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Jungkook tosses and turns in his bed, groaning in frustration when he realizes that he won't be able to fall back to sleep after waking up nearly an hour ago. He glances at the clock, and when he sees that it's 4 AM, he lets out a sigh of resignation before getting up and heading straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

After setting the temperature of the water, he undresses and steps inside the tub, letting the hot water glide down his back. The steam quickly gathers around him in the small space, dimming his visibility as he washes up quickly so he can get some caffeine in his system before work.

After he's dressed in his guard uniform, he trudges into the kitchen to his coffee maker, hurriedly getting his thermos filled with black coffee. He knows he'll need every drop to make it through today; sleep didn't come easily to him last night.

His mind was constantly running, absurd theories and unanswered questions swimming through his consciousness and even seeping into his unconsciousness.

After taking a long gulp of coffee and nearly burning his tongue with the scalding liquid, he decides to go into work early to check on Kennedy's ankle. He doesn't know much in the medical field, but living out of a tent forced him to learn a thing or two about first aid.

After slipping his boots on, he makes the long walk towards the cell block, holding his coffee in one hand and running his free hand through his wet hair in a haphazard attempt at styling it into something more manageable than a tangled mop.

After scanning his eye and hand numerous times, he finally reaches the cell block, where he stops short at the sight in front of him.

Kennedy is slipping into her cell, clothes wrinkled and hair a mess. She freezes in her spot, staring at Jungkook through the crack in the open door of her cell. Jungkook stares back at her, his eyes wide. He glances toward the office in the center, and the night guards are seated at the table, eyes glazed over as they stare at their phones.

Jungkook's eyes snap back to Kennedy, who is now smirking in Jungkook's direction. Before she lets the door close, she puts her finger up to her lips and winks at him.

Jungkook's mouth drops open slightly, turning to the night guards while pointing at Kennedy's now closed door, but they aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to it.

Realizing there's not much he can do about it now since she's safely back inside her cell from wherever she went, Jungkook sighs heavily and takes another swig of his coffee before going into the office.

The night guards collectively jolt, standing up and letting their phones drop to the table.

"You're early," one of them says, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks tint pink.

"Anything happen?" Jungkook asks, his eyebrow raising as he sips his coffee.

"It was quiet all night," another one says, pursing his lips.

"Right," Jungkook snorts in reply. "I'm gonna go check on Kennedy."

He sets his coffee on the table before making his way toward Kennedy's cell. He sees her sitting on her bed, twirling her hair around her finger as he unlocks the door and moves inside. He shuts the door behind him before sighing and leaning against the metal. "Where were you?"

"Out and about," she says, turning slightly as she sends him a small smile.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and moves forward, kneeling down in front of her as she sits on her bed. "How's your ankle?"

She frowns for a second before she replaces the confused look with her usual smirk. "Such a gentleman to come in early just to check on me."

"Let me see it, please," he says through a sigh, holding his hands out as she pulls her injured leg out in front of her.

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