Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:


"If you stop pissing off the guards, things get easier."

Razaria looked at the redhead. Mari was toweling off her face from the sweat that had collected there as she tried to cool down. Razaria on the other hand was trying not to fall down into the multiple tack strips below. She was suspended at least five feet with very pointy multitudes of pain waiting below. The only thing stopping her from becoming a human pin cushion was her ability to hold herself up on a bar. She'd been put on the bar when they'd strapped her hands to it, raising her up. Once she'd gotten up and they put the tack strips below her, they'd unstrapped her hands so that she had to hang by her own power to avoid falling onto the tacts. All because she had responded negatively when they demanded she do as many pull ups as she was capable of.

"Just move them for me," Razaria demanded in a snappish tone.

Mari made a face that let Razaria know exactly what was about to happen. The dangling woman groaned in frustration as she walked away. Razaria's arms burned as she held onto the pole. What they were doing was inhumane. They were torturing her. There was no way that this was being done legally no matter what Bernard had indicated. What did hanging from a bar or doing pulls have to do with controlling her Gift? Nothing! And yet there she was, trying not to slip so that she didn't become a human pincushion.

She was slipping.

Razaria frantically tried to readjust her grip but it felt like a losing cause. Fear pricked at her heart as she started to panic. It didn't help that the more she panicked, the warmer her hands got. She wasn't helpless; she didn't want to be treated like she was helpless. It was either beg for help or hold on to her pride. Her pride would end up with a lot of pain.

"Help!" Razaria finally called out. "Please!"

Her plea caused Mari and the others in the room, Candice and Ivy as well as the guards, to look at her. Mari and Ivy exchanged what was probably a meaningful glance but Razaria was a bit too preoccupied to notice. She was nearly whimpering and about to scream as her hands burned so badly. She could feel them slipping from around the bars and herself lowering inch by inch.

With the help of the three girls, Razaria was lowered to a safe part of the ground where she abruptly collapsed. Her arms burned and she tried to blow cold air onto her raw hands. She pressed them into the cooler ground below her when that didn't work as she looked at the bar with clear hatred. Her gaze moved from the bar to the guards who had put her up there. If it wasn't for the fact that they looked like they were wearing some sort of black body armor, she would have been very tempted to go over and hit them. She'd already tried to demand that they tell her why she was being tortured but she'd gotten no response from the drone like individuals.

"You poor dear," the blonde, Candice, said as she looked down to see Razaria's suffering.

"Why are they doing this to me?" Razaria asked as she looked between the three girls.

A part of her knew why they were doing it to her. Her family had burned in the fire that she had started when she'd been visiting them. That was how The Organization had found her; that was why they had been able to take her. Everything that was happening to her now was because she'd lost control of her Gift. She forced down those thoughts to focus on what was important. There was no way this was legal. She was being held against her will by a group of people. There'd been no trial, no notice, nothing to suggest why her rights as a Yansidian citizen had been completely ignored.

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