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Jin rubs at the ache in his leg. It has been raining for the past few days which has sent the ache so deep into his bone that he is having trouble walking. But instead of dwelling on it, he pops a couple over-the-counter pain pills and some water and stood to leave his apartment. As he opens the door, he is greeted with Jungkook's hand raised and poised to knock. He drops it quickly.

"Oh, good morning, Jin. I was just coming to get you."

"Why? What happened?"

Jungkook rubs the back of his neck before looking Jin in the eye. "There was an incident with Jimin."
Jin shoves past Jungkook and starts rushing down the hallway before Jungkook can even finish.
"He's okay, though. Namjoon got it handled, but we wanted to let you know."

"Why didn't anyone get me up sooner?" Jin demands as he bursts into the command room and sees the last remnants of medics and medical trash scattered around the room. Namjoon is sitting in a chair with his head leaned back and even from across the room, Jin can see the finger-shaped bruises blooming across his throat like burned flowers.

"You call this handled?!" Jin nearly screams as he steps up to Namjoon, who just swallows hard and stands up to address his commanding officer.

"We didn't have time to get you up when it was all going down. The guards came for me because I'm the closest guard to him, but I know you've been having probl-"

Jin holds up a hand to stop Namjoon mid-sentence, stepping closer to the junior guard. "I don't care if my leg is hanging off by a thread, if something happens like this, you come get me immediately. Do you understand?"

Namjoon isn't used to being dressed down in front of everyone like that and considering the fact that the last statement was barely more than a growl, he doesn't want to test Jin, so he just swallows again and nods.

Jin rubs the bridge of his nose as he takes in the scene around him. "How bad was it?"

"One of the worst in a while. He didn't recognize me when I went in to get him and that's when he did this." Namjoon motions to his throat as Jin turns and grabs his jaw, ignoring Namjoon's wince as he turns to inspect his injury.

"Go get that looked at. Make sure it's not worse than it looks." His voice is still firm, but there is a slight bit of compassion in it. He hates seeing his men hurt, after all.

"Already did. They said I'm fine." Hoseok and Jungkook stand off to the side, glancing between Jin and Namjoon as they talk. Jin walks around the room to check on the other inmates. Yoongi is in his vest, sleeping with his knees drawn up to his chest. No doubt he'd had to be sedated since he is the closest to Jimin and would've been upset. Taehyung is leaning against his back wall with a particularly dark scowl on his face as if he is somewhere in between agony and violence. Jin makes a note to talk to him when everything is sorted. Kennedy is quiet, sitting at the far end of her bed and staring at the far wall as she chews on her nails. She doesn't even look up when Jin walks to the window, which is odd.

"Jeon. What's going on with Kennedy?"

"I don't know, sir. She's been like that since I came in."

"Think I should call in her shrink?"

Jungkook looks in at Kennedy for a moment then shakes his head. "No, I don't think so. Maybe some more time outside would help take their minds off things."

Jin regards the younger for a minute then nods his agreement. "Fine. Get them fed and we'll give them some time before it gets too hot."

By the time breakfast has been served and taken away, Jimin is back in his room, sleeping peacefully and Yoongi is awake. Namjoon stays in the command center to watch for Jimin in case he wakes up and needs something while the rest of the guards usher their wards outside. Jungkook notices the hard glare that passes between Taehyung and Kennedy, but he is unsure how, or with whom, to bring it up. He also notices Taehyung's slight limp which he brings to Jin's attention discreetly.

The morning air is cool on everyone's skin and a nice change from the stuffy recirculated air. It's the middle of spring in that blissful in-between when the mornings and evenings are still cool and clear, however hot the afternoon may be.

Once outside, Taehyung immediately crosses the yard to the other side and begins his workout routine that he's become fond of while Yoongi takes out a cigarette that Hoseok hands him and goes to his shaded picnic table, looking quite dejected after finding out that Jimin won't be there. Seeing him alone, Kennedy makes her way toward him, but Jungkook catches her by the arm with a warning in his eyes.

"Don't start shit today, Kennedy."

She glares at him for a second before shaking out of his grip. "You're cute, but you don't get to boss me around."

"That's literally my job."

Tipping her head, she allows him a small smirk. "Touché. But I'm not going to start anything. He just looks lonely."

Somewhat against his better judgement, Jungkook lets her go. She slowly makes her way to Yoongi and plops down on the bench beside him. "You got any more of those?"

Yoongi turns his head to watch her slowly. "You don't smoke."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe I thought about taking up the habit. In solidarity."

Yoongi narrows his eyes at her before flicking his hand at her. "Sorry. All out."

Kennedy snorts and looks away, knowing he's lying but not finding the fun in bringing it up. "So," she says finally, "crazy morning, huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yoongi demands, turning to face her with anger apparent on his face.
She raises her hands in defense. "Nothing. Just what happened with Jimin -"

Yoongi jumps to his feet and stabs the fingers still holding his cigarette in her face. "No. You don't talk about him. You don't even let him name cross those venomous lips. All you ever do is push and push until shit like this happens."

The guards are already making their way over, but Kennedy isn't finished yet. She jumps up and grins back at Yoongi. "Doesn't take much pushing, does it? Crazy bastard just loves the pain, doesn't he? I never expected him to be such a maso-"

Yoongi's fist just narrowly misses Kennedy's face and that's only because when she ducks backwards, she trips over the bench and twists her ankle. To everyone's surprise, Taehyung is the first to reach her. He's in between the two of them in a flash, pushing Yoongi backwards into the chain link fence with a look in his eyes that dares him to make a move, but the fight's already leaving Yoongi and he's slipping into that dangerous space. Hoseok slides in and starts ushering him back to his cell while Taehyung reaches down and scoops Kennedy up in his arms, bridal-style. She's too stunned to stop him.

"Here, we'll take her to the infirmary," Jungkook starts to say, reaching for Kennedy. Taehyung spins her away in his arms and glares down at the younger man.

"Don't you fucking touch her." His eyes flash with possessive anger, which makes Jungkook cock his head, but he doesn't want everyone pissed off, so he just puts his hands up in defeat and lets Taehyung carry the girl inside. Jungkook and Jin share a glance before Jin sighs and shakes his head.

"Let's take them outside, he said. It'll be good for them, he said," Jin mumbles as he follows everyone back inside. "No more ideas for you, rookie."

Jungkook groans as he watches Taehyung and Kennedy share a look that is as confusing as it is unwelcome. "Can't say I'm going to argue with you on this one, boss."

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