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Jungkook pulls the cap shading his eyes down lower, adjusting it against the onslaught of sunlight slamming down on him from above. It's the first nice day in a week and the prisoners seem excited to be out of their cells, if only for a few minutes. Jungkook watches as everyone moves around the yard.

Jimin and Yoongi are sitting together at a shaded picnic table while Taehyung has taken the opportunity to use some of the gym equipment scattered around the heavily fenced area. Kennedy is simply reclining on another picnic table, taking the opportunity to soak in the sun.

"You're going to burn like that," Jungkook calls to her from his position against the wall.

She picks her head up and shades her eyes so she can get a better look at him. "And your face will stick like that if you keep giving me that sour look. But thanks for the concern, Cap." She closes her eyes again and tips her head back for a little bit, but eventually the sun even gets to her and she hops up and walks over to stand with Jungkook in the shade. With a sidelong glance to size him up, she copies his stance with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot propped up against the wall behind them.

He watches from the corner of his eye and snorts. "Cute."

"I know," she says with a tip of her head.


"So I heard your sister came to visit," Jimin says to Yoongi as the older pulls out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long pull.

"Yeah, but she didn't stay long this time. I kept slipping." Yoongi leans back against the table and brings his leg up to his chest. "It's for the best. Maybe she'll realize she's better off without me and just stay away."

"She loves you, Yoongi. And I can tell how much she means to you. Seeing her is usually good for you. What happened?"

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. I just feel like something bad is coming. Everything is getting harder to fight."

Jimin props his head in his hands as he watches the guards. He notices Kennedy standing next to the new guy and she winks and waves when the guard's head is turned away. Jimin growls to himself and looks away.

"Yeah. Same, man."

"Do you ever just wish you could end it?"

Jimin looks over at Yoongi. They aren't exactly friends, but they're as close as you could get in such a situation. The idea of Yoongi ending his life gives Jimin a constricting feeling in his chest, even if he doesn't quite understand why. His mood darkens as the thought of a life without anyone who understands him weighs heavy on his mind. A humorless smile curves across his lips.

"Sometimes. But then I'd be in actual Hell and that probably won't be much better."

Yoongi snorts and crushes out his cigarette on the bottom of his boot. "Yeah, probably. But it might be cooler."


Taehyung finishes his reps on the pull down bar and lets the bar fly back up to the top with a metallic bang.

"Careful with the equipment, Taehyung, or you'll be making do with pillows and sheets," Jin yells from his vantage point across the yard.

Taehyung chuckles. "You wouldn't let me have any of that either. Afraid I might suffocate you."

"Even more reason to be careful with the equipment."

Taehyung mocks Jin silently as he grabs the bicep curl bar and starts working through his set. From his position, he can watch nearly everything that's going on, but his eyes are glued to Kennedy and the new guard. She was sunning herself in front of him like a little whore a few minutes ago, but now she's walked over next to him so she can copy how he's standing. Taehyung drops the curl bar when Kennedy leans her head over on the guy's shoulder. The guard immediately shrugs her off, but it's all Taehyung can do not to go snap the little shit's neck.

He told that bitch she was his and this is how she acts? Flirting like a slut and trying to hop on the first dick she gets near? Taehyung bites his lip so hard he draws blood as he thinks of all the ways he's going to make her pay for forgetting her place.


"How much longer are we going to be out here?" Kennedy asks Jungkook as she watches Taehyung from the corner of her eye. He's been staring at her for the last half hour, but his dark expression is hard to judge. It could be lust, or it could be hate, but then that's Taehyung. You never can tell with him.

"About fifteen minutes. Why? Getting too hot?"

"Oh honey, I'm always hot," she says with a giggle. Jungkook groans and rolls his eyes. "What? Don't you think so?" She leans her head over on his shoulder to gauge his reaction. He immediately shrugs her off, sidestepping to put some distance between the two. Taehyung drops another bar and she fights a shudder. Jin is immediately launching into Tae for beating up on the equipment, but the inmate isn't paying a bit of attention.

"Well, if it's such a problem, there's water right over there," Jungkook says, seemingly oblivious to Taehyung's murderous look as he points to the water fountain on the side of the building.

"You're no fun," Kennedy whines as she walks over and takes a sip of water, making sure to bend as provocatively as possible.


It's half past one in the morning and Kennedy still hasn't managed to go to sleep. All she can think about is the way Jungkook looked with that hat pulled low and the sinewy muscles of his forearms crossed over his broad chest. She wonders what it would take to get him to slip. Every man has a price, she just has to find out what his is.

But the longer she waits, the harder it gets to deal with her emotions. Jungkook is too good for her, she realizes. He's kind and thoughtful and no one like that deserves to end up with someone as fucked up as she is. The only people that she belongs with are people just as damned as she is.

And there's one particular damned that she knows will take her and make her forget all about these pesky feelings. Smiling to herself, she checks on the guards and then slips from her cell and into Tae's. When she turns and closes the door, Taehyung is leaning against the far wall with his legs lazily propped up in front of him. He's rolling a sucker around in his mouth and he's got one eyebrow lifted as he stares at her.

And it's at that moment, Kennedy knows she's fucked up.

"I figured you'd be making your way over here at some point tonight."

Taehyung stands and throws the sucker toward the sink, hitting it without even looking. He slowly makes his way toward Kennedy, staring her down with a terrifying intensity as he does. She involuntarily backs up against the door, knowing how unpredictable he can be and not wanting to provoke him.

"So. Did you have fun in the yard today?"

She shrugs slowly. "I guess. It was hot as fuck, though."

Taehyung slams his hand against the door by Kennedy's head and she can't stop herself from flinching. He's taller and heavier than her, by far, so if he turns violent, she realizes she's going to have to be quicker than him to make it back out.

"It seems you may have forgotten the terms of our agreement from the other day."

Kennedy cocks her head to the side, genuinely confused. "Um. Excuse the fuck outta me? What terms are you talking about?"

"The part where you agreed that you belong to me," he growls as he slides his hand over her neck, running his thumb along her jawline.

"Um...I thought that was just sex-talk. I don't belong to anyone, psycho." The second the words are out of her mouth, she considers that maybe she shouldn't have said them. Taehyung's eyes flash with fire a split second before his hand is crushing her throat. And not in the sexy way.

"You are mine. Not that fucking guard's. You stay away from him and anyone else with a dick that isn't mine from now on. Do you fucking understand?"

Kennedy's own rage flashes hot in her belly, overriding her natural self-preservation. She leans into Taehyung's grip and spits out the words, "suck my clit, you fucking cunt" just before she drives her knee hard into his crotch. While he writhes on the floor in pain, she rushes back to her own room deciding along the way that if she gets horny anytime soon, she'll just need to take care of it herself.

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