15. Their common rooms

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the scene started at the Gryffindor table showed Harry making friends some are true that want to really know him and some are fake that only want to befriend him because of fame. 

"l love it when they describe that some of your friends are fake because it's true" commented Steph.

"Alot of them are, but l don't care" Harry said.

the scene morphed into the Slytherin table showing that Steph was making real friends and she doesn't ought to know who are the fake one's because they are really straight-forward and sometimes that consider them rude Steph was talking to Pansy,Traycey, Sally and Astoria all about 'girls stuff' while simply not paying attention Steph will occasionally listen to Daphne and Beverly who's talking about 'quidditch'

"your interested in quidditch?" asked Remus 

"she's not just interested she's the best at it" said Arinya 

"thanks to you, Charlie, Fred and George who taught me" said Steph

the whole attention of the Great Hall was now focus on their Headmaster 'Albus Dumbledore' who stand up and "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts as l reminded the Dark Forest is still forbidden to all students and the third floor corridor is also forbidden to all who do not wish off a painful death, Prefects you may bring your housemates and first years into their Dormitories and Common Rooms" Prof. Dumbledore said and their prefects lead all of them to their common rooms and dormitories.

"l wonder why the third floor corridor is forbidden, it's not forbidden when we were at hogwarts'' said Sirius 

"well when you were at Hogwarts, Pads Prof. Quirrel is also not obsessed with 'Vampires'" Harry said 

the scene shifted into Dawn's POV that showed her in line along with her housemates in front of a tanzanite painted oak door "this is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, l'm Amanda Stanley, in order to open it you just knock and answer a question that will be ask by the eagle head statue over there" Amanda said pointing at her right ceiling she knocked and the eagle asked of what is the other names for the plant 'Aconite' and she answer 'Monkshook' and 'Wolfsbane' and the door open revealing the common room of the Ravenclaws the right side had two couches that was fit for one person in front of that there were a fireplace with blue fires warming up the place the couches and benches are the colored of sapphire blue along with tanzanite embroidery the girl's dorms was at the left side and the boys was on the right only six students are to share dormitories Dawn share her dorm with Cho their the only first years that where there the other four are: Selene, Ana and Vivian who's in there third year, and a girl named Meghan who's in her 5th year. 

"So now we know how to get into the the Ravenclaws common room" Fred said 

"as if you guys are smart enough to answer the questions" said Arinya 

"you had no fate in them Ari" said Steph teasingly

the next was Rose's POV their prefect 'Cedric Diggory' showed them two fruit bowls place in a table close to the kitchen the other one was filled with fake fruits while the other one is real he pick up a fake red apple and place it back and the right side of the wall open up revealing couches and benches in colored yellow and embroidery of bronze and a fireplace on the middle of the common room that split two staircases the right on for girls dormitories and the left for the boys Rose was roomates with Susan and Hannah her fellow first years, Angel, Cleo and Ela was also their roomates that is in there 6th years.

"Don't tell me your also planning to enter their dorm" said Arinya 

"your no fun, Wolfy" said Patricia 

the next was Stephanie's POV they were lead into their dorms by non other than their headboy 'Adrien Pucey' he lead them in front of a bricked wall dead end in the dungeons of Hogwarts "this is the entrance to our dormitories and common room you just say the password to this wall it always changes at sometimes for now the password is 'Pride' " he said and the bricked wall of move upward revealing couches that has the colored of emerald green and the embroidery of silver in them there was a fireplace green flames flickering in it and the sounds of the waves in the black lake they can hear the girl dormitories was on the right door on top of the staircase and the left for the boys, Steph chose Beverly and Daphne's dormitories even thought they were second years she still wants to get to know them and Pansy,Millicent and Traycey also join them. 

"are their nice?" asked Arinya

"you'll see, Ari" answered Steph 

the next scene was Harry POV they were lead by their prefect 'Percy Weasley' into a portrait of a fat lady dressed in pink dress "this is the entrance to open you just say the password for now the password is 'Campus Draconis' " Percy said and the potrait open up and reveal couches colored red and has gold embroidery there was a fireplace beside of the wall and two staircases the one in the right are for girls dorms and the left is for boys dorms, Harry got into a room with Seamus,Dean,Ron,Neville and a sixth year named 'Paulo' , Arinya and Patricia join the dorms of Katie, Alice, Victoria and Leeanne.

they had all got to sleep to get ready for their lessons tommorow

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