Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine:

A Little Adventure

She saw Ivy watching Dante and herself closely knowing she was forming some sort of love story in her head. Ivy was a true romantic when it came down to it. For being seen as such an innocent person Razaria knew she knew more things than she let on. The romance books that Ivy read in a lot of her free time told Razaria as much. All the romance novels Razaria had seen in her stash had very descriptive intimate scenes in them. She remembered a novel series about Vampire hunters that she had read as a teen and thought about how Ivy might enjoy them. Which caused her to laugh even as Dante was being serious in trying to show her the next move set.

Dante tightened his grip on her hips as she laughed to herself, moving her into a better stance. "If you keep laughing you won't get your form right."

"Sorry, sorry I just had a funny picture in my head of Ivy reading a dirty book I used to own as a teenager. I think she would be obsessed with it. I know I was," Razaria said, bending over slightly as she laughed.

Dante shook his head and let go of her, realizing from an outside perspective her bent over with him right behind her was not a good position even if it was one he rather enjoyed. He kept having to remind himself that once they were out he could have her in any position he wanted. However when he went back to the topic Razaria was even laughing about all the images in his mind were shattered and replaced by Ivy reading raunchy books.

From the look on his face, Razaria could tell that the last thing Dante wanted to think about right now was Ivy reading lewd material. In fact the more he thought about it, the more disturbed his expression seemed to get. He couldn't stop himself from looking back at Ivy who was watching them with rapt attention. Then he shook his head violently and turned back to Razaria.

"No. Just. No."

"Too late for that," Razaria said in a sing-song voice. "I mean, come on. You've bought her some pretty dirty ones."

"No I haven't," Dante denied instantly.

"Do you ever read the back of the book? You know the summary?"

"No. I just find the ones with guys on the cover. They are usually on a beach or something or some vampire crap she likes that a lot too," Dante answered

Razaria laughed at him. She could just imagine Dante in a bookstore, looking through all of the romance novels trying to find covers with buff guys on them. How many times had people walked by him and thought he was homosexual? How many guys had tried to hit on him? She imagined if there had been a couple, that he probably was oblivious to their flirtation. The very thought of it sent her into a laughing fit so hard that she lost all sense of the position she was supposed to be in. As she crumbled in laughter, Dante let go of her and backed away with a weirded out look on his face.

"What's so funny?" Dante asked as he watched her holding her middle.

"You...guys," she tried to get out between laughs. "Flirting."

"I do not flirt with Ivy!" Dante said defensively.

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