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Hey guys! This is another chapter where some pretty spicy stuffs go down. If you can't handle blood, violence, or uhh... death, then this maybe isn't the chapter for you. 

<3 purple_ 

Bdubs ran through the crowd, dodging and weaving between the many people in the giant room in an attempt to follow Canem. He was fast, no doubt about that, and Bdubs was short. Usually, it didn't matter too much, but now, when everyone blocked his view from his target, it was detrimental. A scream pierced the air, and Bdubs altered his path, now not caring if he ran into anyone. He broke free from the crowd into a small circle of people where Canem stood with a short knife at the throat of the woman he pointed at before.

Canem was smiling viciously, the void on his face swirling and rippling and dripping black goo.

"Not another step Little Lux, or she gets it."

The crowd took in a collective gasp in response to the villain's words. The woman exhaled a shuttery breath and blinked a tear out of her eye. She was staring directly into Bdubs' eyes, pleading for him to save her.

"Nothing to say? Shame." Canem pressed the knife harder into the woman's neck, a small pool of blood welling up where he broke her skin.

"What do you want, Canem?"

"Ooh. I like how you say my name."

"What. Do. You. Want?"

"Ugh. Fine. You're no fun. I want you to help me steal something."


Canem's grin grew. "I thought you might say that." He flipped his knife around and sheathed it. The woman took in a sharp breath and tried to move away, but Canem caught her arm. He turned her around and used his other hand to tilt her head up to look at him. The villain looked up at Bdubs, making direct eye contact with the hero while he broke the woman's neck with a swift twist. She fell to the ground with a sickening thump, dead before she hit the ground. It all happened in seconds.

The crowd around them screamed and began to run away as fast as people in their fanciest clothes could run. Which is to say, not very fast. Canem ran after another victim, and Bdubs ran after him. His hands sparked harshly and when he tackled the villain a shock ran through the both of them. Bdubs could handle it, after all, it was his energy. Canem, not so much. His void eye shriveled up before lashing out. The villain shoved Bdubs off of him and rolled away.

Bdubs' hands were already recharging but Canem had learned his lesson. Tendrils of void tightened around his wrists and ankles until he could barely move.

"That hurt." Canem growled.


Canem sneered and waved his hand so that the tendrils tossed him into the air. Bdubs tried to summon a shield below him, but getting his magic past the void was impossible. He crashed back into the floor and felt shards of a broken champagne glass someone had dropped dig into his stomach and arms. Canem was swiftly approaching, and he needed a new strategy. His magic did nothing against the void, so why not go around it.

The hero pooled his magic around his chest instead of his hands and this time when Canem threw him into the air he was ready. This time when he hit the floor, his magic exploded, throwing Canem back and forcing him to let go of Bdubs. The hero sprinted until he found somewhere to hide. He slid under a table of food where the long tablecloths could hide him. But Canem wasn't far behind.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, Little Lux."

The hero held his breath, wincing every time Canem's steps got closer. He charged his hands again, noticing his energy draining fast. That last blast had taken a lot out of him. He wasn't used to channeling his powers through anything besides his hands.

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now