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The apartment smelled warm and sweet when he got back. It almost always did, with the different flowers taking turns blooming almost all year round. Comforting. Calm. Quiet. Just how he liked it. A small smile spread across his lips. Work had really helped him recover from the bank, and now his home was here to help him recover from work.

It wasn't quite dark yet, but it would be soon. Bdubs loved to watch as lights lit up across the spreading darkness. It was a pretty stupid metaphor, but it made him feel better. Especially on days where he had to be LuxShield.

The balcony door scratched and screeched as Bdubs pulled it open. Tugging it back closed, Bdubs winced at the sounds. He really needed to do something about that. But that wasn't a problem for today.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

The hero whipped around, greeted by the very last person he wanted to see.


"Mangler." Bdubs growled. "What are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on my favorite hero."

"How did you even find me?"

The Mangler merely raised his non-metal eyebrow, not saying a thing, a smug smile occupying his face.

"The bank. It was never supposed to be a robbery."


"What the h*ll do you want from me?"

"I'm not sure yet, Bubbles."

Bdubs clenched his fists, small sparks leaping from his hands to his clothes and back again. "What did you just call me?"

"Bubbles. Isn't that what your wide-eyed friend called you?"

"It is, but you don't have the right to know my name. Let alone my nicknames."

"So what would you prefer me to call you?"

"I would prefer if you didn't call me at all."

The Mangler's smile grew. "Is that so?

"Yes. Now go away."

The Mangler took a step forward. "And if I don't?"

"I'll make you."

The Mangler chuckled. "Sure you will. Then maybe I'll pay that friend of yours a visit instead."

The villain grunted as a burst of energy hit his chest. He fell against the rough brick wall of the apartment building and coughed. Bdubs grabbed the collar of his jacket and moved to hit him again, but the villain's face stopped him. He had never seen him look so scared. Seconds later, that face would change.

The air whipped around Bdubs as he was tossed from the balcony, with The Mangler's eye shining silver embedded in his mind. His fingers scraped against the metal barrier as he flailed for something to hold onto. It was no use. He was falling. How annoying.

Energy lit up under him as he summoned a shield between him and the ground. But he was tired. Still weak. The shield absorbed most of the impact, but it still hurt when Bdubs hit the ground. He hissed in pain as he rolled over onto his stomach. Ignoring the stares from all around him, Bdubs scrambled onto his feet and ran.

He had to find Keralis. What if The Mangler already had him. What would that villain do to his friend?



"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Bdubs scrambled to help the man up.


The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now