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"Cheers to the Vexling brothers and their new career!" Following these words, a wave of clinking glasses and subsequent drinking of the liquid in said glasses washed over the room. Bdubs sat quietly next to Keralis as toasts were given to the young CEOs. This one had been their father, a tall and gruff man known for building ConCorp from the ground up. He could silence a room with the wave of a hand and spark fire in one's soul with just a few words.

But however terrifying this man seemed, Bdubs found himself much more frightened of the two sitting at the center of the table. It had been quite a while since Bdubs had seen the twins, but in that time it seemed they gained a thousand years of wisdom. Cub sat on the left, wearing a snow white suit embellished with red and gold. His stern expression and posture exemplified perfectly who he was and why he would be so good as the head of a company. Smart, determined, and resolute, Cub knew the science, the statistics, and the logic behind it all.

The brother was almost the exact opposite. On the right sat a much shorter and much cuter Scar. (His own words, not Bdubs.) His deep red suit was decorated with white and gold, matching his brothers perfectly. Unlike Cub, he was smiling, calm and proud with a spark of bold fearlessness. Clever, persuasive, and more popular than his brother with the public. He was the one with ideas, with ambition, with that spark needed to drive a company forward.

Perfect leaders, and together they would take ConCorp to places it never had before. Perhaps this is why their father retired early, he knew the company would be in good hands. Or perhaps he just wanted to reap the rewards of his company without having to do any of the work. Perhaps a little of both. Either way, it didn't matter. He was stepping down and the Vexling twins were making their CEO debut to the world tonight.

"Give a hand to Cub and Scar Vexling, your new ConCorp masterminds!"

A loud rumble of applause careened throughout the room, echoing off the tall ceiling and polished floor. Bdubs joined in and clapped until his hands hurt. He was genuinely happy for Scar, and Cub too, but Scar especially. His contributions were not really accepted by his father at first, but his enthusiasm, ideas, and sheer ability convinced him eventually. But for the longest time, the younger twin was worried he would be left out of the company all together. After all, the oldest child was supposed to be the only heir.

But here he was, in front of all these people, having achieved his dream. Yes, Bdubs was ecstatic for his friend. Even if the only way he could show it was by clapping louder than everyone around him. It didn't matter if the fancy shmancy party poopers around him gave him irked looks. Tonight was about the Vexlings. No one else.

The applause died out slowly until the room was silent. Scar and Cub stood up, their movements being the focus of the entire crowd.

"Thank you all for the warm congratulations and supporting words." Cub called out.

"That being said, let's dance." Scar said.

On cue, music filled the room, graceful and flowing. It wasn't like the music earlier. That music was slow and soft. Expecting and impatient. This music was warm and full. Satisfied and confident. Some people moved to the center of the room, including Scar and Cub, and found a partner. They spinned and slid and twirled and did it all so perfectly. Every step was on beat and every move was practiced.

"Tch. Useless."


"I said it was useless. Dancing I mean." The voice was smooth and confident. An unusual accent, but not one Bdubs disliked.

"It's not useless."

"How so?"

"It teaches you rhythm and makes everything you do more graceful. And it's good for you."

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