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Doc scowled as he watched Bdubs fall. It was pathetic really, how easy it was to defeat such a well known hero. He chuckled to himself. At least he was fun to toy with.

The villain smiled and walked into Bdubs' apartment where a surprising amount of plants greeted him. Odd. But then again, everyone had their hobbies. Doc wandered about the apartment, stopping to gaze at plants that caught his eye, eventually making his way to the bathroom where a battered Doc was met with his reflection. He immediately turned away, whacking his face on some hanging vines.

"Bdubs? Are you okay, luv?"

D*mn. The crashes from earlier must have attracted some unwanted attention. And he was most definitely not the inconspicuous type.


This lady wasn't going away. He needed an idea. Luckily, a quick glance around the bathroom gave him one. He looked really dumb in the fluffy bathrobe, but it covered his half metal chest far better than his lab coat.

"Bdubs? Luv?"

"Bdubs isn't here right now." Doc said as he opened the door a couple inches. A shocked looking woman was standing on the other side. Short with brown hair and light eyes, she seemed like the perfect encapsulation of "friendly neighbor".

"Is he okay?" She asked, attempting to peer into the apartment, which Doc didn't let happen.

"Of course."

"Well, I heard some crashing and got worried."

"That was me. I'm... really clumsy."

The woman's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! Those were some loud crashes, are you okay?"


"Nothing hurt?"


She squinted, seemingly not believing Doc's lies. "Okay... Let me know when he gets home."

"Will do."

She turned and walked over to a door a short ways down the hall, entering only after shooting Doc another look. Not suspicious at all. He glanced around the hall, saw no one, and walked over to her door. The woman was whispering hurriedly under her breath, but Doc's robo ear could hear every last word she was saying.

He growled softly, and knocked on the door, three soft taps. The whispering came to a sudden stop. He heard her tiptoe up next to the door, presumably looking through the small viewfinder. Doc gave a small wave. A gasp on the other side of the door caused Doc to realize he waved with his metal hand. Well. No going back now.

"It would be in your and Bdubs' best interest to open that door for me."


"You really think a door is gonna stop me? You won't like it if I have to break it down."

Doc smiled as he heard a series of small clicks. The door opened a couple seconds later and Doc took the opportunity to push his way into the apartment. It was exactly the same layout as Bdubs, but decorated to be warm and cozy instead of minimalistic with a touch of crazy plant lover.

"You're the Mangler."

Doc looked up to see the woman pressed against the back wall of her apartment. Huh, the apartment wasn't exactly the same. This one didn't have a balcony.

"I am."

"What do you want with Bdubs?"

So she didn't know about his secret. Not surprising.

"For me to know, love."

"Don't call me that."

Doc raised an eyebrow.


"Don't apologize. You stand up for yourself, I respect it."


"Spit it out."

"What do you want with me?"

Doc considered this. He didn't really know besides keeping her from ratting him out.

"What do you know about Bdubs?"


"Do I need a reason?"


"I find him interesting," Doc swung a chair around and sat down with the many soft pillows, "your turn. Tell me about Bdubs."

"He's sweet. Likes to help everyone. He works at a coffee shop I think."

"Something I don't know."

"His best friend works with him. He has a semi unhealthy relationship with plants-"

"Yes, yes! I know all that. Gimme something I don't know!"

"How am I supposed to- you know what? Nevermind." The woman took a sharp breath in. "If you told him I told you this, I'll kill you. I don't care how many metal arms you threaten me with. Got it?"


"I think someone is hurting him. He won't tell me who, but he comes home all the time with really bad scratches and bruises. Now, I've worked in an ER long enough to know the signs. Bdubs isn't clumsy. I've seen him run and catch falling things that didn't seem possible. He's in real danger but I don't want to scare him away."

Doc scoffed. Of course Bdubs would come home hurt, he was a superhero. This is why Doc didn't let himself care for others or let others care for him. Too messy.

"Call Bdubs back. And don't tell him I'm here."

The woman tried three times. Every time, it went to voicemail. "I'm sorry."

Doc rolled his eyes before walking over to the woman. "Look at me, love."

She obeyed, locking eyes with the villain before promptly passing out and falling into his arms. He set her down gently on her couch, making sure one of her thousands of pillows was under her head.

When did I become so soft? Doc asked himself. I don't have time for this.

A wave of nausea crossed his stomach. It always happened when he used his powers too much in a day, and he certainly had not held back today. He needed sleep. But not in this apartment, he decided, it was much less creepy to sleep in the apartment of his arch nemesis than the one with an unconscious woman.

Bdubs could wait until tomorrow. 

When the literal villain is above being a creep. :}

967 Words 

^ see?! i told you

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now