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"Hobi, stay here and watch the other three," Namjoon says as soon as Jungkook exits Kennedy's cell, nodding to signal that she's unconscious. "Newbie and I will carry Kennedy to isolation. Call the janitor too so he can come clean up this mess."

Hoseok salutes in Namjoon's direction, smiling slightly as he presses a button on his walkie talkie and speaks into it.

"I'll help you carry her and I'll show you where isolation is," Namjoon starts but Jungkook shakes his head as he stands in the doorway of Kennedy's room.

"I can carry her," Jungkook says. "She doesn't seem very heavy."

"Suit yourself," he shrugs as Jungkook moves back into the room to pick Kennedy off the floor. He picks her up bridal-style and winces as he takes in her appearance.

Her closed eyes are beginning to turn into a mix of blue and purple, the bruises stretching from underneath her eye up to the bridge of her nose, which is still trickling blood.

"Maybe we should get a nurse or something to look at her," Jungkook says as he moves out of Kennedy's cell with the prisoner in his arms. "I think her nose is broken."

"Yeah, sure," Namjoon says absentmindedly as he jogs over to check on Jimin, who casts a glare in his direction. "Let's get her settled into the room first then I'll call for a medic," he says as he jogs back to Jungkook.

Namjoon begins to lead Jungkook back through the main doors to the cells and back towards the way Jungkook came when he first arrived.

"Interesting first day of work," Namjoon says, looking over his shoulder at Jungkook.

"I'd say it was more terrifying than interesting," Jungkook grumbles but Namjoon hears.

He laughs. "You'll get used to this, don't worry. Not the deaths, of course. It's only happened one other time, so at least that's something you won't see very often."

Jungkook hums, deciding not to speak or else Namjoon would hear the quiver of fear in his tone. He glances down at Kennedy, his muscles stiff as he tries to stay alert in case she wakes up and attacks him.

"Speaking of death," Namjoon continues and Jungkook glances back up towards Namjoon as he opens a door by scanning his hand and eye, "I should probably let you know about the protocol we'll have to follow today."

"Right," Jungkook says gruffly as he's led down a set of stairs, being careful not to drop Kennedy.

"When a death occurs on the premises, protocol states that the four prisoners need to be evaluated by their psychiatrists in order to determine their current mental states and confirm we won't have any residual issues from the incident."

"What's going to happen to Kennedy?" Jungkook asks in a quiet voice as they reach a giant, metal door with a hand and retina scanner.

After scanning his eye and hand again, Namjoon takes a step back as the door slowly swings open, revealing a barren, concrete room with even less comfort than the regular cells in the prison.

"She'll stay here for a few days," Namjoon says as he gestures Jungkook to step inside. "Her outside privileges will be revoked and she will only see a guard once every hour to check on her."

Jungkook moves into the cell, gently placing Kennedy onto the stiff mattress of the creaky metal-framed bed. He glances around the room and sees nothing except the bed and toilet; there isn't even a window to alleviate the gloom.

"She isn't going to be arrested or anything?" Jungkook asks and Namjoon laughs, making Jungkook nearly jump out of his skin at the loud noise.

"She's already in prison. What more could they do? She's never leaving this place, so they can't add onto her sentence. Besides, if what the night guards said are true, then it was self defense."

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