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"A problem?"

"Uhhh.... Yes?"

"Spill it, Hels." Doc snarled.

"Doc! Stop it. Right now." Xanthus moved over to Hels. "What's wrong, love?"

"He's awake."

Doc and Xanthus gasped lightly, while Bdubs looked over in confusion.

"Are you sure?"

Hels nodded. "It wouldn't be a big deal, but y'know." All three villains in the room looked over at Bdubs before hastily looking back at each other.

"What's going on?"

Doc walked over to Bdubs and looked down at the hero. "We're gonna have to postpone that escape."

"But that's the entire reason we're here! I trusted you!"

"I know. And you're gonna have to trust me for just a little bit longer, okay?"

Bdubs went quiet, and everyone in the room held their breath. If Bdubs refused, then their problem just amplified tenfold. "Okay."


"Okay. I'll see this through."

"Thank you. Xan?"


"Wait! You're leaving me behind?"

"Nope. We just need to check on something. For the escape."


"We'll be back really soon. And you have Hels to keep you company."

Bdubs looked over to the tall, buff, smiling villain beside him. "You're leaving me with him?"

"Hey!" Hels cut in. "I'm an amazing person to hang out with."

"Fine. But you two better be back quick."

"Don't worry, Bubbles! We'll be back before you know it."

And with that, they were gone, the door shut firmly behind them.

"Sick. Whatcha wanna do, Lux?"

"Does that TV work?"


"Let's do that."

"Okay!" Hels snatched a remote from the table and clicked a small green button near the top. The TV crackled before turning on and Hels began flipping through channels.

"Wait, go back one." Bdubs said after a minute or so. Hels did as he asked, lowering the remote as the pair watched the broadcast.

"-as Jevin suggested earlier, how can we really know we're safe when the supposed city's hero has let this new villain basically roam free?"

"You're missing the point of this debate, Hypno. The question is not 'is LuxShield keeping us safe?' but rather, 'does LuxShield want to keep us safe?'. After all, in those videos from the ConCorp party, we can explicitly see LuxShield working with his long-time arch nemesis, The Mangler."

"You make a good point, but we also must consider that this new villain and The Mangler don't seem like allies. This could be an 'enemy of my enemy' situation."

"True, but not likely. We have inside information that LuxShield and The Mangler have always been working together with the facade of villain and hero. This way, LuxShield could save face, and The Mangler could reign free in our good city."

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now