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"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" San says through gritted teeth, his eyes glinting dangerously underneath the blood smeared across his face.

Before Namjoon can react, San kicks Hoseok straight in the abdomen with his combat boot, sending him in a crumpled heap to the floor where he begins to bleed even more profusely from his torn stitches.

Namjoon immediately kneels down to cover Hoseok, alarmed in the amount of blood pooling beneath his coworker and friend. Jimin feels torn, not knowing if he should protect Namjoon and Hoseok or if he should stay with Yoongi, but Yoongi moves to stand in front of Jimin, his hands trembling as rage rips through his soul. He turns to Jimin, barely keeping himself contained as he mumbles to go keep Hoseok safe.

"Yoongi," Jimin says, and Yoongi stares at him with the same intensity as he shoves Jimin away.

"Protect Hobi," he repeats as he moves his glare back to San, whose smirk falters slightly seeing the look on Yoongi's face as he yells in rage and runs at San, grabbing his hand and twisting it into an unnatural angle. San yelps in pain as he drops the gun he's holding, and Yoongi wastes no time as he headbutts San, sending the man stumbling backwards out of the cell.

More blood flows from San's nose as he glares at Yoongi, but Yoongi's gaze doesn't falter underneath San's eyes.

He stands in the doorway, determined to keep San away from those he cares about.

"I'm the one you want," Yoongi growls, a grin spreading across his face as he cracks his neck. "Just know I won't go peacefully."

"You're less of a pussy than I thought," San quips, spitting some blood onto the floor. "I really thought you were going to let everyone else keep fighting for you while you cowered behind them."

Yoongi takes a step forward, and grins mischievously when San unconsciously takes a step back. He knows the aura he gives off when he welcomes the darkness, but if it can protect the ones he cares about, he'll gladly become a monster to keep them safe.

Without another word, Yoongi runs at San again, faster than he must have been expecting since Yoongi lands a knee in San's stomach before he can properly react. As soon as San's head is down, the same knee connects with San's nose as Yoongi grabs both sides of his head to make sure he gets the full impact against his face.

Not missing a beat, Yoongi goes low and sweeps his leg across the floor, pulling San's feet out from under him and knocking the breath from his lungs as he lands on his back.

San laughs, though it's more of a breathless wheeze as Yoongi hovers over him, still grinning as his eyes dance with darkness.

"Where'd you learn to fight? Mommy dearest said you would be easy to pick off."

Yoongi leans down, gripping San's jaw with his right hand as he pulls a knife from San's belt, taunting him as he glides the blade across his bloodied cheek.

"Mommy dearest doesn't know shit about me," Yoongi says in a low tone, his unstable mind coming to life seeing the blade glinting in the harsh overhead lights.

Yoongi keeps the blade in one of his hands while he drags San to his feet, easily pinning him to the wall while San stares at him with an amused look.

"Oh, how we love the color red," Yoongi whispers, laughing to himself as he drives the blade into San's abdomen, right where San had kicked Hoseok - where Yoongi had stabbed Hoseok when he lost control.

San groans in pain, coughing out a splatter of blood across Yoongi's face as his hand moves to grip Yoongi's as it holds onto the blade in his stomach.

"I learned something about you during this lovely exchange," San says, grinning as he coughs up a bit more blood.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and removes the blade before stepping back and letting San slump against the wall, trying to keep his balance.

"You get so caught up in your psycho mind that you become blind," San says, grinning again as he pulls out a gun from behind him and points it straight at Yoongi.

Yoongi's eyes widen as he realizes there is no way he can get out of the way in time, but before he can decide what to do, someone steps between San and Yoongi just as the gun goes off.

The man falls to the floor, cursing as San laughs, shaking his head.

"Should've known he'd try to save you," San says, licking the blood from his lips as Yoongi kneels down next to Jimin.

"Fuck," Jimin groans as he holds onto his bleeding shoulder. "I'm fine, Yoongi. Nothing fatal."

Yoongi stares down at Jimin wide-eyed before his eyes become unfocused. Before he can collect his thoughts, he finds himself dragging Jimin into the cell with Namjoon and Hoseok.

He sees Hoseok on the floor, unconscious from blood loss as Namjoon tries to keep pressure on the wound. Yoongi glances down at Jimin again, seeing his best friend bleeding from the bullet wound he got protecting him.

Yoongi hears the voices in his head, singing with glee at the amount of blood surrounding him, and that's when he realizes that the image of two of the most important people in his life bleeding in front of him are going to cause him to become completely unhinged to the point where he no longer holds any semblance of control.

He moves quickly while he still has the remnants of his self control left, yanking the tranq gun from Namjoon's belt and loading it with the first dose he can get his hands on.

"Yoongi?" Namjoon asks, turning to see Yoongi pressing the tranq gun to his thigh.

"I can't," Yoongi says, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. "I can't let it take over or I'll hurt someone I love again. Namjoon, I need to do this to keep everyone safe. I can't live with myself hurting someone I love again. Not ever again. Hoseok is bleeding because of me, because of the stab wound I gave him because I let the darkness take over completely. I can't let it take control again, and it wants to so badly I can't stand to fight against it any longer. I need to do this."

Before Namjoon can reply, Yoongi shoots himself in the leg with the tranquilizer, and after a few moments of him looking between Hoseok and Jimin with tears in his eyes, his gaze becomes unfocused and his body slumps over next to Jimin as he falls completely unconscious.

Namjoon looks around him at the three people, his heart pounding in his chest at the fact that not only is one of his closest friends unconscious and bleeding profusely beside him, but also the man he has been watching over and taking care of since he started working here so long ago is groaning in pain, holding his shoulder as he barely clings to consciousness himself.

Namjoon stands, knowing that he can't sit here while San and the others pick them off one by one. He trained his entire life for this job - for this moment. If he has to die for these people, he will do it without a second's thought.

But he sure as hell won't go down without a fight.

Namjoon clenches his jaw, letting the image of his wounded and incapacitated peers force him into overdrive as adrenaline courses through his veins. He walks out of the cell, where San is still leaning against the wall, obviously feeling the effects of his continuous blood loss.

Namjoon realizes, however, that San has no intention of giving up as he pushes himself off the wall and points his gun at Namjoon's face, and he grins, blood shining against his teeth.

"Just face it," San says, taking a leisurely step towards Namjoon, who doesn't back down or flinch as the cool metal of the gun presses into his forehead. "I've won."

Before Namjoon can move to disarm San, a shot rings out and San's head snaps to the side before he falls to the floor in a heap, the bullet wound in the side of his head causing a pool of blood to form around his body and Namjoon's feet.

"What an asshole," Jin snaps as he lets the gun fall limply to his side in his hand, wiping some blood from his lip as sweat drips down his forehead.

"I had it handled," Namjoon says, smirking at Jin who shrugs as he tries to catch his breath.

"What can I say? I like to make a dramatic entrance."

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