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Kennedy stands at her new door, staring out of the window at the guards gathered in the office. She sees the night guards tiredly talking to the main guards, watching as they talk to each other with a carefree attitude. Though they're tired from their shift, the night crew excitedly converses with their daytime counterparts, none of them bothering to check on Kennedy to see if she's trying to escape.

They've grown complacent since the new doors were installed, thinking they've solved every issue they have. They think they can have a conversation with their backs turned to her, for the first time not concerned in the least about her picking the locks or figuring out how to open her new door.

They think they've won. All of them: Taehyung thinks he has manipulated her to the point of her being nothing more than putty in his hands. Jin hasn't stopped smiling since he got these new doors, confident in these new barriers and wholly underestimating Kennedy's determination and fury. Jungkook walks around like he's a god with his walkie talkie and his tattoos, arrogant in thinking he knows her better than anyone else does. Jimin and Yoongi are certain they are above Kennedy, seeing her as nothing more than the scum of the earth.

Everyone looks down on her in this place. Everyone laughs in her face and twists her will until she is the monster they all think she is.

If it's a monster they want, Kennedy thinks to herself, a monster they will see.

She moves to the control panel within her cell, scoffing to herself at the thought of needing to use the code San gave her, but she has to follow the timeline, and she doesn't have any time to figure out how to open her door herself.

She quickly moves through the settings menu, occasionally glancing up at the guards who are absorbed in whatever mindless small talk occupies their insignificant minds. When she finds the option for an override code, she sighs in annoyance as she types in '392058,' hating herself in feeling like she needed help to do something she had been doing since she arrived here.

Opening the door as little as possible, Kennedy crouches down and closes the door behind her, staying silent in her trek across the floor to the control panel just outside the office. She knows she has to be quick, because the second she puts the code into the main system's frame, all hell will break loose.

She stares at the time in the top corner of the screen, noting that she is expected to put in the code within the next minute to follow the timeline she was given. She glances up, remembering to stay as low as she can as she sees the legs of the guards in the office, all of the men standing casually as they sip coffee and joke around with each other.

To them, this is just another day at their job while they keep these four prisoners safe from the outside world. They will sip their coffee, make their jokes and share knowing looks between each other while they think the prisoners will spend their day as usual, painting blood pictures or sitting idly while they let themselves rot in complacency.

Today is not just another day. Today is the day Kennedy burns this prison to the ground, then walks out all on her own, free from the people who look down on her and use her as an object.

She concentrates on the control panel just above her head, tilting her chin upwards to get a better look of the panel as she moves into the system's settings. She follows every instruction given to her by San, going into the mainframe and choosing to input a manual override code to disable the entire system, rendering each and every biometric door in the entire facility useless.

As she types in the last number just as the clock turns to six in the morning, she hears the release of the locks and as quickly as she can without being seen, she moves back to her cell and sits down on her bed, crossing her legs and leaning her head against the headboard as she waits.

Meanwhile, the guards hear the noise of the doors unlocking and all of their heads whip around in confusion as they look for the source. Jin moves to open the office door and investigate, quickly realizing when he glances down at the control panel just outside of the door that the systems are down.

"The doors," Jin breathes out in horror as he watches Jimin and Yoongi standing in front of their doors in confusion. Yoongi pushes on his gently, watching with confusion as it swings wide open. His eyes meet Jin's, his mouth open as if to speak though no words come out.

"The doors are all open."

The room is immediately plunged into darkness. A second later, something metallic rolls across the linoleum floor before exploding in blinding light and sound. All eight men are knocked back by the shock of the flashbang. Before their vision can come back and they can make sense of what's going on around them, the unmistakable sound of boots pounding the floor fills the room seconds before the men pouring into the small room open fire.


"Alright, Taehyung, let's make this easy," Wooyoung says cautiously as Hongjoong comes around the corner. Jin knew he would be busy with the shift change briefing, so he asked Wooyoung and Hongjoong to help out. Wooyoung agreed, though he was admittedly nervous about the prison's most dangerous inmate.

Taehyung chuckles and holds out his arms so Wooyoung can cuff him. Hongjoong stands back, not taking his eyes off the prisoner in case he tries something. He would never openly admit it, but Hongjoong likes the occasional excitement he gets from helping out on the cell block. The main gate is painfully boring.

"I'm not going to try anything, Wooyoung. No offense, but I want out of isolation as bad as you want me out."

"I don't want you out..." Wooyoung starts to say. Taehyung rolls his eyes and gives the younger man a pointed look. Wooyoung sighs and pulls Taehyung toward the hall. "Okay, I want you out. No offense."

Taehyung chuckles again, and Wooyoung relaxes slightly. At least he's in a good mood today. Probably because he wants to see Kennedy again. Fighting the smile on his face, Wooyoung leads Taehyung down the hall and into the elevator that will take them upstairs with Hongjoong trailing behind.

But as soon as the elevator doors open onto the main floor, Wooyoung has a bad feeling. There are several black scuffs on the cheap linoleum floor and he knows for a fact that they're waxed every night. Jin and the others are careful with their boots, so the scuffs have to be new. He pauses to look down at them, tugging on Taehyung's shirt sleeve when the older keeps walking. Taehyung turns and looks at Wooyoung before noticing what he's staring at. His eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"That's new," Taehyung mutters.

"What's wrong?" Hongjoong asks just as the hallway is plunged into darkness. Before the emergency systems can cut on, there's a flash and a pop from down the hall. Pounding feet and repeating gunfire quickly follow just as the emergency lights drown the space in a sickening orange glow.

"Fuck," Taehyung breathes out. "The crazy bitch finally did it."

"What do you--" Wooyoung's question is cut off when Taehyung rips from his grasp and tears off down the hallway. "Shit! He's making a break for it!"

"Go get him," Hongjoong yells from behind. "I'll get the guns out of the locker."

Without a second's thought, Wooyoung breaks into a dead run after Taehyung. His legs are shorter, but he's fast and it isn't long before he catches up to the prisoner. Just before he can lay his hands on him, though, Taehyung turns and catches the guard, pinning him up against the wall by his throat, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I'm not running away! She's in there..."

Wooyoung recognizes the desperation in his expression and holds up his hands. "Then let's go save them."

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