. I'll prove to those asshats that I am the best out of all of them."

"Oh, Roy," Kennedy coos from behind him. He spins around, pointing the tranquilizer gun at her. "Do you really believe that you can handle me? Such a big, strong man but you can't even take me without that gun of yours."

Roy scoffs. "Oh yeah?" He smirks as he places the loaded gun back into his holster. "Try me."

"You know," she says as she leans up against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "No one here likes you. All the other guards? Ooh, you should hear the things they say. To everyone, you're an incompetent, spineless asshole who thinks he is on some kind of pedestal because he has a flashlight and a tranquilizer gun."

She pushes off the wall and takes a few steps forward, her arms still crossed lazily over her chest. "But you are far from being the superior one, Roy. You think that just because you get to boss me around from the other side of that door that you control me. But we both know who's the more superior of the two. You're nothing," she hissed. "Nothing but a tiny man with a tiny--."

Roy pulls his arm back, smiling as he punches Kennedy in the face. She stumbles and falls to her knees, her head in her hands. "Wrong, honey. Who's on their knees right now? You are. You are nothing but my play thing that I can smack around if I feel like it. What can you do? Escape from your room? Then what, Kennedy? What is so scary about you? I don't need a tranquilizer gun to be above you. I do that just by existing."

He smirks as he stares down at Kennedy, still on her knees, her entire body now shaking as she keeps her hands over her face. Blood trails down from behind her hands, dripping onto the floor beneath her.

After a moment of silence, Kennedy slowly lifts her face to meet Roy's gaze, and his smirk drops slightly.

A maniacal smile cuts across her face, but it doesn't reach her insanity-filled eyes. Though tears are streaming down her face, there is no pain there. No fear. What Roy sees on her face is more terrifying than even anger. What he sees is pure, unadulterated joy. Roy instinctively begins to take slow steps backwards. Like one would if coming across a hungry mountain lion in the woods.

A guttural scream erupts from Kennedy's throat as she launches herself at him. Before he can even react, Kennedy kicks him between the legs. Roy kneels forward, cupping himself. The second his head is lowered, Kennedy grabs it between her hands and connects her knee with his face. She kicks him again in the chest as he tries to straighten up. As he sprawls backwards, she leaps, straddling him and pressing his tranquilizer gun directly against his forehead.

She trails the gun slowly over his face, pausing at his eye before moving down to the hollow of his throat. Roy holds his hands up as if contrition could satisfy her. As if anything could satisfy her in that moment.

"If you survive this," she says through clenched teeth, "I hope the scars will remind you of who the fuck I am." She tilts her head to the side to get a better view of his gun pressed tightly against his sweaty skin, her tears still glistening in her eyes. She leans down, bringing her face closer to his. Blood drips from her nose onto his cheek, but he doesn't make a move to wipe it away.

She smiles as their foreheads press together, blood staining her teeth as she digs the barrel of the gun deeper into Roy's neck.

"I hope they remind you every day not to fuck with the Queen."

She sits up and pulls the trigger. Before he can react, she's loaded it with Yoongi's dose. Then Taehyung's. Then Jimin's, until she's injected him with all four of the tranquilizer doses each guard is required to carry.

Still shaking with barely controlled rage, Kennedy stands up as Roy begins to convulse before eventually losing consciousness. She grabs his flashlight off of his utility belt and kneels down on his right side.

"And this is for touching me with your filthy hand," she whispers. She screams in rage as she brings the flashlight down as hard as she can, reveling in the sound of the bones breaking underneath her force. With every impact of the flashlight, Kennedy smiles wider, even laughing as his hand becomes an unrecognizable lump of bloody, mangled flesh and broken bone.

"You'll never be able to touch me again," she whispers venomously, spitting a mouthful of blood onto his face. "You won't even be able to jerk your tiny dick with a hand this mangled."

Panting, Kennedy stands up and lets the flashlight fall to the floor with a heavy clang. She looks down absently at her hands sprinkled with Roy's blood before shifting her attention to his face, admiring her work. He's unconscious but still convulsing as blood trickles from his mouth. The tranquilizer darts bob and sway in his throat with each twitch, making her giggle. They remind her of badminton birdies with their little fuzzy ends.

Kennedy sighs, the ghost of a smile crossing her bloody lips. "Whether you're dying or you bite off your tongue, at least you won't be able to use that filthy mouth of yours to ever speak to me that way again. Of course, dying would be preferred."

As if waking up from a trance, she glances up to see Taehyung standing at the door of his cell. He's watching her with a blank expression from the window.

"Mind your fucking business psycho," she says in a breathy tone. "Or I'll gouge those beautiful eyes of yours right out of your skull and hang them up in my room like a set of fuzzy dice."

As Kennedy slowly walks back towards her cell, her head swinging side to side as she hums a tune to herself, Taehyung can't help but let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

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