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Jungkook paces in front of Kennedy's door, deciding against going inside as his boots click on the floor underneath him. She has not spoken to anyone in a week, and he is conflicted. He has tried to apologize for what he said to her that day, but she refuses to acknowledge that he exists.

Part of Jungkook can't help but miss the small moments he had with her.

"She's just pouting," Jin says, walking up to the still-pacing Jungkook, placing his hands onto the younger's shoulders to stop the movement. "She'll get over it. Don't get too torn up about it."

"Tell that to Taehyung," Jungkook says, raising his eyebrow as his eyes move to Taehyung's empty cell. The past week of Taehyung being in isolation after his conflict with Kennedy has consisted of many angry outbursts from him. Jin has been back and forth between the isolation cell and the office because Taehyung has been too much for Wooyoung to handle alone.

"I'm bringing him out of isolation in a few days," Jin says, letting his hands fall to his sides.

Jungkook's eyes widen. "That's a terrible idea, Jin! Taehyung can get out of his cell and do whatever the hell he wants now! We'll all be dead by sunset!"

Jin smiles, causing Jungkook to frown.

"A maintenance guy is coming today to install biometric doors on the cells," Jin says, nearly shaking in excitement. "I called Senator Min and explained the situation yet again, putting emphasis on the fact that now three out of the four prisoners have at one point broken out of their cells and that it was only a matter of time before one of them figured out how to escape. The second I mentioned the possibility of her son escaping, she scheduled an appointment with maintenance."

"Yoongi hasn't tried to get out of his cell since he attacked his parents though," Jungkook says, raising an eyebrow. "Also, if anyone can figure out how to escape, it's Kennedy, and I highly doubt she'd be too keen on taking Yoongi with her."

"The senator doesn't have to know all of that," Jin rolls his eyes and Jungkook's lips quirk up into a small smile. "We're getting what we want, finally."

Jungkook's heart drops a bit when the notion of getting what he wants is mentioned.

What does he want?

He sighs, willing himself to push his personal matters aside for now. "When is the maintenance guy coming?"

"On his way now," Hongjoong says, walking up to the two gathered outside Kennedy's cell. "Namjoon's just left to meet him at the gate."

"How are we going to do this?" Jungkook asks, frowning as he looks around at the cells. "You don't think they'll try anything while the new doors are being put on?"

"We could do Taehyung's door first," Hongjoong says, shrugging. "Pull him out of isolation when it's done and then take the next one to isolation to put on their new door, and so on. Put whoever is getting the new door into isolation so they can't run away while the door is being installed."

Jin shakes his head. "Isolation is for punishment. I don't want to use it as a placeholder for them when they've all behaved. It'd be a bit cruel, wouldn't it?"

Hongjoong nods. "Right. Sorry, I'm not used to being on the front lines here." He lets out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey," Jungkook says, nudging Hongjoong with his shoulder. "You should've seen me here on my first day. Jin mentioned severed hands and gouged eyeballs and I nearly ran for the hills."

Hongjoong frowns at Jin. "Were you trying to scare him off or something?"

Jin laughs. "I found it very informative and, dare I say, eye-opening."

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