8. New Guests

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"Hey guys sorry to pause your movie watching but l think we need more persons to see this" Said Sophia coming into the great hall along with the whole 'Bronze Army' with a special guest with them Cedric Diggory. 

      "Cedric!!" said Steph and Pansy in unison and they hug Cedric in their arms. 

        "Wow, l thought you guys need more develop in your acting skills" said Sophia's cousin Alex 

        "l don't think they need to Cous', anyways you got them right?" Sophia said. 

        "Yep, here there are the Ass. Head of Auror Department and the Defense againts the Dark Arts Prof. at Hogwarts and the other Future Next Generation are here" said Alex 

           "Alright you guys gonna meet your future children so here they are" said Sophia Welcoming the (4th year that means Albus and Scorpious forth year in Next Gen.) come in they are: Mattheo Arcturus Malfoy, Catelyn Weasley, Frederick Weasley II, Teddy Lupin, Regulus Daniel Black, Narcissa Marlene Malfoy, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Avelyn Alice Potter, Janella Weasley, Maribella Weasley, Francisco Weasley, lvory Rose Weasley, Evelyn Jordan, Hugo Weasley, Scorpious Henry Malfoy, Eileen Severa Malfoy, Leo John Malfoy, Bella Tricia Zabini, Mark Christian Zabini, Rarity Nott, Maria Flint, Althea Flint, Valentine Krum,  Hannah Finnigan, Risen Longbottom, Eclipse Longbottom, James Thomas, Luke Crabbe, Amary Goyle, Brianna Diggory, Ava Marie Flint,  and  Delphi Aria Riddle

           "So let's settle down in our own house and get reacting" Sophia said, everyone nodd and seat down on their requested seats. 

        "l play the movie on where they're stop lucky we get it on subtitles that explain in the books" said Alexa Lopez , and they continue watching.

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