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Stress sat down on the scratchy couch, listening to the hiss of a kettle about ten feet away. Cleo had taken her to a safe house, a more than a little bit sketchy motel that took cash and didn't ask questions. But Cleo seemed confident that they would be safe there, and Stress trusted her judgement. The hiss stopped and two small clinks from cracked ceramic mugs echoed across the almost barren room. Cleo was making tea, chamomile to be precise, Stress' favorite.

More clinks from a small metal spoon stirring the steeping tea. Footsteps from Cleo. The mug was placed down in front of her on the coffee table, worn with scratches and carvings of names and short phrases. But Stress noticed none of this. She was too busy focusing on the burner phone Wels had given her. More specifically, the singular message sent to the phone from a number saved as "Hels". She knew that the police captain had told her to delete the number for a reason, but she was never one to not satisfy her curiosity.

"call me"

It was only two words. But two words too many.


"Yes?" Stress said as she shook the thoughts out of her head.

"I've been calling you for a couple minutes."

"Oh. Sorry."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just... overwhelmed."

"Anything I can do to help?"

Stress shook her head. Cleo gave her a look, but didn't press.

"In that case, I'm gonna go get us some food. Chinese or burgers?"

"Chinese. You remember what I like?"

"Yep. I'll be back soon Stressie."

Stress gave Cleo a soft smile.

"Drink your tea, it's getting cold." She threw a coat over her shoulders and left Stress alone in the motel room.

Stress turned her attention back to the message on the burner, noticing a new message popped up on the screen.

"d*mnit wels call me"

Now, only a few options remained. And Stress knew as soon as she saw the first message which one she would choose. The phone was dialing a couple moments later, and the call was accepted before the first ring was over.



The line went silent for a couple seconds. "You're not Wels."

"No, sorry."

The call ended and Stress started shaking. She started something and it just wasn't in her to simply let it go. She dialed again, this time the line ringing a couple times before it was picked up.

"You have ten seconds."

"My name is Stress. I'm- I'm a friend of Wels."

"Sure you are, lady. Wels doesn't have any friends."

"Okay, maybe friends is a stretch. But I know him."

"I'm listening."

"I'm looking for a friend."

"And what makes you think I'll know where they are? And if I did, why would I tell you?"

Stress paused. Of course. What made her think this total stranger would know anything. The person on the other side of the line picked up on her hesitation. He sighed. "Gimme a name. You know Wels enough to have him give you the only burner he has. I'll see what I can find. But don't expect anything to come from it."

The Villain and Hero (A Hermitcraft AU Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now