Chapter 4

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Chapter Four:

The Truth

The next day, Razaria found herself in a similar position where she was being asked to listen to people once more. This time instead of nameless, faceless guards it was by the man she'd met the day before - Dante. She glared at him from the spot on her bed in defiance. Though if she were being honest with herself he wasn't the worst. In the whole time that she'd been in this infernal place all the guards that she'd come across had been abusive men with ego problems. They all acted like they had metal rods holding up their spine or something. The current one still stood as straight as the others but he hadn't laid a finger on her to force her to comply nor was he wearing the same dehumanizing helmet that the other guards had worn. She figured that it was because of the fact that he wasn't just a guard - he was a Commander. Whatever that meant.

Making sure that he understood she was grudgingly doing as he asked, Razaria got up. Dante nodded slightly and led her out of the room. He closed it up, laser grid and all, as though it were second nature. Then it was on to the never ending trek to wherever it was they were going.

"Look, I know you don't want to follow the whole chain of command, it's just my job to make sure that you're receiving training. Part of that training is learning to listen to all of the information from the Orientation," Dante spoke to her as they got into an elevator. "You don't have to agree with it, but it will help you survive here. If you don't listen you won't last long."

"You mean they'll kill me?" Razaria asked pointedly.

Dante nodded. "It'll look like an accident on official records. Something that happened with your Gift. Or something went wrong and they needed to use force to subdue you. They get pretty creative sometimes. But you'll be dead so the reason won't matter to you."

Razaria clenched her hands in the material of the black baggy pants she had on. "How many people have they killed?"

"You're the 172nd recruit and there are only 80 Legacies on the base," he answered her the long way, waiting till her mind started on the math for that before giving her the answer. "They've covered up the death of 92 Legacies."

That thought was not comforting. Razaria tried to lock away her discomfort at the thought of being the ninety-third death. Of course, that was if she was being told the truth. It was a hard truth to swallow. Razaria pushed the fear and anxiety behind the confident walk and frown as they finally got to wherever it was that they were going. The door slid open to reveal a room that finally had some color to it. The white walls had dark wooden trims and the plants in the windowless room had leaves so big she could have eaten off of them. The sparse furniture in the room was made with rich brown leather. All in all, despite the pops of color, the aesthetic was still very minimalistic.

"Go ahead and have a seat," Dante said as he motioned towards one of the four plush armchairs in the room.

He wanted her to sit down? Razaria looked at the seats he'd motioned to and then back to him with a challenging look. Instead of sitting as she was instructed to, Razaria decided to stand right where he left her. Dante walked into the other room next to the one Razaria was left in and took a few moments. She could hear muffled voices of a conversation but couldn't make out any of the words. A few moments later Dante walked back into the room with a short woman with blond hair, probably in her mid forties.

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