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To Jungkook's everlasting relief, the day passes by uneventfully. He is even grateful when it begins to rain because it means there would be no time for the prisoners in the yard and he won't have to endure a repeat of the day before. The only problem is that it makes it harder to stay awake all day when all he wants to do is crawl back in his bed and pass out.

By the time the night crew makes their way to the command room, he isn't even sure if he still wants to get together with the guys, but he made a commitment and he intends to see it through, if for no other reason than knowing it would be good for him to be around people outside of work.

After showering and changing into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, he makes his way down the hall to Hoseok's room, making sure to pay attention to the door number before he knocks. He has no idea who the other rooms belong to, but he has no intention of making a fool out of himself.

Two seconds after knocking on the door, Hoseok jerks it open with a wide smile on his face and his fingers hooked around a couple opened beers. He immediately hands one to Jungkook and claps him on the back as he ushers him inside. Jin and Namjoon are already sitting on the couch, watching a game on TV and digging into a pile of snacks on the coffee table.

Jungkook thanks Hoseok and takes a deep gulp of the beer as he leans against the kitchen counter and looks around the room. It is much the same as his own, but pictures on the walls and personal items around the space give it a lived-in feel his has yet to earn.

"Come on and get something to eat," Hoseok says warmly as he falls down into a well-loved leather chair. "I'm starting the burgers in a minute but there's plenty to eat until then."

"Thanks," Jungkook says as he plops down beside Namjoon. He grabs a handful of chips and stuffs them in his mouth, unsure of what else to do. It's not like he's had many chances to socialize over the past year.

"So, how are you liking your job so far?" Namjoon asks without taking his eyes off the big screen TV.

"It's not bad. Could be worse."

Jin snorted. "Like what? Cleaning shit out of horse stables?"

"Actually, yeah," Jungkook answers without thinking. "I did that for a few years and it was miserable. Plus, this pays better."

He slowly becomes aware of the other guys turning to look at him. He just barely covers his self-conscious wince with another gulp of beer.

"How many jobs have you had?" Jin asks. His shrewd eyes have turned away from the TV and Jungkook curses himself for saying anything. This is why I should've stayed in my own apartment.

"A few since I graduated."

"Since your mom died?"

Jungkook gives Jin a hard stare for a moment, but he doesn't think the older means anything by the question. He is just genuinely curious. Namjoon and Hoseok glance at each other before looking at Jungkook, waiting for his answer. He sighs. Might as well get it out in the open.

"Yeah. Since her death left me with so much debt, I ended up working a bunch of odd jobs to try and pay it all off, but being so young it was just too hard. And all of my dad's insurance money had gone to her medical care. So eventually the bank took the house."

Hoseok is the first to speak up after an uncomfortable silence. "So where did you live? With family?"

Jungkook shakes his head and drains the last of the beer before tossing the bottle in the recycling and grabbing another. "Nope. No family to live with. I got my dad's old camping gear out of storage before the unit was locked and sold and lived out of it for the last few months."

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