4. Descendant of Miranda Slither

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The Screen showed a man getting out of the Burrow Chimney carrying a crib into the room "Why this crib need to be so heavy" he exclaimed. 

"Dramatic much" said Lucius. 

Something fall out of the crib while Remus was setting it down on the floor he grab it and saw that it was a ring

Something fall out of the crib while Remus was setting it down on the floor he grab it and saw that it was a ring

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"Why did it have a ring?" Asked Severus.

''What this for? Better read the letter Mrs. Eileen Snape left" Remus said he put the ring on the baby's ring finger and it seemed to fit he grab the letter and started opening it and he began reading it. : 

Dear Remus                                 

l know you'll never tell her about Severus all l want was to make her a decendant of Miranda Slither. "Of who?" stated Remus confused as he continued to read the letter: Miranda Slither my great aunt grandmother she got powers and don't worry Steph can know all about her in the book, the pets are immortals but you need to give it to her separately first the panther cat second the semi-aquatic owl and last the black mamba snake.

"Wow, a semi-aquatic owl it was extinct three-hundred years ago l bet that was the last one" said Luna dreamily. 

Remus continued reading the letter: and put the chamouflage cloak in my potion's store drawer she will find it there l know, and teach her how to brew potions l want her to be the one to run my shop beacause Severus don't want it 

     Sincerely Eileen Snape. 

he closed the letter. 

"Well l don't want that potion store because l want to be a proffessor" said Severus. 

"And you'll be a Proffessor, Dad" said Steph, they've smile at each other. 

There was a loud shifting upstair and come rushing down the stairs was three year olds Arinya, Fred and George running away from Mrs. Weasley who's telling them to go upstairs and sleep "Daddy!" Arinya shout and she ran towards Remus who's in the kitchen watching the baby sleep peacefully in her crib. "Remus when did you get here" asked Molly "not that long" answered Remus, at that time Steph wake up and started crying loudly, Molly pick her up and notice that she was bleeding "Ah, Remus Steph she's bleeding'' shriek Molly "What no way" answered Remus who looked shock and looked at the little baby girl Molly's holding, he traces his hand over the little blood in the girl's forehead and saw a lightning liked scar "Oh, Molly she've been hit by one of them'' said Remus "Poor little girl, shh don't cry'' cooed Molly. 

"You didn't notice it?" asked Lily

"l don't think so" said Molly 

"Let's continue" said Sophia 

"Who's that Daddy" asked Arinya "That's your new sister Stephanie Lily Evans my godaughter" answered Remus and he picked up little Arinya and get the Weasley twins to there room and get them to sleep, when he came back Molly was watching little Stephanie sleeping in her crib hugging her semi-aquatic owl and the black mamba snake beside her while the panther cat was watching her to as it was trying to protect her. 

"A little scary for the snake black mamba's are the most dangerous snake in the whole world" said Hermione.

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