18. Flying Lessons

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the next scene: Gryffindor and Slytherin first years are line up in the quidditch field with brooms on the ground beside them Madam Hooch was in the front of them "well, what are you waiting for hold your hand over them. and say 'Up!' " she instructed. the students say 'Up!' but only a few of them got it right on their first try and that was Harry, Draco, Blaise and Stephanie. the other's: Ron's broom hit him in the face before he caught it, Hermione and Pansy's broom started rolling in the grass. 

James and Sirius are cheering for Harry, now.

when every student got a hold of their broom "now, when l blow my whistle you will mount your brooms and fly a little while and come back down right again....in one, two--" but Madam Hooch was cut off by Neville mounting his broom to early and flying high and high up "Mr. Longbottom get down now!" shouted Madam Hooch. "HELP! HELP!" shouted Neville it was cleared that he never ridden a broom before, Stephanie didn't think twice she mounted her broom and fly high up following Neville, she saw that he was falling off his broom she withdraw her wand and pointed it at Neville who was falling fast down "Aresto Momentum!" Stephanie shouted and Neville slow down and fall down in a sitting position. Stephanie landed and hurry beside him, Madam Hooch came close to them "Ms. Evans that was very dangerous" she said "but l--" Stephanie started but she was cut off by Prof. Snape coming close to them "Madam Hooch can l borrow Ms. Evans for a while?" he asked, Madam Hooch gave him her approval and Stephanie got no choice but to follow Prof. Snape.

"Let me guess that's when you got your position?" Arinya asked.

"Yup! just reserved for chaser, keeper and seeker" said Steph. 

 the scene got switch to Harry's POV madam Hooch bring Neville to the Hospital wing beacause he had a broken wrist and Stephanie was not their to try and stop her fellow Slytherin's into doing something stupid. and Draco was the first to do that he pick up Neville's rememball "maybe if that Longbottom squeeze this he'll remember on how he fall in his fat ass" Draco said. "Give it here Malfoy!" said Harry. "No, why not leave it somewhere, Longbottom can't find" he said, and he mounted his broom and fly high up, Harry follow him. Hermione was shouting that they'll get in trouble for not following Madam Hooch. 

"Well that was stupid" commented Steph, but Sirius and James are cheering and shouting 'Go get him Harry!' 

"maybe on a roof" said Draco, "Give it to me Malfoy!" shouted Harry. "well have it your way then" said Draco again, he throw the rememball and landed down. Harry dive down and got the rememball and he landed down to.

"That's my son!" shouted James.

"Mr. Potter, come with me" said Prof. Mcgonagall who come into their view Harry gulped 'this was it he'll get in trouble because of Malfoy'  that was what on his mind when he follow Prof. Mcgonagall back into Hogwarts.

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