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Kennedy skips along in front of Jungkook with her hands bound behind her back as he leads her back to the main block. She smiles because she's happy to be free and because she's happy that Jungkook isn't mad at her anymore. At least, not that she can tell.

The other three guards are sitting in the center command room when they come through the doors and her eyes go straight to the younger man with wide eyes and an even wider smile. She gives him a wink as she passes the circular room, making his smile fade just a little. She grins and slides her eyes away, happy to know her reputation around the place is still intact.

When Jungkook leads her to her cell, she turns and playfully acts like she's going to run, jumping from one side to the other and leaning towards Jungkook. He just grins and shakes his head before motioning her into the cell. She pouts and stands her ground, forcing Jungkook to practically shove her in. She's being flirty, but only two people really seem to notice, Jungkook being one of them.

Taehyung watches from the window in his cell as Jungkook pushes Kennedy back into hers. His eyes narrow and he seethes as the guard dares to touch his plaything. His plaything that didn't even glance in his direction as she passed. How dare she ignore him when he's been waiting for her to come back? He never gets wrapped up about women, and the fact that he can't stop thinking about the way Kennedy felt underneath him only makes him more angry.

When Jungkook walks out of the cell and their eyes make contact, Taehyung begins to think about something other than Kennedy. He starts to think about teaching that guard a lesson. Jungkook glances between Taehyung and Kennedy's cell, where she's standing at the window making faces against the glass. When he turns back to Taehyung, his look is hard as stone as he just barely shakes his head. The gesture isn't lost on Taehyung. He smirks against the challenge. Jungkook won't keep him from what he believes is his.

Jungkook walks away from the cell and goes to the command room with the other guards. The hairs on the back of his neck are still standing up after his non-verbal confrontation with Taehyung. He's not sure how, but he knows something is going on between him and Kennedy and he wants to find a way to stop it. He considers bringing it up with the other guys, but they seem so exhausted, he decides to let it slide for the moment and bring it up when everyone isn't so stressed out.

After lunch, things settle down and the inmates get quiet. It's all Jungkook can do to stay awake as Jin plays a game on his phone with Hongjoong and Namjoon pulls out his own phone to listen to music. Jungkook stands and stretches before walking over to the coffee machine. But the mug slips from his hand and shatters on the floor when he sees Kennedy's door shut, Taehyung glancing back through the window with a demonic grin on his face.

Kennedy jumps up from her cot and runs the few feet to where Tae is standing. He turns and does something to the door before facing her again, his eyes fiery and dangerous. She skids to a stop and takes a single step backward, warning bells going off like fireworks in her head.

"What's up, Tae Tae?" she asks cautiously. Jungkook and the other guards are already beating on the door to get in, but Taehyung did something to prevent them from opening it. "I didn't know you could get out, too."

His smile is cruel. "There's a lot of things you don't seem to know, sweetheart. Like how you belong to me."

Despite knowing that he's in a dangerous space, Kennedy can't help but mouth off. "Um, sorry buddy, but I belong to no man."

His eyes flash with rage as his hand snaps out to grab her by the hair. He pulls her into him, pulling her hair so that her head bends back slightly so he can look down on her even as she's crushed against his chest.

"Not even your dickless guard? I saw the way you two were flirting. Do you really think he would stick his dick in something like you?"

Kennedy's face flashes hot with anger and humiliation, but she hides the latter with the former, laughing at him even as he pulls her hair harder. "What does that say about you, then?"

"I felt sorry for you. Considering how pathetic you are. Considering how hard you worked to throw yourself at me. Which is why you're my whore, not his."

Kennedy's breath catches in her throat. She knows Taehyung isn't capable of something like love, but she had started to let herself believe that maybe he felt something for her. That maybe he wasn't horrible all the way through. But as she looks up into his black pits for eyes, she realizes that there is nothing redeeming about him. Maybe he's not even human.

"Take your hands off me," she grinds out.

"You're nothing but a toy for me to play with. I'll take my hands off you when I want to." Taehyung growls as he pushes her up against the wall. He leans in to kiss her, blocking her knee as she brings it up towards his crotch, but before he can, a baton comes down between them and up into his throat.

Jungkook loops his baton around Taehyung's throat and pulls him backwards. They're about the same height and weight, but Taehyung is stronger than he looks under the baggy shirts and pants he is forced to wear.

Taehyung steps back into Jungkook, then leans forward, throwing the younger man over his shoulder. He starts to lunge for the guard while he's down just as a tranquilizer dart catches him in the throat. He stares down at the determined look on Jungkook's face as the younger still crouches with his gun raised in front of him. Despite her bravado, Kennedy cowers behind Jungkook, silently thanking him for saving her.

The fight is leaving Taehyung's body, but not his eyes. "You can't have her. She's mine."

"She's not yours, or mine. She's an inmate and you will not touch her."

Jungkook doesn't mean anything by his words, he's just caught up in the moment with all the other guards standing behind Taehyung, watching what's going on and waiting to see what they need to do to help.

"There's nothing going on between us and whatever you have made up in your head needs to stop."

Kennedy takes a step backwards as Jungkook speaks, her blood boiling with rage. How dare Jungkook say things like that? After the way he looked at her and the way he touched her. Was she just a game to both of them?

Taehyung crumples to the floor and is immediately dragged from the room. Jungkook turns to check on Kennedy, reaching for her but she immediately backs away, glaring at him.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you care?" she demands with a tilt of her head. "I'm just an inmate."

Jungkook draws back from her, but is called away by Jin. He glances at her over his shoulder, trying to think about what he said to piss her off as he shuts the cell door.

She watches him leave as she starts to think of a way to make them all pay.

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