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Doc sighed. The cell was cold at night. But it wasn't as if he deserved any less. The days were long, tedious, and filled with jarring insults called from guards and prisoners alike. None of them liked him. That was okay, he deserved that too.

The best parts of his days were when he got to hear the news from guards' tv. Every now and then he got to hear Bdubs' voice again. It always made him smile, even if the hero wasn't talking to him. And a hero he was. In everyone's eyes. This made Doc happy. Bdubs deserved every good thing they said about him. Even if Doc wished it was him who got to praise the little hero.

Little hero.

I miss you little hero.

He slumped down, only to straighten back up when he felt a slight shake. No one else would've felt it, but Doc did. He had felt it so many times before. Always right before a certain someone showed up.

"What are you smiling about?" Some guard shouted.

Doc looked up at them slowly, his smile widening. And when the iron doors flew open with a pulse of energy, Doc shot up. One disguised hero plus two thieves. Bdubs. Hels. Xanthus. They walked into the room with confident strides. The guards drew their weapons, but Bdubs merely smirked.

"Don't move!" One of them shouted.

"You might wanna get back." Xanthus said, looking at the guards but most definitely talking to Doc. He scrambled to the back of the cell as a blast of energy broke the lock. Doc hadn't even seen Bdubs move. One of the guards moved to shoot, but Bdubs sent a shock into him as well, bringing the poor man to the floor with ease. The others dropped their guns and raised their hands.

"We've got company!" Hels shouted from the door.

Bdubs gave him a nod and turned on his heel.

"Wait!" The first guard said. "Who are you?"

Bdubs chuckled. "Does it matter? None of you will ever see me again."

He motioned for his entourage to follow, Hels and Xanthus falling into place immediately. Doc followed the little hero (villain?) as he led the trio out of the prison. They did indeed have company as Hels said, but Bdubs cut through them easily. Doc couldn't help but think of how formidable a villain Bdubs could actually be.

Bdubs said almost nothing as they escaped, disappearing into the city easily. He dropped of Hels and Xanthus near an Underground entrance, leaving only Doc and himself left. He did, however, make it clear he wasn't ready to talk just yet. So Doc followed silently as Bdubs traversed dangerous streets carelessly. Even Doc hadn't liked walking here, but Bdubs seemed as if he was as comfortable as if he was taking an evening stroll.

Finally, he climbed onto a second story balcony, the window facing the inside of an alleyway. He pulled the door open, and walked through the abandoned apartment.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon enough."

Fine. Be that way, Doc thought, see if I care. But he did care. He cared so, so much.

Bdubs led him down halls and stairs and through rooms and Doc was beginning to truly wonder what was about to happen. The hero started walking faster, and Doc nearly had to run after him. They were outside now, finally away from that awful building, walking down a lonely street. It was dark but it was growing brighter as they walked farther. Doc soon realized that tiny balls of light, almost as small as lightning bugs, were everywhere.


"C'mon!" Bdubs grabbed his hand, and Doc ignored the way his heart skipped. The street was getting brighter and brighter until it might as well have been daytime. Bdubs stopped in front of a hotel building, one Doc knew was abandoned a long time ago, but it looked just as gorgeous as the day it opened.


"Doc." The hero had finally stopped, and was now facing the villain. "I spent most of these weeks trying to figure out what I wanted to say to you. But I realized that I wouldn't know until you were right in front of me. And now that you are, I still don't know. You leave me speechless." He chuckled softly. "Not many people are able to do that."


"Doc, please let me finish."

Doc nodded.

Bdubs looked away. "I heard you." He whispered.


"I heard you. When they were taking you away."

"Oh." Doc's heart dropped. Here it comes, he thought. He'll ask me to never speak to him again.

"I love you too."

"What? Why?"

Bdubs burst out laughing. It took a minute to compose himself, and he was still laughing slightly when he responded. "I really don't know what I was expecting from you, but that was not it.

"But after everything I've done to you, how can you still stand being in the same room with me?"

"Maybe I'm crazy, but I think we all hafta be a little bit crazy to fall in love."

Doc grabbed the hero into his arms, squeezing tightly.

"C'mon Doc. I have one more surprise for ya."

The villain let go of the hero before latching his hand to Bdubs. The hero smiled and they walked into the hotel together. More orbs cast gorgeous light across the high ceiling and walls. People walked around the building, some Doc recognised, some Doc didn't. But they all said hi to Bdubs, giving Doc nothing less than a sweet smile and a warm wave.

"I'll let you meet them later."

"What is going on?"

Bdubs pulled Doc through a set of double doors of what used to be a conference center. People stood around a table in the center of the room, and like earlier, Doc didn't recognise all of them. The ones he did know, however, he was shocked to see there. Well, Stress wasn't very surprising. But Hels, Xanthus, and Mumbo were.


"Hi Kerlalis." Bdubs greeted before motioning to the fray. "Doc. Meet my new organization. Our purpose? Stopping crime, not just in our city, but everywhere. I've learned a lot in the past couple weeks, but the main thing is that the void isn't just gonna give up and die."

"But you beat Canem."

"I did. But the void escaped. I can feel it."

"There's no way it could've escaped."

"Doc. I don't mean a small paranoid feeling in my chest. I mean, I can feel it. I can see its influences everywhere. We may have weakened it, but it's certainly not gone."

Hels spoke next as Doc was wondering how he and Xanthus had gotten there. "Bdubs came to all of us and asked us to join him. It's been a while since anyone has put their trust in us so we agreed to help."

"We'd like you to join us, Doc."

Doc nodded. "Of course."

Bdubs jumped up and down. "Yes!" He jumped into Doc's arms and kissed his nose. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Doc whispered. 

1187 Words 

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now