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It felt comically easy to escape the city with the disguises. They were even stopped by a police officer on their way out. With Xanthus driving and Bdubs' outlandish disguise, they passed through with little fanfare. Even so, Bdubs couldn't help but worry. How were Keralis and Xisuma doing? After all, everyone who knew Bdubs knew they were friends. Along with Grian and Mumbo and Iskall and... Stress. Stress lived alone and her apartment was so close to Bdubs'. What if she was getting harassed? Would the police help her? Probably not. After all, the police were trying to catch Bdubs, not help him. 

They ended up at a large, tough looking door in the base of a mountain. It was just big enough for the (stolen) SUV to fit through it. Doc hopped out of the car and opened the door, so the car could pass through. Xanthus made quick work of parking the car in the underground garage, and everyone else piled out of the SUV.

"And how exactly are we getting home?" Hels asked, drawing out the "a" of and and the "o" of how.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Doc called over, not answering Hels' question at all. He led the group into a different part of the garage and pulled a cover off of a beautiful blue motorcycle. Doc pulled its keys out of his pocket, having grabbed them earlier when he first entered the garage. Hels' face was plastered with a huge smile while Xanthus let a warm smirkish grin take over his normally stoic expression.

"Now, Xan, I know where you live. Don't break her."

"Don't plan to, she's the second prettiest thing I've seen today." Xanthus quipped.

"Me too." Hels added.

"Aww, that's so cute." Doc deadpanned. "Now stop making googly eyes at each other and get out of my sight."

"Aww," Hels mocked, "I love you too."

Doc rolled his eyes and tossed Xanthus the keys. Xanthus hopped on the bike and Hels clambered on after, holding his boyfriend tight. They sped off out the garage while Doc watched with a small smile.

"Wait! Don't they need helmets?" Bdubs asked frantically.

"Nope. Hels can phase through practically anything and take someone with him. And his reaction time is insane."


"Yeah." Doc looked down at the little villain and sighed quietly. How could one hero be so perplexing? "Etho."

"Yeah boss?"

"Go get some food for us, would ya?"

"Sure. Whatcha want?"

"Can you cook?"

"Oh yeah."

"Get stuff for meals you can cook, k?"

"Okay!" The demon smiled and shook his hands with happiness. He scrambled for a second before disappearing where he stood. Doc looked back to Bdubs, who was no longer where he previously stood. The villain looked around frantically for a couple seconds before spotting the hero walking out of his underground base. When Doc caught up to him, Bdubs was throwing energy balls at a tree at the base of the mountain. He looked angry, and Doc couldn't blame him.

"Hey Bubbles?" The hero whipped around with an energy ball in hand, causing Doc to flinch. "How ya doing?"

"Don't call me that." He hissed.

"That's the Bdubs I know."

Bdubs' gaze softened slightly and the ball of energy in his hand dissipated. "What do you want?"

"To know if you're okay."

"Really? I highly doubt that."

"What happened? You were so nice earlier."

"I was in emotional distress, Doc."

Of course. There was no way he was actually interested in a villain like him. "I see. So after everything, you still want me to be your enemy?"


"Fine then." Doc twisted his hand and sent Bdubs into the air. Not far, and not fast. He was going easy on the hero, but it seemed he was counting on that. Bdubs easily landed on his feet and sent a tiny energy ball towards Doc, making him tilt his head in confusion.

"What is this little thing goi-" His words were cut off when the energy ball pulsed with white light, expanding quickly and blinding both Doc's real and mechanical eye. A much bigger energy pulse hit Doc, throwing him back onto the ground. He heard Bdubs throw another and half-crawled, half-jumped out of the way. Relying on his powers was no longer an option, and Bdubs was out for blood. He stood up quickly, keeping his eye closed as his sensors recovered. Another pulse, another dodge. This one closer than the last. He needed an idea, and fast.

His visual sensors were still overloaded, but his audio sensors were in peak condition. And all he needed was one good hit. Small sparks echoed across the clearing as Bdubs charged up again, his footsteps light and quick. Doc countered his steps, moving opposite of Bdubs. One good hit. That's it. Bdubs threw another orb, and Doc dodged. He would be charging again, but not for long. Doc opened his eye, and pushed out before Bdubs could react. The hero flew across the small clearing into the grass, and didn't get back up.

Doc took in a quick breath and closed the gap quickly. It could be a trick, but he doubted it. Bdubs was a hero, he played fair. And this? If it really was a trick? Not fair at all. A small groan escaped the hero as he pushed himself up onto his elbows.

"I deserved that, didn't I?"

Doc didn't know how to respond. So he didn't.

"You've been so kind. And I just wanna pick a fight." He looked up at Doc, who tilted his head inquisitively. Bdubs sighed. "You probably hate me by now."

"I don't. You're still grieving."

"I didn't lose anyone though."

"You lost the person you once were. I can get that."

Bdubs eyes drifted over to Doc's mechanical arm. He mouthed something like "need to know" before looking back up. His hands clenched the grass before he pushed himself up onto his feet.

"I'm sorry. It's just..." He slumped against the half-burned tree. "I don't know what to do anymore." His eyes bore far too much fear and pain for someone so good.

"I won't pretend to understand. But I'll be here if you..."

Bdubs chuckled. "What exactly are you offering?"


The hero smiled. "I'll accept that."

Doc turned his head slightly and smiled. A couple moments passed before Bdubs' hand was placed on Doc's chin. He turned the villain's face back towards him and smiled. "I'm not drunk on euphoria anymore." Doc's mouth opened to say something back, but Bdubs' lips were on his before he could speak. Sparks erupted in his stomach as he kissed the hero back softly. He pulled away after a couple moments, much to Bdubs disappointment.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know. Just... felt right, I guess."

Doc grinned. "What does this mean for us, Bubbles?" He teased.

Bdubs scowled and looked away. "Nothing. I still hate you."

"C'mon Bubbles, you can't do that to me." Doc pouted. "You might hurt my feelings."

"Good." Bdubs said with mock venom.

"Hey!" Doc pulled Bdubs' face so it was once again facing his own. His eyes drifted over the hero's face until he locked eyes with him. Warm, chocolate brown. He had never really seen the hero's eyes before. They were always burning bright white light when they fought.

"What?" Bdubs asked, the fight draining out of him.

"You're pretty."

"Shut up." The hero pushed Doc away and leaned back up against his burnt tree. He was blushing. 

1258 Words 

finally, am i right? 

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now