11.Diagon Alley

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scene started and show Arinya waking up Stephanie by jumping up and down on her bed until she was jumping on only the bed and the person she was waking was nowwhere to be seen. 

"l hate you when you do that" said Arinya, causing Steph to just laugh teasingly. 

then the door on the other side of the bedroom opened and Steph come out wearing outfit and already ready to spend her day. "l hate when you do that" said Arinya, pouting like a sad puppy. Stephanie chuckled "let's get downtairs" she said, and Arinya followed her down the dining room to have breakfast. 

"Wolfy good morning'' said Fred and George in unison running down the stairs and ruffling Arinya's hair along the way "why am l always the one like this" she said that causes Steph,Fred and George to chuckle and laugh teasingly. 

"l hate that nickname" said Arinya

"we love calling you that" said George

then they all seat down on the dining room to eat their breakfast "Arinya after this please change out of your pj's your not going to diagon alley like that" said Remus, sternly. "Yes, dad" said Arinya....

After they finished breakfast Arinya changed her pj's to outfit after that all the Weasley's along with Steph, Remus and Arinya traveled to the Leaky Cauldron using floo powder the Weasley's left them there and said they wait for them in 'Flourish and Blotts' "look there's Harry Potter commotion" said Arinya, pointing to Harry's who's shaking hand with all the witches and wizards in Leaky Cauldron.

"You are famous Harry" said Steph

"and you are too just watch" said Harry 

"don't say anything about me Arinya" said Steph "yes Miss Evans!" said Arinya, loudly everyone on the Leaky Cauldron heard it and the first one to greet Steph was 'Tom' the bartender "Miss. Evans so great to see you again" he said and he shaked hand with Steph and while everyone focus on them Hagrid and Harry managed to sneak out and they went to the entrance of Diagon Alley and they went to Gringgots to get Harry's money....meanwhile in the Leaky Cauldron: Steph is preoccupied with all the witches and wizard in the pub to meet and shake hands with her. 

"l hate you Arinya you always do that" Steph said. 

"they love calling you Mistress. Slither than Miss. Evans" said Arinya 

after meeting all the people in Leaky Cauldron Steph, Arinya and Remus finally managed to get into Diagon Alley with a help of Tom the bartender. They got to Gringgots "Here Steph here are your key you just say you want to enter the vault of the Prince's" said Remus, Steph nodd and she got to the counter "l would like to enter the Prince's and Slither's vault please" Steph said, at the mention of the 'Slither's Vault' the goblin perk up "and does Madam had her keys?" asked the goblin "yes, here" answered Steph giving the goblin the two keys he inspected them and called another goblin "Angy l want you to take Mistress Slither to her vaults" said the goblin to the other goblin "yes, ofcourse" the goblin spoke, the goblin handed back the keys to Steph "Mistress Slither please follow me" the goblin said, Steph just nodd and follow her throught their cart. 

"Told you they like calling you that" Arinya said. 

"Not my fault they've respect me'' said Steph. 

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