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Kennedy lies in her bed and stares at the ceiling as time moves around her. She's not sure how long it's been since Taehyung laid her in this bed, or since Jungkook inspected her ankle. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did when she first fell, but she's not sure if that's because it's doing better or because of the medicine the medic gave her.

As day turns to night and the guards change shifts, she stays there thinking about the way Taehyung rushed to her. How he pushed Yoongi away from her and looked at him with the promise of swift and sure destruction if he moved. How he scooped her up with so much ease and carried her away from harm. How he'd looked at her like she actually meant something to him. As the lights are cut off in her room for "lights out," her thoughts prevent her from falling asleep.

She is still pissed about the way he talked to her the other day like she belonged to him. Like she was a toy he wanted to play with and nothing more. But after today... after that look...

She can't stop thinking about the darkness in his eyes as he glared at Jungkook for daring to touch her and the way the younger man backed off. Jungkook and Taehyung are day and night to each other. Where one is soft, the other is strong. Where one is light, the other is dark.

And as much as she knows she shouldn't, Kennedy can't stop craving the darkness. She closes her eyes and pictures the lean muscle of his neck and shoulders... the way his hands felt when they moved over her skin... the way his dark eyes seemed to light on fire when they looked into hers.

Despite her brain telling her what a terrible, awful, horrible idea it is, her feet won't stop moving to her cell door. Her hand won't stop picking the lock until her bare feet cross the threshold into the outer room. The guards don't look up as she crosses the room and for a second, she wonders if they simply ignore her because it's easier. At least she's in a room, and considering whose room she's going to, she considers the possibility that they hope he kills her so she won't be their problem anymore.

But that doesn't stop her from opening his door and sliding inside.

Her breath falls from her lips as her eyes meet his. She can barely see him in the dim glow of the security light over his bed, but she doesn't need to see much. His dark, wavy hair is even more unruly than usual. Like he's been running his hands through it over and over again. He's shirtless, only wearing a pair of loose sweats as he sits casually with his back against the block wall. He's got a book in his hand and she sucks in a soft breath when she sees the title.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

His face is soft and lovely, his eyes large and round, as he tosses the book down on the bed and crosses the room to her. In an instant, he's got his hands cupping her cheeks, his mouth and body pressing into hers urgently, but gently. She doesn't have the capability to push him away, even if she had the desire.

When he pulls away, his eyes search each of hers before he whispers, "You shouldn't have come. Does your ankle still hurt?"

"No," she answers softly, still unsure whether she's dreaming or awake. "I'm fine."

A tiny smile tugs at the corner of his lips before he's kissing her again. She loses herself in the feel of him for a moment as she runs her hands over his bare torso, feeling every curve and dip of his back, before her senses come back to her and she pushes at his chest. He backs away slightly, looking hurt.

"I don't understand you, Taehyung. What's with the sudden change?"

He rubs his lower lip with his finger as he looks at hers. When his eyes flick up to hers, he looks almost innocent. Contrite, at the very least. "I shouldn't have treated you that way. I just got so jealous when I saw you with that guard." His hands flutter over her upper arms and tangle in her hair, twirling it around the tip of his finger. "I've wanted you for so long, I guess I got worried that you didn't really want me the same way."

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