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Kennedy slips out of her room as soon as the night guards finish their rounds and walk back to the office to inevitably zone out whilst staring at their phones. Instead of going towards Taehyung's room, however, she makes her way to Yoongi's, swiftly unlocking it and sliding inside, wincing slightly as the door squeaks.

She shuts the door and locks it back, looking out the window to make sure the night guards didn't hear the door opening and closing. Thankfully, they don't notice and she breathes out a sigh of relief.

As soon as she turns around, she sees Yoongi standing right in front of her, glaring down at her.

"You're in the wrong room," he says in a low voice, his eyes dark as he stares at her.

Kennedy's normal demeanor falters for a second, her heart skipping a beat at the intensity of his closeness and his dark stare. She clears her throat and straightens her shoulders, pushing him back slightly.

"I know you're still a bit mad at me," she starts and Yoongi scoffs.

"A bit?"

"Listen," she says, smirking a bit as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I just overheard a very interesting conversation between the night pigs, and I think you'll want to hear about it and what I plan to do."


Kennedy slips out of Yoongi's cell, heart fluttering in excitement as she recalls the last few minutes. She stops short when she sees Taehyung staring out of his cell, his eyes unreadable as he keeps his gaze locked on her.

She sighs before slipping into his cell, ready for whatever he has to say about what he just saw.

Taehyung grabs her as soon as she has the door locked behind her, holding her at the back of the neck while his lips meet hers in a feverish, needy kiss.

He pulls away before Kennedy can register what just happened, his eyes still dark and glittering with a dangerous emotion. "What the fuck were you doing with him? He just tried to hurt you pretty fucking recently."

"Jealous," she coos, rubbing her fingertips across his cheek. "I have a plan, and I was just getting the pieces together. That's all."

"A plan for what?" he asks, his fingertips moving to rub Kennedy's back underneath her shirt.

"For absolute chaos."


Jungkook opens the door to the cell block, groaning in pain as his head pounds in sync with his heartbeat. As much as he wishes it were a night where he couldn't remember anything due to the alcohol, he remembers the dream he had - vividly.

Jungkook moves towards the office, seeing the other three head guards hunched over the table, looking about as haggard as Jungkook feels. He avoids glancing at Kennedy's cell in the off-chance that she is standing there watching him. He knows if he sees her face, his body will undoubtedly betray him and he won't be able to differentiate the dream from reality while looking into her intense eyes.

"Good morning," Jungkook grunts out as he makes a beeline for the coffee, nearly scalding his throat in his attempt to get some caffeine into his system.

"Not good at all, actually," Jin says in response, his elbows resting on the table as he massages his temples.

"Hungover?" Jungkook asks, pulling out a chair to sit down next to him. "Me too, man. I haven't had that much to drink maybe ever."

"If only that's all it was," Jin says through a groan as he lays his head on the table.

Namjoon lets out a humorless laugh. "There's a reason he wanted to get drunk off his ass last night."

"Why?" Jungkook asks, frowning.

"So he could try to forget what is happening today," Hoseok says bitterly, gulping down his own coffee. "Something he conveniently forgot to tell us until just now."

"The big bosses are coming for an inspection of the place," Jin says, his voice muffled as his face stays pressed against the table.

"Namjoon's dad?" Jungkook asks, glancing at Namjoon who just stares down into his coffee cup with a stoic expression on his face.

"Yoongi's parents," Hoseok says, his eyes darkening at the mention of them.


"More of an 'oh, shit' would be an appropriate response," Namjoon mutters and Jungkook glances around at the three.

"We have to do everything we can to keep them away from Yoongi," Hoseok says with a finality in his tone. "I don't want to sedate him or strap him in when he hasn't done anything to deserve it. It's not his fault his shitty parents are coming in."

"I doubt they'll want to even see him," Jin scoffs, pulling his head back up and leaning back in his chair. "They've never visited him. Not once."

"So it shouldn't be too hard to keep them separated," Jungkook says, trying to stay hopeful. "Just keep them away from his window so he can't see that they're here. He sleeps most of the time anyway; maybe he will be asleep the whole time."

"Best case scenario," Hoseok says, a grimace etched on his face. "I guess we'll see how this goes since we didn't have any warning time to prepare for this."
Namjoon and Hoseok share a pointed glare at Jin, who just sighs in response.

"What are they coming here to inspect? I'm sure they have better things to do than come look at a place they dumped their son," Jungkook says, holding onto his coffee cup.

"That's exactly why they want to come," Jin says, turning to Jungkook. "They want to make sure that the place their son is being held won't fuck up and let him escape. Wouldn't want the Senator's perfect reputation to crumble because of a problem like that, would we?"

Jungkook shudders at the thought of such negligent people, wondering how he would have turned out if his parents didn't love him like parents should.

"When are they going to be here?" he asks.

"Right about now," Jin says, glancing down at his watch. "I just hope this goes smoothly and quickly, but I have a bad feeling about this."

"Well, they're shitty pieces of trash. I definitely wouldn't expect you to have a good feeling about this," Hoseok snaps, rolling his eyes as he drains his cup before going to get a refill.

"He's sensitive about shit like that," Namjoon says quietly so only Jungkook can hear him. "He's really protective over Yoongi and his sister. Gets really worked up when it comes to their parents."

Jungkook nods, thinking it best to stay quiet when tensions are this high. He glances up and sees Kennedy and Taehyung both standing at their doors. Taehyung has his usual passive, bored expression on his face, though his eyes are alight with something Jungkook doesn't recognize.

Kennedy, however, looks downright gleeful, grinning from ear to ear as she stares at Jungkook.

She waves at him, sending him a wink before moving away from the door, leaving Jungkook confused about her unusually chipper demeanor.

"Let's just try to stay positive," Jin says, though it doesn't sound convincing at all. "For all we know, they could come in and glance around before running out of here after getting a good look at that."

Jin gestures to Taehyung's door, where his face is still visible in the window, his eyes locked on the four inside the office.

"Creepy bastard," Namjoon says, shaking his head as he sips his coffee. "At least mine doesn't like being the way he is. I swear Tae gets off on scaring the piss out of people."

Jungkook glances over at Taehyung while he rests his chin in his hand, and he swears he sees Taehyung's eyes darken a few shades when their gazes meet.

"Creepy bastard," Jungkook repeats under his breath as he turns his attention back to his nearly empty coffee cup. "I think I'm going to need a lot more coffee for today."

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