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As soon as Jungkook's vision begins to return to him, he runs straight for Kennedy's cell, his instinct to protect her taking over every nerve in his body. His muscles propel him forward until he crashes into her room, nearly face planting from his momentum.

He looks up at Kennedy, squinting slightly as his eyes continue to recover from the flash. Her face slowly comes into focus, and he frowns in confusion when he doesn't see fear or confusion in her eyes, but anger and even boredom.

Jungkook groans as he pulls himself up and grabs Kennedy by her arm, yanking her out of her bed as he leans in to her face to see her clearly. His ears are also still affected, a high-pitched ringing continuously wreaking havoc in his head.

"What did you do?" he asks, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut, trying to bring his senses back to normalcy.

"Get your fucking hand off of me, first of all," Kennedy snaps, jerking her arm away and shoving Jungkook backwards. "Secondly, I did what I had to. Everyone here wanted to treat me like I was a monster, so I became what you all were convinced I was."

"Are you that fucking nïeve?" Jungkook snaps, getting in Kennedy's personal space again. "I never saw you as a monster. Never. I said one idiotic thing that I apologized for a hundred times, but you refused to listen. Don't fucking blame anyone else for your idiocy. You only saw what you wanted to see. You only saw the negatives and then blocked out everything good that could've been."

Kennedy's face twists in fury. "I have never been anything but a monster to everyone. My mother hated me so much she offed herself so she wouldn't have to raise me. My dad twisted and wrangled my personality until I became this perfect trophy for him to worship, but even that wasn't enough to make him stay alive. The pig who laid his hands on me at my old job? All I did was bash his head in to keep him from touching me. I didn't mean for him to die, but my bosses assumed I was nothing but a lowlife who just wanted to kill and rob one of their best clients. Coming here, I was looked at as a serial killer who killed people because I was a brat having a temper tantrum. You think I haven't tried for my entire life to be seen by just one person as something different? As something more?"

Kennedy shoves Jungkook again as he tries to hold his ground and not let her push him completely out of the room as the chaos continues outside her cell.

"You came and I thought you were the one who would see me. You would see through my past and my mistakes and you would see who I really am. I'm a fucking human being just like you and everyone else in this damn place, but for some reason, I am just seen as an object to be used and belittled. I can only take so much before I fucking break, Jungkook. Does it make you happy? Does it bring you joy knowing you were right all along about me and how fucking worthless I am?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes and pushes Kennedy against the far wall, bracing himself on either side of her as he glares down at her.

"Don't put words in my mouth. I never saw you as a monster. You are not worthless. You are worth everything to me. You made mistakes in your past? So did I. I said you were just an inmate but I was fucking wrong. Why are you so perfect in your eyes when you've made so many mistakes, but I make one and suddenly, I'm this bastard who you can never talk to again? Fuck off, Kennedy. The world does not, and hasn't ever, revolved around you. You're not worthless, no. You're not just an inmate. But you sure as fuck aren't any better than any one of us. All of the blood spilled today is on your hands. Remember that when you leave this place behind."

Jungkook pushes himself off the wall and leaves the room, leaving Kennedy alone as she slides to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest.

Jungkook's wild eyes scan through the chaos, heart racing as his priorities change. He didn't think of anything else in those first moments except getting to Kennedy and saving her. The moment he saw the look in her eyes, he knew she had done this. Now, he is standing in a room filled with gunshots and the smell of blood and he doesn't know what to do.

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