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Namjoon paces back and forth, biting his lip as he keeps his hands in his pockets. Every time he walks past Jimin's door, he glances into the room to check on him. Drowsiness threatens to pull his eyes closed, but determination keeps them open as Namjoon continues to walk in front of Jimin's room to keep a watchful eye on him.

He doesn't know how Jimin is going to react when he regains consciousness and sees the aftermath of what he did.

Namjoon groans to himself as he rubs his hands over his face, trying to push the sleep from his tired eyes. He only slept a couple of hours before they came and got him, and he didn't want to leave Jimin alone after he'd been sedated, so he stayed. Now that it is late morning, all Namjoon has on his mind are two things: Jimin's wellbeing and how much he could use a nap.

"Ah, Namjoon," a woman says from behind him, and he turns to see a woman with grey, unruly hair barely pulled into a bun smiling up at him.

"Dr. Knox," he says, tipping his head in greeting. "How is he?"

"I would've liked to take him to the hospital," she says, putting her hands behind her back, "but I realize that he is far too dangerous to be in public like that, so I made it work."

"Is he okay?"

"I had to give him a few stitches in his right hand. He busted his knuckles wide open," she says, shaking her head slightly as she sighs. "After the stitches come out, we can replace that soft cast with a more sturdy one so we can get those broken bones healed up."

Namjoon nods, rubbing the stubble growing in on his chin as he looks into Jimin's window again to see him still asleep in his bed, lying on his side as his shoulder rises and falls slowly with his breaths.

"He has some bruising on his left wrist and right foot as well, but nothing else was broken or bleeding," Dr. Knox continues, and Namjoon just hums in response as his eyes stay trained on Jimin.

"Nasty bruises you got there," she says, stepping toward Namjoon. "They look worse than they did when I first checked on you."

"I'm fine," Namjoon says quietly, shrugging his shoulders. "I've had worse, trust me."

"From Jimin?" she asks, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Namjoon turns to look at her, a hard glare evident in his drowsy eyes. "Thanks for your help. We'll call if we need you."

Dr. Knox purses her lips before nodding in defeat, bowing her head slightly before turning on her heel to walk away.

Namjoon turns to look into Jimin's door, and he nearly jumps back in shock when he sees Jimin looking back at him through the window, his breath fogging up the glass between the two.

Namjoon breathes out slowly, wincing only slightly at the pain in his throat before he motions for Jimin to move back so the door can be opened.

Jimin limps back into his bed, sitting down and staring down at his hands just as Namjoon gets the door unlocked. He closes it behind him and sits down next to Jimin on his bed, his gaze falling to the mess of gauze and medical tape on Jimin's right hand and the black and purple littering his left.

"Did I kill anyone?" Jimin asks, and Namjoon's shoulders drop at the tone of Jimin's voice.

"No," Namjoon says, forcing a dimpled smile to fall on his lips as Jimin looks up with an empty gaze. "You didn't even hurt anyone but yourself this time."

Jimin scoffs and tilts his head toward Namjoon's neck. "I'm assuming you didn't have a special someone in your bed last night who gets off to choking someone."

Namjoon sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "Jimin, I'm fine. I promise."

"I'm sorry," he says in a low voice, rotating his right ankle as he stares at the bruising on his foot. "I dreamed about them and just lost control."

Namjoon purses his lips. "Are you in any pain?"

"Have you taken a look at me? Of course I'm in pain," Jimin says, rolling his eyes as he glares at Namjoon, who just sends a small smile in his direction.

"I can get you some pain medicine," he says, patting Jimin's left thigh. "Do you want me to call your psychiatrist? Maybe you'll feel a bit better if you talk to her."

"I'm okay now," Jimin says, wincing as he repositions so he can lay back down in bed. "Just the meds please. I don't want to be awake right now. I can't stand the sight of these damn bruises."

Namjoon nods, sending Jimin a reassuring smile. "You're in the safest place you can be, you know. We will always do our best to keep you safe."

"No," Jimin says, staring at the ceiling. "You'll always do your best to keep the outside world safe from me."

Namjoon frowns, but just as he opens his mouth to reply, he hears yelling and stomping in the distance and he whips his head around to look through the window of the room.

"Go," Jimin says, turning on his side. "Duty calls, right?"

Namjoon calls for someone on his walkie talkie to bring Jimin some medicine before unlocking the door and stepping out, locking it securely behind him just as Hoseok comes into the room, dragging Yoongi by the arm.

"I just want to paint some pictures with her blood, Hobi," Yoongi growls, his eyes nearly black as he's dragged along by Hoseok towards his cell. "Maybe take her fucking tongue so she'll finally shut the fuck up."

"Don't make me sedate you," Hoseok snaps, turning his furious gaze toward Yoongi before unlocking the cell and nearly throwing him inside. "You're lucky I'm not putting you in isolation for that stunt you just pulled."

Hoseok slams the door shut, locking it tight before turning his fiery gaze onto Namjoon.

He sighs, closing his eyes for a second. When he opens them, the anger that was blazing in them begins to subside, and he gives Namjoon a weak smile.

"What happened?" Namjoon asks. The door to the cell block suddenly opens, and Jungkook walks through the door with a conflicted look on his face. Behind him, Taehyung walks in with Kennedy in his arms, who looks furious and confused at the same time. Jin trails behind everyone, muttering to himself under his breath and rolling his eyes as he shuts and locks the door behind him.

"Put her down, Taehyung," Jin commands, but Taehyung tightens his grip around Kennedy and nearly growls as he steps away from his guard.

"You don't fucking touch her," he snaps, and Kennedy's wide eyes look up into Taehyung's and she spots an emotion that she's never seen in his eyes before - something she can't quite interpret just yet.

"I'll put her in her bed," Taehyung says, holding steadily onto Kennedy in his arms as Jungkook unlocks the door to her cell.

Jin follows Taehyung into Kennedy's cell, and as soon as she's gently laid onto the mattress, Jin grabs Taehyung by the arm and drags him to his own cell, locking him inside as Taehyung glares at him through the window.

"Take a nap or something, cranky ass," Jin says to him as he makes his way back to Kennedy's cell.

Jin walks back inside to see Jungkook examining Kennedy's ankle. She's wincing slightly as Jungkook moves it back and forth, his fingers gently applying pressure and asking her if it hurts when he touches it.

Jin decides to leave them to it and walks over to Namjoon and Hoseok. Namjoon is looking around with furrowed eyebrows and Hoseok is glaring at Yoongi's door.

"Can I possibly be informed on what the fuck happened?" Namjoon pipes up and Jin sighs, rubbing his forehead before explaining what happened outside.

"It's just sprained, I think," Jungkook says as he walks up to the other main guards, pulling the attention to the youngest as he stands with his arms across his chest. "I called someone to bring her a cold compress and some medicine for the swelling."

"I need a fucking nap," Namjoon groans as he walks away towards the office.

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