13. Hogwarts Express

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the scene show Steph going into a compartment she open the door and find two students looking at her 'Hermione Granger' ,and 'Rose Granger' "hi can l seat?" she asked, pointing at the seat beside Rose, they nodd and Steph seat down "hi i'm Hermione Granger, and this my sister Rose" said Hermione introducing herself and her sister. "I'm Stephanie Evans" said Steph "are you really?" asked Hermione, Steph nodd "l...we heard alot about you''  said Hermione again "yeah l know alot of romours about me but some of them aren't true'' said Steph, Hermione nodd. "what about the books we read about you too there?" asked Rose "well l don't really know that there's atlest one paged in the book all about me" said Steph "what about the powers that we were hearing about?" asked Hermione "oh, that it's really hard to know about but it's kinda easy to use" said Steph explaining, they nodd understanding "anyways what house do you think you'll be in?" asked Hermione but their conversation had stopped by the compartment door opening and 'Neville Longbottom' walk in "hi l'm Neville, can l seat here" asked Neville they nodd and get back in their conversations. 

"anyways l though this is gonna showed us the truth but it's just a waste of time" said Umbridge, complaining.

"Will you wait and maybe except for our secret's being reveal and maybe your secrets will be show to" said Alex 

"No, Alex she's not worth it, let's continue" said Sophia

the scene change into Harry's compartment and it was opened by Ronald Weasley and Arinya Lupin "can we sit here?" asked Ron, Harry nodd "hi l'm Arinya Lupin and this is Ron Weasley" said Arinya introducing themself " hi l'm Harry Potter" Harry said, Ron stared shock at him "a-re you re-really?" asked Ron stuttering, Harry nodd and lifted his bangs to show his scar Ron looked away akwardly Arinya chuckled "hey Harry did you meet your sister?" she asked "yeah at Ollivander's but we didn't talk" Harry said "do you want to know more about her?" asked Arinya "l guess but you don't know her to so---" Arinya cut him off "l think l know who's my father godaugther is" Arinya said and start telling Harry more about Steph. 

"You know me, that's a long time ago" Steph said 

"yeah but l still know your deepest secrets" said Arinya 

"oh, really" said Steph, that causes the Weasley twins' to 'oooh' 

the scene shifted back to Steph's compartment all of them talking about their families "Neville what about you?" asked Rose "me l lived with my grandmother and my uncle and auntie always visit us when my uncle found out that l'm going here he gave me a pet this toad" said Neville and he show them a cage but the cage was empty and the cage gate was open "Neville l think your toad might have escape'' said Steph "oh, no!" said Neville "don't worry will find him" said Steph "and we'll help" said Rose, Hermione nodd and they got out of there compartment "let's separate you look over there and we'll look there" said Steph pointing in different directions they nodd and they separeted

"this is fun watching are past is" Ginny said 

​​​​​​"just don't show them the yule ball please" said Arinya 

​​​​"why it was one of our magical nights" said Steph. 

the scene shifted into Harry's compartment Ron, Harry and Arinya are eating alot of sweets and talking about quidditch until Ron ​​​​​​shows 'Scabbers' his rat to Harry "this Scabbers my brothers taught me a spell to turn him yellow want to see it?" asked Ron. Harry nodd but before Ron said the spell they were interupted by Hermione opening their compartment door "hello had anyone of you see a toad?, in here a boy named Neville lost his'' she said everyone shook their head "oh, are you guys doing magic, let's see it then" she said, Ron nodd "Sunshine,Daisies Butter Mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow" Ron said, but nothing happen Arinya break out laughing because she know the twins would always tried to trick Ron, "are you sure that's a real spell, well it's not really good is it"  Hermione said and got her wand out of her robe pocket "l have learn some of spells here watch" she said and pointed her wand at Harry's glasses "Occulus Reparo" she said, again and Harry's glasses was fix "much better isn't it, your Harry Potter!" Hermione said suprised, she nodd her head to Arinya and Ron "l'm Arinya Lupin" said Arinya "Ron Weasley" Ron said "alright you guys better changed into your robes l had a talked with the conductor he said we'll be there just a few more minutes" Hermione said and left their compartment. 

"You really believe us?" asked George 

the scene change and show Steph and Rose walking in and out of compartments Rose was about to open another compartment until Steph stop her "Rose no, that's the Slytherin compartment'' said Steph. "Steph, this is frustrating how can we found a little toad in such a huge train" Rose said and her hair turn into a fiery red color, Steph shook her head and got her wand out of her cardigan's pocket "l got a better way to find him" said Steph "and what's that?" asked Rose, Steph pointed her wand into her palm and she whisper "Accio" and a yellow toad appear in her hand "let's go" she said and they walked back into their compartment, Steph put the toad in it cage and she removed her cardigan to change into her robe then she place her wand in her robe pocket, and Rose and Steph waited for the train to stopped at the Hogsmeade platform not to far from the black lake.

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