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Before the guards can load their tranq guns, Yoongi begins to run straight toward his parents and Namjoon's father, who are all standing together frozen in fear.

Namjoon steps between them and Yoongi as he's the closest to them, determined not to let Yoongi hurt anyone, especially Namjoon's father.

Hoseok looks toward Yoongi, and without a second thought, decides to tackle him to the ground in an attempt to keep Yoongi away from his parents because he knows that if Yoongi gets his hands on his parents, he won't let go until they're dead.

Hoseok's arms wrap around Yoongi's waist as the two tumble to the ground, and a fight immediately breaks out between the two as they wrestle for dominance. Yoongi is letting out animalistic screams, his bloody, injured hands lashing out to hit any reachable area of the guard trying to hold him down.

Hoseok suddenly gasps, his eyes going wide as he falls over onto his back, something metal shining in the harsh, artificial lights as it sticks out of his abdomen, red quickly blossoming onto his now torn shirt.

"Got some use out of Roy's knife," Kennedy says in a quiet voice from behind Jungkook, and he turns to look at her in horror.

"A knife??"

As soon as Hoseok is off Yoongi, he gets back up, blood smeared across his face from the scuffle as he takes off running again toward his parents.

Jin now has his tranq gun loaded and he holds it up, shooting Yoongi in his shoulder with the dose of tranquilizer.

Yoongi pulls the barb out, growling as he throws it to the ground. His eyelids droop, his run staggering into a walk as the drug threatens to overtake his system.

"Shoot him again!" Senator Min shrieks, cowering behind her husband.

"No!" Jin yells over his shoulder, putting his gun back onto his belt. "He could overdose if we shoot him with too much."

"He's not human! He fucking deserves to die after everything he's done!" Yoongi's father protests as he tries to mask his fear behind a persona of anger.

Yoongi staggers forward a few more steps, the anger in his face fading away into confusion as he falls to his knees.

"I didn't mean to hurt Hobi," he says, his eyes closing. "They just didn't want me to stop and Hobi tried to stop me."

Yoongi face plants onto the cold, concrete floor, his bloody hands splayed next to his head as he goes completely unconscious.

Namjoon runs to take Yoongi back to his cell while Jin goes to Hoseok, who is holding the knife with both hands and panting heavily while sweat drips down his face.

"You're alive," Jin says, nearly collapsing as he holds onto Hoseok's face.

"Yeah," Hoseok says, a weak smile on his face. "Can't kill me that easily. Come on now."

"I'm gonna get you to a hospital, Hobi," Jin says, holding the knife to keep it steady while Hoseok lays down on the floor, taking a moment to spit out some blood from his split lip.

"Sounds good," he says, letting his entire body relax. "Don't take the knife out. It's keeping me from bleeding out."

"I know, idiot," Jin says, a small smile on his face as he tries to keep Hoseok calm. "Just relax. When Namjoon gets back, he'll call someone."

"Already on it," Namjoon's voice says from behind them, and Jin nods without turning his attention away from Hoseok, who is trying desperately to hide just how much pain he is in.

Jungkook turns back to look at Kennedy in disbelief, wondering if there is some kind of mistake. He's grown to know a lot about Kennedy - maybe even care for her - and he just can't understand why she would do something this intense and life-threatening.

Kennedy shrugs. "I don't know why you're looking at me like that. I just wanted some entertainment for our guests."

Jungkook, without looking into her eyes, unlocks her cell door and slips inside. He silently puts handcuffs on her wrists before loading his tranq gun with her dose, pointing it at her chest.

"Hoseok got stabbed because of you. Yoongi almost killed him, his parents, Namjoon's father and maybe even the rest of us because of you."

"Don't be so dramatic," Kennedy rolls her eyes as the cuffs rub into her skin, causing her to wince slightly. "Things turned out fine. Nobody is dead, right?"

"Shut up, Kennedy," Jungkook spits out, his chest heaving as he thinks of Hoseok currently bleeding on the floor. "I'm done being nice to you. I'm done giving you chance after chance to prove to me you're actually a human being."

Hurt flashes in Kennedy's eyes, and she opens her mouth to reply but Jungkook just shoots her with the tranquilizer dart in her shoulder.

Her eyes become unfocused and she wobbles in her place before falling forward slightly. Jungkook catches her, putting her over his shoulder before leaving her cell to take her to isolation.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings," she slurs before her body goes completely limp and she succumbs to the tranquilizer.

Silently, he moves through the cell block with Kennedy over his shoulder, trying not to be seen by anyone so he can get Kennedy into isolation before everyone starts to point fingers and things begin to escalate to an even higher level.

"Where are you taking her?" Senator Min pipes up and Jungkook internally groans as he leans his forehead against the cell block door before turning around to face her.

"Isolation cell," he explains.

"Why the hell is she going there instead of that monster who just tried to attack us?" Senator Min asks, her eyes incredulous as she crosses her arms.

"It's her fucking fault," Jin interjects, turning a furious gaze to Yoongi's parents. "She snuck into his room and gave him a knife. She must've shown him how to get out of his room with the knife and he sliced up his hands in the process, which honestly probably just excited him even more seeing so much blood. She planned this entire thing out and it's all because she can get out of her cell whenever she pleases because you won't install the fucking biometric doors on the cells like I requested half a dozen fucking times."

Senator Min scoffs before her husband speaks up. "Don't blame us for your inability to do your job correctly."

Jin stands up, making sure Namjoon is sitting with Hoseok as he walks up to Yoongi's parents, blood on his own hands as he stabs a finger into Yoongi's father's chest.

"Don't forget who saved your lives today. Hoseok nearly died in an attempt to keep him from you. I shot him with the tranquilizer. All you did was cower behind Mr. Kim and barely escape pissing your pants. I know what the fuck I'm doing and this place would fall apart without me. So maybe you should show me some respect because without me, these prisoners would be on the streets hunting people like you down just for the hell of it."

"That's enough," Senator Min snaps. "I want to get out of this place. Keep our sorry excuse of a son in that room until the day he dies. All four of these monsters never deserve to see the light of day again."

Without another word, everyone files out of the cell block, leaving the four main guards alone with Kennedy over Jungkook's shoulder.

"Put her in the hole," Jin says, pointing towards the door. "We'll stay with Hobi until paramedics get here."

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop her," Jungkook says, looking down at the blood-smeared floor. "I'm so sorry."

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